path: root/rt/docs/initialdata.pod
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authorIvan Kohler <>2014-09-15 20:44:48 -0700
committerIvan Kohler <>2014-09-15 20:44:48 -0700
commited1f84b4e8f626245995ecda5afcf83092c153b2 (patch)
tree3f58bbef5fbf2502e65d29b37b5dbe537519e89d /rt/docs/initialdata.pod
parentfe9ea9183e8a16616d6d04a7b5c7498d28e78248 (diff)
RT 4.0.22
Diffstat (limited to 'rt/docs/initialdata.pod')
1 files changed, 486 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/rt/docs/initialdata.pod b/rt/docs/initialdata.pod
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6445fb0cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rt/docs/initialdata.pod
@@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
+=head1 Summary of initialdata files
+It's often useful to be able to test configuration/database changes and then
+apply the same changes in production without manually clicking around. It's
+also helpful if you're developing customizations or extensions to be able to
+get a fresh database back to the state you want for testing/development.
+This documentation applies to careful and thorough sysadmins as well as
+extension authors who need to make database changes easily and repeatably for
+new installs or upgrades.
+=head1 Examples
+RT ships with many initialdata files, only one of which is used to
+configure a fresh install; the rest are used for upgrades, but function
+the same despite being named differently.
+ etc/initialdata
+ etc/upgrade/*/content
+The upgrade "content" files are meant to be incremental changes applied on top
+of one another while the top level initialdata file is for fresh RT installs.
+Extensions may also ship with database changes in such files. You may find
+some in your install with:
+ find local/plugins -name initialdata -or -name content
+=head1 What can be in an initialdata file?
+initialdata files are Perl, but often consist primarily of a bunch of data
+structures defining the new records you want and not much extra code. There's
+nothing stopping you from writing a bunch of code, however!
+The basic template of a new initialdata file should look something like this:
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ our @Queues = (
+ # some definitions here
+ );
+ our @Groups = (
+ # some other definitions here
+ );
+ 1;
+The C<@Queues> and C<@Groups> arrays are expected by RT and should contain
+hashref definitions. There are many other arrays RT will look for and act on,
+described below. None are required, all may be used. Keep in mind that since
+they're just normal Perl arrays, you can C<push> onto them from a loop or
+C<grep> out definitions based on conditionals or generate their content with
+C<map>, etc.
+The complete list of possible arrays which can be used, along with
+descriptions of the values to place in them, is below.
+=head2 C<@Users>
+ push @Users, {
+ Name => 'john.doe',
+ Password => 'changethis',
+ Language => 'fr',
+ Timezone => 'America/Vancouver',
+ Privileged => 1,
+ Disabled => 0,
+ };
+Each hashref in C<@Users> is treated as a new user to create and passed
+straight into C<< RT::User->Create >>. All of the normal user fields are
+available, as well as C<Privileged> and C<Disabled> (both booleans) which will
+do the appropriate internal group/flag handling.
+For a full list of fields, read the documentation for L<RT::User/Create>.
+=head2 C<@Groups>
+ push @Groups, {
+ Domain => 'UserDefined',
+ Name => 'Example Employees',
+ Description => 'All of the employees of my company',
+ };
+Creates a new L<RT::Group> for each hashref. In almost all cases you'll want
+to follow the example above to create a group just as if you had done it from
+the admin interface. B<Do not> omit the C<< Domain => 'UserDefined' >> line.
+Additionally, the C<MemberOf> field is specially handled to make it easier to
+add the new group to other groups. C<MemberOf> may be a single value or an
+array ref. Each value should be a user-defined group name or hashref to pass
+into L<< RT::Group->LoadByCols >>. Each group found will have the new group
+added as a member.
+Unfortunately you can't specify the I<members> of a group at this time. As a
+workaround, you can push a subref into C<@Final> which adds members to your new
+groups. An example, using a convenience function to avoid repeating yourself:
+ push @Final, sub {
+ add_members('My New Group Name' => qw(trs alex ruslan));
+ add_members('My Second Group' => qw(jesse kevin sunnavy jim));
+ };
+ sub add_members {
+ my $group_name = shift;
+ my @members = @_;
+ my $group = RT::Group->new( RT->SystemUser );
+ $group->LoadUserDefinedGroup($group_name);
+ if ($group->id) {
+ for my $name (@members) {
+ my $member = RT::User->new( RT->SystemUser );
+ $member->LoadByCols( Name => $name );
+ unless ($member->Id) {
+ RT->Logger->error("Unable to find user '$name'");
+ next;
+ }
+ my ($ok, $msg) = $group->AddMember( $member->PrincipalObj->Id );
+ if ($ok) {
+ RT->Logger->info("Added member $name to $group_name");
+ } else {
+ RT->Logger->error("Unable to AddMember $name to $group_name: $msg");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ RT->Logger->error("Unable to find group '$group_name'!");
+ }
+ }
+=head2 C<@Queues>
+ push @Queues, {
+ Name => 'Helpdesk',
+ CorrespondAddress => '',
+ CommentAddress => '',
+ };
+Creates a new L<RT::Queue> for each hashref. Refer to the documentation of
+L<RT::Queue/Create> for the fields you can use.
+=head2 C<@CustomFields>
+ push @CustomFields, {
+ Queue => 0,
+ Name => 'Favorite color',
+ Type => 'FreeformSingle',
+ LookupType => 'RT::Queue-RT::Ticket',
+ };
+Creates a new L<RT::CustomField> for each hashref. It is the most complex of
+the initialdata structures. The most commonly used fields are:
+=over 4
+=item C<Name>
+The name of this CF as displayed in RT.
+=item C<Description>
+A short summary of what this CF is for.
+=item C<Queue>
+May be a Name or ID. The single queue or array ref of queues to apply this CF
+to. This does not apply when C<LookupType> does not start with C<RT::Queue>.
+=item C<Type>
+One of the following on the left hand side:
+ SelectSingle # Select one value
+ SelectMultiple # Select multiple values
+ FreeformSingle # Enter one value
+ FreeformMultiple # Enter multiple values
+ Text # Fill in one text area
+ Wikitext # Fill in one wikitext area
+ BinarySingle # Upload one file
+ BinaryMultiple # Upload multiple files
+ ImageSingle # Upload one image
+ ImageMultiple # Upload multiple images
+ Combobox # Combobox: Select or enter one value
+ AutocompleteSingle # Enter one value with autocompletion
+ AutocompleteMultiple # Enter multiple values with autocompletion
+ Date # Select date
+ DateTime # Select datetime
+ IPAddressSingle # Enter one IP address
+ IPAddressMultiple # Enter multiple IP addresses
+ IPAddressRangeSingle # Enter one IP address range
+ IPAddressRangeMultiple # Enter multiple IP address ranges
+If you don't specify "Single" or "Multiple" in the type, you must specify
+=item C<LookupType>
+Labeled in the CF admin page as "Applies to". This determines whether your CF
+is for Tickets, Transactions, Users, Groups, or Queues. Possible values:
+ RT::Queue-RT::Ticket # Tickets
+ RT::Queue-RT::Ticket-RT::Transaction # Transactions
+ RT::User # Users
+ RT::Group # Groups
+ RT::Queue # Queues
+Ticket CFs are the most common, meaning C<RT::Queue-RT::Ticket> is the most
+common C<LookupType>.
+=item C<RenderType>
+Only valid when C<Type> is "Select". Controls how the CF is displayed when
+editing it. Valid values are: C<Select box>, C<List>, and C<Dropdown>.
+C<List> is either a list of radio buttons or a list of checkboxes depending on
+=item C<MaxValues>
+Determines whether this CF is a Single or Multiple type. 0 means multiple. 1
+means single.
+Make sure to set the C<MaxValues> field appropriately, otherwise you can end up
+with unsupported CF types like a "Select multiple dates" (it doesn't Just
+You can also use old-style C<Type>s which end with "Single" or "Multiple", for
+example: SelectSingle, SelectMultiple, FreeformSingle, etc.
+=item C<Values>
+C<Values> should be an array ref (never a single value!) of hashrefs
+representing new L<RT::CustomFieldValue> objects to create for the new custom
+field. This only makes sense for "Select" CFs. An example:
+ my $i = 1;
+ push @CustomFields, {
+ Queue => 0, # Globally applied
+ LookupType => 'RT::Queue-RT::Ticket', # for Tickets
+ Name => 'Type of food',
+ Type => 'SelectSingle', # SelectSingle is the same as: Type => 'Select', MaxValues => 1
+ RenderType => 'Dropdown',
+ Values => [
+ { Name => 'Fruit', Description => 'Berries, peaches, tomatos, etc', SortOrder => $i++ },
+ { Name => 'Vegetable', Description => 'Asparagus, peas, lettuce, etc', SortOrder => $i++ },
+ # more values as such...
+ ],
+ };
+In order to ensure the same sorting of C<Values>, set C<SortOrder> inside each
+value. A clever way to do this easily is with a simple variable you increment
+each time (as above with C<$i>). You can use the same variable throughout the
+whole file, and don't need one per CF.
+=item C<BasedOn>
+Name or ID of another Select Custom Field. This makes the named CF the source
+of categories for your values.
+=item C<Pattern>
+The regular expression text (not C<qr//>!) used to validate values.
+Refer to the documentation and implementation of L<RT::CustomField/Create> and
+L<RT::CustomFieldValue/Create> for the full list of available fields and
+allowed values.
+=head2 C<@ACL>
+C<@ACL> is very useful for granting rights on your newly created records or
+setting up a standard system configuration. It is one of the most complex
+initialdata structures.
+=head3 Pick a Right
+All ACL definitions expect a key named C<Right> with the internal right name
+you want to grant. The internal right names are visible in RT's admin
+interface in grey next to the longer descriptions.
+=head3 Pick a level: on a queue, on a CF, or globally
+After picking a C<Right>, you need to specify on what object the right is
+granted. This is B<different> than the user/group/role receiving the right.
+=over 4
+=item Granted on a custom field by name (or ID), potentially a global or queue
+ CF => 'Name',
+=item Granted on a queue
+ Queue => 'Name',
+=item Granted on a custom field applied to a specific queue
+ CF => 'Name',
+ Queue => 'Name',
+=item Granted globally
+Specifying none of the above will get you a global right.
+There is currently no way to grant rights on a group or article class level.
+Note that you can grant rights B<to> a group; see below. If you need to grants
+rights on a group or article class level, you'll need to write an C<@Final>
+subref to handle it using the RT Perl API.
+=head3 Pick a Principal: User or Group or Role
+Finally you need to specify to what system group, system/queue role,
+user defined group, or user you want to grant the right B<to>.
+=over 4
+=item An internal user group
+ GroupDomain => 'SystemInternal',
+ GroupType => 'Everyone, Privileged, or Unprivileged'
+=item A system-level role
+ GroupDomain => 'RT::System-Role',
+ GroupType => 'Requestor, Owner, AdminCc, or Cc'
+=item A queue-level role
+ GroupDomain => 'RT::Queue-Role',
+ Queue => 'Name',
+ GroupType => 'Requestor, Owner, AdminCc, or Cc',
+=item A group you created
+ GroupDomain => 'UserDefined',
+ GroupId => 'Name'
+=item Individual user
+ UserId => 'Name or email or ID'
+=head3 Common cases
+You're probably looking for definitions like these most of the time.
+=over 4
+=item Grant a global right to a group you created
+ { Right => '...',
+ GroupDomain => 'UserDefined',
+ GroupId => 'Name' }
+=item Grant a queue-level right to a group you created
+ { Queue => 'Name',
+ Right => '...',
+ GroupDomain => 'UserDefined',
+ GroupId => 'Name' }
+=item Grant a CF-level right to a group you created
+ { CF => 'Name',
+ Right => '...',
+ GroupDomain => 'UserDefined',
+ GroupId => 'Name' }
+Since you often want to grant a list of rights on the same object/level to the
+same role/group/user, we generally use Perl loops and operators to aid in the
+generation of C<@ACL> without repeating ourselves.
+ # Give Requestors globally the right to see tickets, reply, and see the
+ # queue their ticket is in
+ push @ACL, map {
+ {
+ Right => $_,
+ GroupDomain => 'RT::System-Role',
+ GroupType => 'Requestor',
+ }
+ } qw(ShowTicket ReplyToTicket SeeQueue);
+=head3 Troubleshooting
+The best troubleshooting is often to see how the rights you define in C<@ACL>
+show up in the RT admin interface.
+=head2 C<@Scrips>
+Creates a new L<RT::Scrip> for each hashref. Refer to the documentation of
+L<RT::Scrip/Create> for the fields you can use.
+Additionally, the C<Queue> field is specially handled to make it easier to
+setup the same Scrip on multiple queues:
+=over 4
+=item Globally
+ Queue => 0,
+=item Single queue
+ Queue => 'General', # Name or ID
+=item Multiple queues
+ Queue => ['General', 'Helpdesk', 13], # Array ref of Name or ID
+=head2 C<@ScripActions>
+Creates a new L<RT::ScripAction> for each hashref. Refer to the documentation
+of L<RT::ScripAction/Create> for the fields you can use.
+=head2 C<@ScripConditions>
+Creates a new L<RT::ScripCondition> for each hashref. Refer to the
+documentation of L<RT::ScripCondition/Create> for the fields you can use.
+=head2 C<@Templates>
+Creates a new L<RT::Template> for each hashref. Refer to the documentation of
+L<RT::Template/Create> for the fields you can use.
+=head2 C<@Attributes>
+An array of L<RT::Attribute>s to create. You likely don't need to mess with
+this. If you do, know that the key C<Object> is expected to be an
+L<RT::Record> object on which to call C<AddAttribute>. If you don't provide
+C<Object> or it's undefined, C<< RT->System >> will be used.
+=head2 C<@Initial>
+=head2 C<@Final>
+C<@Initial> and C<@Final> are special and let you write your own processing
+code that runs before anything else or after everything else. They are
+expected to be arrays of subrefs (usually anonymous) like so:
+ our @Final = (sub {
+ RT->Logger->info("Finishing up!");
+ });
+You have the full power of RT's Perl libraries at your disposal. Be sure to do
+error checking and log any errors with C<< RT->Logger->error("...") >>!
+=head1 What's missing?
+There is currently no way, short of writing code in C<@Final> or C<@Initial>,
+to easily create B<Classes>, B<Topics>, or B<Articles> from initialdata files.
+=head1 Running an initialdata file
+ sbin/rt-setup-database --action insert --datafile /path/to/your/initialdata
+This may prompt you for a database password.
+=head1 Implementation details
+All the handling of initialdata files is done in C<< RT::Handle->InsertData >>.
+If you want to know B<exactly> what's happening with each array, your best bet
+is to start reading the code there.
+RT takes care of the ordering so that your new queues are created before it
+processes the new ACLs for those queues. This lets you refer to new queues you
+just created by Name.