path: root/bin
diff options
authorIvan Kohler <>2012-08-22 22:28:47 -0700
committerIvan Kohler <>2012-08-22 22:28:47 -0700
commita9303743bcdfb2e440d8e80b76c3683e6089f8ea (patch)
treeec6f637fcce0e7eb04e030d77fde050651e08d84 /bin
parent5691616696e80f44b4ed29605a71a806801e5075 (diff)
vnes rate reimport, RT#18867
Diffstat (limited to 'bin')
1 files changed, 172 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/v-rate-reimport b/bin/v-rate-reimport
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8b5305895
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/v-rate-reimport
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+use strict;
+use DBI;
+use FS::UID qw(adminsuidsetup);
+use FS::rate_prefix;
+use FS::rate_region;
+use FS::rate_detail;
+use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs dbh);
+# #delete from rate;
+# Create interstate and intrastate rate plans
+# #delete from rate_detail;
+# #delete from rate_region;
+# #delete from rate_prefix;
+# Assumption: 1-to-1 relationship between rate_region and rate_prefix, with
+# two rate_detail per rate_region: one for interstate; one for intrastate
+# run the script, setting the appropriate values below.
+####### SET THESE! ####################
+my $DRY_RUN = 0;
+my $intra_ratenum = 5;
+my $inter_ratenum = 6;
+my $intra_class = 1;
+my $inter_class = 2;
+#my $file = "/home/levinse/domestic_interstate.xls";
+#my $file = "/home/ivan/vnes/New VNES Rate Table.xlsx";
+my $file = "/home/ivan/New VNES Rate Table.csv";
+#my $sheet_name = 'Sheet1';
+my $user = shift or die "no user specified";
+adminsuidsetup $user;
+local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE';
+local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';
+local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE';
+local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE';
+local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE';
+local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
+my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
+local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
+my $dbhfs = dbh;
+#my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:Excel:file=$file")
+# or die "can't connect: $DBI::errstr";
+#my $sth = $dbh->prepare("select * from $sheet_name")
+# or die "can't prepare: ". $dbh->errstr;
+# or die "can't execute: ". $sth->errstr;
+use Text::CSV_XS;
+my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new or die Text::CSV->error_diag;
+open(my $fh, "<$file") or die $!;
+my $header = scalar(<$fh>); #NPA, NXX, LATA, State, Intrastate, Interstate
+my @rp_cache = qsearch('rate_prefix', {} );# or die "can't cache rate_prefix";
+my %rp_cache = map { $_->npa => $_ } @rp_cache;
+sub fatal {
+ my $msg = shift;
+ $dbhfs->rollback; # if $oldAutoCommit;
+ die $msg;
+while ( my $row = $csv->getline($fh) ) {
+ #my $lata = $row->{'lata'};
+ #my $ocn = $row->{'ocn'};
+ #my $state = $row->{'state'};
+ #my $rate = $row->{'rate'};
+ #my $npanxx = $row->{'lrn'};
+ #NPA, NXX, LATA, State, Intrastate, Interstate
+ my $npa = $row->[0];
+ my $nxx = $row->[1];
+ my $lata = $row->[2];
+ my $state = $row->[3];
+ ( my $intra_rate = $row->[4] ) =~ s/^\s*\$//;
+ ( my $inter_rate = $row->[5] ) =~ s/^\s*\$//;
+ #in the new data, instead of being "$-", these are all identical to the
+ #rate from the immediatelly preceeding cell/NPANXX... probably an artifact
+ #rather than real rates then? so also skipping this import
+ #import
+ next if $lata == '99999';
+ my $error = '';
+ my $rp;
+ if ( $rp_cache{$npa.$nxx} ) {
+ $rp = $rp_cache{$npa.$nxx};
+ }
+ else {
+ #warn "inserting new rate_region / rate_prefix for $npa-$nxx\n";
+ die "new rate_region / rate_prefix $npa-$nxx\n";
+ my $rr = new FS::rate_region { 'regionname' => $state };
+ $error = $rr->insert;
+ fatal("can't insert rr") if $error;
+ $rp = new FS::rate_prefix { 'countrycode' => '1',
+ 'npa' => $npa.$nxx, #$npanxx
+ #'ocn' => $ocn,
+ 'state' => $state,
+ 'latanum' => $lata,
+ 'regionnum' => $rr->regionnum,
+ };
+ $error = $rp->insert;
+ fatal("can't insert rp") if $error;
+ $rp_cache{$npa.$nxx} = $rp;
+ }
+ #use Data::Dumper;
+ #warn Dumper($rp);
+ my %hash = ( 'dest_regionnum' => $rp->regionnum, );
+ my %intra_hash = ( 'ratenum' => $intra_ratenum,
+ 'intra_class' => $intra_class,
+ %hash,
+ );
+ my $intra_rd = qsearchs( 'rate_detail', \%intra_hash )
+ || die; #new FS::rate_detail \%intra_hash;
+ $intra_rd->min_included( 0 );
+ $intra_rd->sec_granularity( 6 ); #60
+ die if $intra_rd->min_charge > 0;
+ $intra_rd->min_charge( $intra_rate );
+ #$error = $intra_rd->ratedetailnum ? $intra_rd->replace : $intra_rd->insert;
+ $error = $intra_rd->replace;
+ fatal("can't insert/replace (intra) rd: $error") if $error;
+ my %inter_hash = ( 'ratenum' => $inter_ratenum,
+ 'inter_class' => $inter_class,
+ %hash,
+ );
+ my $inter_rd = qsearchs( 'rate_detail', \%inter_hash )
+ || die; #new FS::rate_detail \%inter_hash;
+ $inter_rd->min_included( 0 );
+ $inter_rd->sec_granularity( 6 ); #60
+ die if $inter_rd->min_charge > 0;
+ $inter_rd->min_charge( $inter_rate );
+ #$error = $inter_rd->ratedetailnum ? $inter_rd->replace : $inter_rd->insert;
+ $error = $inter_rd->replace;
+ fatal("can't insert/replace (inter) rd: $error") if $error;
+$csv->eof or $csv->error_diag ();
+close $fh;
+if ( $DRY_RUN ) {
+ $dbhfs->rollback or die $dbhfs->errstr; # if $oldAutoCommit;
+} else {
+ $dbhfs->commit or die $dbhfs->errstr; # if $oldAutoCommit;