path: root/rt/lib
diff options
authorMark Wells <>2013-07-10 12:58:26 -0700
committerMark Wells <>2013-07-10 12:58:26 -0700
commit14e965c64e2c7d26b6c02987dd1a07a628e6dc0a (patch)
tree39b1a29221c28d1aed78634dc2fd2c8e2e753ac4 /rt/lib
parent74a0b887720453ab52ac784ddf1f1d4ecd5abcc1 (diff)
ExtractCustomFieldValues extension for RT, #9728
Diffstat (limited to 'rt/lib')
3 files changed, 380 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rt/lib/RT/Action/ b/rt/lib/RT/Action/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..15aa469f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/lib/RT/Action/
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+package RT::Action::ExtractCustomFieldValues;
+require RT::Action;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(RT::Action);
+our $VERSION = 2.99_01;
+sub Describe {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return ( ref $self );
+sub Prepare {
+ return (1);
+sub FirstAttachment {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->TransactionObj->Attachments->First;
+sub Queue {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->TicketObj->QueueObj->Id;
+sub TemplateContent {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->TemplateObj->Content;
+sub TemplateConfig {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my ($content, $error) = $self->TemplateContent;
+ if (!defined($content)) {
+ return (undef, $error);
+ }
+ my $Separator = '\|';
+ my @lines = split( /[\n\r]+/, $content);
+ my @results;
+ for (@lines) {
+ chomp;
+ next if /^#/;
+ next if /^\s*$/;
+ if (/^Separator=(.+)$/) {
+ $Separator = $1;
+ next;
+ }
+ my %line;
+ @line{qw/CFName Field Match PostEdit Options/}
+ = split(/$Separator/);
+ $_ = '' for grep !defined, values %line;
+ push @results, \%line;
+ }
+ return \@results;
+sub Commit {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return 1 unless $self->FirstAttachment;
+ my ($config_lines, $error) = $self->TemplateConfig;
+ return 0 if $error;
+ for my $config (@$config_lines) {
+ my %config = %{$config};
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "Looking to extract: "
+ . join( " ", map {"$_=$config{$_}"} sort keys %config ) );
+ if ( $config{Options} =~ /\*/ ) {
+ $self->FindContent(
+ %config,
+ Callback => sub {
+ my $content = shift;
+ my $found = 0;
+ while ( $content =~ /$config{Match}/mg ) {
+ my ( $cf, $value ) = ( $1, $2 );
+ $cf = $self->LoadCF( Name => $cf, Quiet => 1 );
+ next unless $cf;
+ $found++;
+ $self->ProcessCF(
+ %config,
+ CustomField => $cf,
+ Value => $value
+ );
+ }
+ return $found;
+ },
+ );
+ } else {
+ my $cf;
+ $cf = $self->LoadCF( Name => $config{CFName} )
+ if $config{CFName};
+ $self->FindContent(
+ %config,
+ Callback => sub {
+ my $content = shift;
+ return 0 unless $content =~ /($config{Match})/m;
+ $self->ProcessCF(
+ %config,
+ CustomField => $cf,
+ Value => $2 || $1,
+ );
+ return 1;
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ return (1);
+sub LoadCF {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $CustomFieldName = $args{Name};
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "Looking for CF $CustomFieldName");
+ # We do this by hand instead of using LoadByNameAndQueue because
+ # that can find disabled queues
+ my $cfs = RT::CustomFields->new($RT::SystemUser);
+ $cfs->LimitToGlobalOrQueue($self->Queue);
+ $cfs->Limit(
+ FIELD => 'Name',
+ VALUE => $CustomFieldName,
+ );
+ $cfs->RowsPerPage(1);
+ my $cf = $cfs->First;
+ if ( $cf && $cf->id ) {
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "Found CF id " . $cf->id );
+ } elsif ( not $args{Quiet} ) {
+ $RT::Logger->error( "Couldn't load CF $CustomFieldName!");
+ }
+ return $cf;
+sub FindContent {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ if ( lc $args{Field} eq "body" ) {
+ my $Attachments = $self->TransactionObj->Attachments;
+ my $LastContent = '';
+ my $AttachmentCount = 0;
+ my @list = @{ $Attachments->ItemsArrayRef };
+ while ( my $Message = shift @list ) {
+ $AttachmentCount++;
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "Looking at attachment $AttachmentCount, content-type "
+ . $Message->ContentType );
+ my $ct = $Message->ContentType;
+ unless ( $ct =~ m!^(text/plain|message|text$)!i ) {
+ # don't skip one attachment that is text/*
+ next if @list > 1 || $ct !~ m!^text/!;
+ }
+ my $content = $Message->Content;
+ next unless $content;
+ next if $LastContent eq $content;
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "Examining content of body" );
+ $LastContent = $content;
+ $args{Callback}->( $content );
+ }
+ } elsif ( lc $args{Field} eq 'headers' ) {
+ my $attachment = $self->FirstAttachment;
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "Looking at the headers of the first attachment" );
+ my $content = $attachment->Headers;
+ return unless $content;
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "Examining content of headers" );
+ $args{Callback}->( $content );
+ } else {
+ my $attachment = $self->FirstAttachment;
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "Looking at $args{Field} header of first attachment" );
+ my $content = $attachment->GetHeader( $args{Field} );
+ return unless defined $content;
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "Examining content of header" );
+ $args{Callback}->( $content );
+ }
+sub ProcessCF {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ return $self->PostEdit(%args)
+ unless $args{CustomField};
+ my @values = ();
+ if ( $args{CustomField}->SingleValue() ) {
+ push @values, $args{Value};
+ } else {
+ @values = split( ',', $args{Value} );
+ }
+ foreach my $value ( grep defined && length, @values ) {
+ $value = $self->PostEdit(%args, Value => $value );
+ next unless defined $value && length $value;
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "Found value for CF: $value");
+ my ( $id, $msg ) = $self->TicketObj->AddCustomFieldValue(
+ Field => $args{CustomField},
+ Value => $value,
+ RecordTransaction => $args{Options} =~ /q/ ? 0 : 1
+ );
+ $RT::Logger->info( "CustomFieldValue ("
+ . $args{CustomField}->Name
+ . ",$value) added: $id $msg" );
+ }
+sub PostEdit {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ return $args{Value} unless $args{Value} && $args{PostEdit};
+ $RT::Logger->debug( "Running PostEdit for '$args{Value}'");
+ my $value = $args{Value};
+ local $_ = $value; # backwards compatibility
+ local $@;
+ eval( $args{PostEdit} );
+ $RT::Logger->error("$@") if $@;
+ return $value;
diff --git a/rt/lib/RT/Action/ b/rt/lib/RT/Action/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e05966be2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/lib/RT/Action/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+package RT::Action::ExtractCustomFieldValuesWithCodeInTemplate;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(RT::Action::ExtractCustomFieldValues);
+sub TemplateContent {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $is_broken = 0;
+ my $content = $self->TemplateObj->Content;
+ my $template = Text::Template->new(TYPE => 'STRING', SOURCE => $content);
+ my $new_content = $template->fill_in(
+ BROKEN => sub {
+ my (%args) = @_;
+ $RT::Logger->error("Template parsing error: $args{error}")
+ unless $args{error} =~ /^Died at /; # ignore intentional die()
+ $is_broken++;
+ return undef;
+ },
+ );
+ return (undef, $self->loc('Template parsing error')) if $is_broken;
+ return $new_content;
diff --git a/rt/lib/RT/Extension/ b/rt/lib/RT/Extension/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6731cf479
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/lib/RT/Extension/
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+package RT::Extension::ExtractCustomFieldValues;
+=head1 NAME
+RT::Extension::ExtractCustomFieldValues - extract CF values from email headers or body
+our $VERSION = '3.07';
+ExtractCustomFieldValues is based on a scrip action
+"ExtractCustomFieldValues", which can be used to scan incoming emails
+to set values of custom fields.
+ perl Makefile.PL
+ make
+ make install
+ make initdb # first time only, not on upgrades
+When using this extension with RT 3.8, you will need to add
+extension to the Plugins configuration:
+ Set( @Plugins, qw(... RT::Extension::ExtractCustomFieldValues) );
+If you are upgrading this extension from 3.05 or earlier, you will
+need to read the UPGRADING file after running make install to add
+the new Scrip Action.
+=head1 USAGE
+To use the ScripAction, create a Template and a Scrip in RT.
+Your new Scrip should use a ScripAction of 'Extract Custom Field Values'.
+The Template consists of the lines which control the scanner. All
+non-comment lines are of the following format:
+ <cf-name>|<Headername>|<MatchString>|<Postcmd>|<Options>
+=over 4
+=item <cf-name> - the name of a custom field (must be created in RT) If this
+field is blank, the match will be run and Postcmd will be executed, but no
+custom field will be updated. Use this if you need to execute other RT code
+based on your match.
+=item <Headername> - either a Name of an email header, "body" to scan the body
+of the email or "headers" to search all of the headers.
+=item <MatchString> - a regular expression to find a match in the header or
+body if the MatchString matches a comma separated list and the CF is a multi
+value CF then each item in the list is added as a separate value.
+=item <Postcmd> - a perl code to be evaluated on C<$value>, where C<$value> is
+either $1 or full match text from the match performed with <MatchString>
+=item <Options> - a string of letters which may control some aspects. Possible
+options include:
+=over 4
+=item 'q' - (quiet) Don't record a transaction when adding the custom field value
+=item '*' - (wildcard) The MatchString regex should contain _two_ capturing
+groups, the first of which is the CF name, the second of which is the value.
+If this option is given, the <cf-name> field is ignored.
+=head2 Separator
+You can change the separator string (initially "\|") during the
+template with:
+ Separator=<anyregexp>
+Changing the separator may be necessary, if you want to use a "|" in
+one of the patterns in the controlling lines.
+=head2 Example and further reading
+An example template with some further examples is installed during
+"make install" or "make insert-template". See the
+CustomFieldScannerExample template for examples and further
+=head1 AUTHOR
+This extension was originally written by Dirk Pape
+This version is modified by Best Practical for customer use
+and maintained by Best Practical Solutions.
+=head1 BUGS
+Report bugs using L<> service, discuss on RT's
+mailing lists, see also L</SUPPORT>
+=head1 SUPPORT
+Support requests should be referred to Best Practical