path: root/FS/FS
diff options
authorIvan Kohler <>2020-05-27 13:39:47 -0700
committerIvan Kohler <>2020-05-27 13:39:47 -0700
commitfc263806f5e475559a0c4cfdb70a5f1cefe0ffa3 (patch)
treec0887bc08d9836175fd4a915d3b20bb7ce458bb6 /FS/FS
parentae09d41481da0937765821af91537b8e728169e4 (diff)
deposit slips
Diffstat (limited to 'FS/FS')
3 files changed, 405 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/FS/FS/ b/FS/FS/
index 3ac22ca..cbccffb 100644
--- a/FS/FS/
+++ b/FS/FS/
@@ -6065,6 +6065,34 @@ and customer address. Include units.',
'type' => 'checkbox',
+ {
+ 'key' => 'deposit_slip-bank_name',
+ 'section' => 'payments', #XXX payment_deposit_slips
+ 'description' => 'Bank name to print on check deposit slips',
+ 'type' => 'text',
+ },
+ {
+ 'key' => 'deposit_slip-bank_address',
+ 'section' => 'payments', #XXX payment_deposit_slips
+ 'description' => 'Bank address to print on check deposit slips',
+ 'type' => 'textarea',
+ },
+ {
+ 'key' => 'deposit_slip-bank_routingnumber',
+ 'section' => 'payments', #XXX payment_deposit_slips
+ 'description' => '9 digit bank routing number to print on check deposit slips',
+ 'type' => 'text',
+ },
+ {
+ 'key' => 'deposit_slip-bank_accountnumber',
+ 'section' => 'payments', #XXX payment_deposit_slips
+ 'description' => 'Bank account number to print on check deposit slips',
+ 'type' => 'text',
+ },
# for internal use only; test databases should declare this option and
# everyone else should pretend it doesn't exist
diff --git a/FS/FS/ b/FS/FS/
index 5b8242b..8dd72ac 100644
--- a/FS/FS/
+++ b/FS/FS/
@@ -387,7 +387,6 @@ if ( -e $addl_handler_use_file ) {
use FS::export_batch_item;
use FS::part_pkg_fcc_option;
use FS::state;
- use FS::state;
use FS::queue_stat;
use FS::deploy_zone;
use FS::deploy_zone_block;
@@ -424,6 +423,7 @@ if ( -e $addl_handler_use_file ) {
use FS::saved_search;
use FS::sector_coverage;
use FS::svc_group;
+ use FS::Misc::DepositSlip qw( deposit_slip_pdf );
# Sammath Naur
if ( $FS::Mason::addl_handler_use ) {
diff --git a/FS/FS/Misc/ b/FS/FS/Misc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b687691
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FS/FS/Misc/
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+package FS::Misc::DepositSlip;
+use base 'Exporter';
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use vars qw( @EXPORT_OK );
+#use Date::Format;
+use IPC::Run qw( run timeout ); # for _xelatex
+use Text::Template;
+@EXPORT_OK = qw( deposit_slip_pdf );
+=item deposit_slip_pdf
+sub deposit_slip_pdf {
+ my %arg = @_;
+ my $conf = $arg{'conf'};
+ my @cust_pay = @{ $arg{'cust_pay'} };
+ if ( scalar(@cust_pay) > 25 ) {
+ return 'ERROR: Maxiumum of 25 items per deposit slip at this time';
+ }
+ my $text_template = new Text::Template(
+ SOURCE => slip_template(),
+ DELIMITERS => [ '[@--', '--@]' ],
+ );
+ $text_template->compile() or die $Text::Template::ERROR;
+ my $dir = $FS::UID::conf_dir. "/cache.". $FS::UID::datasrc;
+ chdir($dir);
+ #my $date = time2str( $self->conf->config('date_format_long') || '%b %o, %Y',
+ # time #XXX future deposit date
+ # );
+ my $total = 0;
+ foreach my $cust_pay (@cust_pay) {
+ $total += $cust_pay->paid;
+ }
+ $total = sprintf('%.2f', $total + 0.00000001); #so FP math errors round out
+ my ($total_dollars, $total_cents) = split(/\./, $total);
+ my $gtotal = sprintf('%11.2f', $total);
+ $gtotal =~ s/\.//;
+ my @gtotal = split('', $gtotal);
+ #XXX agent virt for company name, address
+ my %fill_in = (
+ 'company_name' => _latex_escape($conf->config('company_name')),
+ 'company_address' => join('\\\\', map _latex_escape($_),
+ $conf->config('company_address') ),
+ 'bank_name' => _latex_escape($conf->config('deposit_slip-bank_name')),
+ 'bank_address' => join('\\\\', map _latex_escape($_),
+ $conf->config('deposit_slip-bank_address') ),
+ 'bank_routingnumber' => _latex_escape(
+ $conf->config('deposit_slip-bank_routingnumber')),
+ 'bank_accountnumber' => _latex_escape(
+ $conf->config('deposit_slip-bank_accountnumber')),
+ #already defaulting to today
+ #'depositdate' => _latex_escape($date),
+ 'currency_dollars' => '',
+ 'currency_cents' => '',
+ 'coin_dollars' => '',
+ 'coin_cents' => '',
+ 'checks_dollars' => '',
+ 'checks_cents' => '',
+ 'reverse_dollars' => '',
+ 'reverse_cents' => '',
+ 'total_dollars' => $total_dollars,
+ 'total_cents' => $total_cents,
+ 'cust_pay' => \@cust_pay,
+ 'totalitems' => scalar(@cust_pay),
+ 'grandtotalboxone' => $gtotal[0],
+ 'grandtotalboxtwo' => $gtotal[1],
+ 'grandtotalboxthree' => $gtotal[2],
+ 'grandtotalboxfour' => $gtotal[3],
+ 'grandtotalboxfive' => $gtotal[4],
+ 'grandtotalboxsix' => $gtotal[5],
+ 'grandtotalboxseven' => $gtotal[6],
+ 'grandtotalboxeight' => $gtotal[7],
+ 'grandtotalboxnine' => $gtotal[8],
+ 'grandtotalboxten' => $gtotal[9],
+ );
+ #XXX better unique filename
+ my $file = "deposit$$";
+ open(DEPOSIT_TEX, ">$file.tex") or die $!;
+ print DEPOSIT_TEX $text_template->fill_in( HASH => \%fill_in );
+ close DEPOSIT_TEX or die $!;
+ _xelatex($file);
+ #XXX use File::Slurp
+ my $pdf = '';
+ open(PDF, "<$file.pdf") or die $!;
+ unlink("$file.log", "$file.aux", "$file.pdf", "$file.tex");
+ while (<PDF>) {
+ $pdf .= $_;
+ }
+ close PDF;
+ return $pdf;
+#some false laziness w/_pslatex in
+sub _xelatex {
+ my $file = shift;
+ #my $sfile = shell_quote $file;
+ my @cmd = (
+ 'xelatex',
+ '-interaction=batchmode',
+ "$file.tex"
+ );
+ my $timeout = 30; #? should be more than enough
+ for ( 1, 2 ) {
+ local($SIG{CHLD}) = sub {};
+ run( \@cmd, '>'=>'/dev/null', '2>'=>'/dev/null', timeout($timeout) )
+ or warn "bad exit status from xelatex pass $_\n";
+ }
+ return if -e "$file.pdf" && -s "$file.pdf";
+ die "xelatex $file.tex failed, see $file.log for details?\n";
+#false laxiness w/
+sub _latex_escape {
+ my $value = shift;
+ $value =~ s/([#\$%&~_\^{}])( )?/"\\$1". ( ( defined($2) && length($2) ) ? "\\$2" : '' )/ge;
+ $value =~ s/([<>])/\$$1\$/g;
+ $value;
+sub slip_template { <<'__END__';
+% Freeside Deposit Slip
+% LaTeX Template
+% Version 1.1 (May 9, 2020)
+% This template was created by:
+% Vel (
+%!TEX program = xelatex
+% Note: this template must be compiled with XeLaTeX rather than PDFLaTeX
+% due to the custom fonts used. The line above should ensure this happens
+% automatically, but if it doesn't, your LaTeX editor should have a simple toggle
+% to switch to using XeLaTeX.
+\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % Stop paragraph indentation
+\usepackage{tikz} % Required for custom graphics
+\usetikzlibrary{calc} % Required for coordinate calculations within TikZ
+% Suppress hyphenation across the whole document
+ paperwidth=8.5in,
+ paperheight=3.25in,
+ top=0cm, % Top margin
+ bottom=1cm, % Bottom margin
+ left=1cm, % Left margin
+ right=1cm, % Right margin
+ footskip=0.6cm, % Space from the bottom margin to the baseline of the footer
+ headsep=0.8cm, % Space from the top margin to the baseline of the header
+ headheight=0.5cm, % Height of the header
+ %showframe % Uncomment to show the frames around the margins for debugging purposes
+\usepackage{fontspec} % Required for specifying custom fonts
+\defaultfontfeatures{Ligatures=TeX} % To support LaTeX ligatures (`` and --)
+\defaultfontfeatures{Path=/usr/local/etc/freeside/} % Specify the location of font files
+\newfontface\GNUMicr{GnuMICR.otf} % MICR font from file
+\usepackage[default]{sourcesanspro} % Use the Source Sans Pro font for the document body
+\usepackage{fancyhdr} % Required for customising headers and footers
+\pagestyle{fancy} % Enable custom headers and footers
+\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % Remove default top horizontal rule
+\fancyhf{} % Clear default headers/footers
+\fancyfoot[C]{{\Large\GNUMicr\MICR}} % Centre footer
+\usepackage{booktabs} % Required for better horizontal rules in tables
+\usepackage{array} % Required for manipulating table columns
+\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.35} % Increase the space between table rows
+\newcolumntype{R}[1]{>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}p{#1}} % Define a new right-aligned paragraph column type
+\newcolumntype{L}[1]{>{\raggedright\arraybackslash}p{#1}} % Define a new left-aligned (no justification) paragraph column type
+\newcolumntype{C}[1]{>{\centering\arraybackslash}p{#1}} % Define a new centred paragraph column type
+\MICR{A[@-- $bank_routingnumber --@]A [@-- $bank_accountnumber --@]C} % Displayed at the bottom of the slip
+\disclaimer{Checks and other items are received for deposit subject to the provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code and any applicable collection agreement. Deposits May Not Be Available For Immediate Withdrawal.}
+\companyaddress{\textbf{[@-- $company_name --@]}\\[@-- $company_address --@]}
+\bankaddress{\textbf{[@-- $bank_name --@]}\\ [@-- $bank_address --@]}
+\totalitems{[@-- $totalitems --@]}
+\grandtotalboxone{[@-- $grandtotalboxone --@]}
+\grandtotalboxtwo{[@-- $grandtotalboxtwo --@]}
+\grandtotalboxthree{[@-- $grandtotalboxthree --@]}
+\grandtotalboxfour{[@-- $grandtotalboxfour --@]}
+\grandtotalboxfive{[@-- $grandtotalboxfive --@]}
+\grandtotalboxsix{[@-- $grandtotalboxsix --@]}
+\grandtotalboxseven{[@-- $grandtotalboxseven --@]}
+\grandtotalboxeight{[@-- $grandtotalboxeight --@]}
+\grandtotalboxnine{[@-- $grandtotalboxnine --@]}
+\grandtotalboxten{[@-- $grandtotalboxten --@]}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
+ \node [anchor=north, rotate=90, xshift=-0.5\paperheight, yshift=-0.4cm, inner sep=0pt] (title) at (current page.north west) {\textbf{DEPOSIT TICKET}}; % Deposit ticket title text
+ \node [anchor=north, rotate=90, yshift=-0.4cm, inner sep=0pt] (dateline) at (title.south) {DATE: \rule{0.58\paperheight}{1pt}}; % Date line
+ \node [anchor=south, rotate=90, yshift=-0.2cm, inner sep=0pt] (date) at (dateline.north) {\depositdate}; % Date
+ \node [anchor=north west, rotate=90, yshift=-0.25cm, text width=0.8\paperheight, inner sep=0pt] (disclaimer) at (dateline.south west) {\fontsize{6pt}{7pt}\selectfont \disclaimer\par}; % Disclaimer text
+ \node [anchor=north east, rotate=90, inner sep=0pt] (table) at (disclaimer.south east) {% Table
+ \begin{tabular}{| L{1.8cm} | L{1cm} | L{0.5cm}}
+ \cline{2-3}
+ \multicolumn{1}{R{1.8cm} |}{} & \scriptsize DOLLARS & \scriptsize CENTS \\\cline{2-3}
+ \multicolumn{1}{R{1.8cm} |}{\scriptsize CURRENCY} & [@-- $currency_dollars --@] & [@-- $currency_cents --@]\\\cline{2-3}
+ \multicolumn{1}{R{1.8cm} |}{\scriptsize COIN} & [@-- $coin_dollars --@] & [@-- $coin_cents --@]\\\cline{2-3}
+ \multicolumn{1}{| R{1.8cm} |}{\vspace{-1.2\baselineskip}\scriptsize CHECKS \newline \tiny (ENTER SEPARATELY)} & [@-- $checks_dollars --@] & [@-- $checks_cents --@]\\[-3pt]\cline{1-3}
+ for (0 .. 24) {
+ if ( scalar(@cust_pay) ) {
+ my $cust_pay = shift @cust_pay;
+ my ($dollars, $cents) = split(/\./, $cust_pay->paid);
+ $OUT .= $cust_pay->payinfo. " & $dollars & $cents". '\\\\\\cline{1-3}'. "\n";
+ } else {
+ $OUT .= ' & & \\\\\\cline{1-3}'. "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ \fontsize{6pt}{6pt}\selectfont TOTAL OF \newline REVERSE SIDE & [@-- $reverse_dollars --@] & [@-- $reverse_cents --@] \\\cline{1-3}
+ \fontsize{10pt}{10pt}\selectfont\textbf{TOTAL} \newline DEPOSIT & [@-- $total_dollars --@] & [@-- $total_cents --@] \\\cline{1-3}
+ \end{tabular}
+ }; % Table
+ \node [anchor=north east, rotate=90, yshift=-0.07cm, inner sep=0pt] (totalguidetext) at (table.south east) {\fontsize{6pt}{6pt}\selectfont PLEASE ENTER TOTAL HERE}; % Total guide text
+ \draw [->] ($(totalguidetext.west)-(0, 0.1cm)$) -- ($(totalguidetext.west)-(0cm, 2.7cm)$); % Total guide text arrow
+ \node [anchor=south west, xshift=0.3cm, text width=0.3\paperwidth, inner sep=0pt] (companyaddress) at (disclaimer.south west) {\Large\companyaddress\par}; % Company and address
+ \node [anchor=north west, text width=0.3\paperwidth, inner sep=0pt] (bankaddress) at (companyaddress.north east) {\footnotesize\bankaddress\par}; % Financial institution address
+ \node [anchor=south west, xshift=0.5cm, yshift=1.4cm, text width=0.75cm, inner sep=0pt] (totalitemstext) at (current page.south) {\fontsize{6pt}{6pt}\selectfont TOTAL ITEMS\par}; % Total items text
+ \node [rectangle, anchor=west, draw=black, line width=1pt, minimum width=1cm, minimum height=0.5cm, inner sep=0pt] (totalitemsbox) at (totalitemstext.east) {\totalitems}; % Total items box
+ \node [anchor=west, xshift=1cm, text width=0.4cm, inner sep=0pt] (dollarsign) at (totalitemsbox.east) {\Large\textbf{\$}}; % Dollar sign text
+ \node [rectangle, anchor=west, fill=black!7, minimum width=6.7cm, minimum height=1.25cm, inner sep=0pt] (totalbox) at (dollarsign.east) {}; % Grand total grey box
+ \node [rectangle, anchor=west, fill=white, xshift=0.3cm, minimum width=0.55cm, minimum height=0.55cm, inner sep=0pt] (whiteboxone) at (totalbox.west) {\grandtotalboxone}; % White box 1
+ \node [rectangle, anchor=west, fill=white, xshift=0.05cm, minimum width=0.55cm, minimum height=0.55cm, inner sep=0pt] (whiteboxtwo) at (whiteboxone.east) {\grandtotalboxtwo}; % White box 2
+ \node [rectangle, anchor=west, fill=white, xshift=0.05cm, minimum width=0.55cm, minimum height=0.55cm, inner sep=0pt] (whiteboxthree) at (whiteboxtwo.east) {\grandtotalboxthree}; % White box 3
+ \node [rectangle, anchor=west, fill=white, xshift=0.05cm, minimum width=0.55cm, minimum height=0.55cm, inner sep=0pt] (whiteboxfour) at (whiteboxthree.east) {\grandtotalboxfour}; % White box 4
+ \node [rectangle, anchor=west, fill=white, xshift=0.05cm, minimum width=0.55cm, minimum height=0.55cm, inner sep=0pt] (whiteboxfive) at (whiteboxfour.east) {\grandtotalboxfive}; % White box 5
+ \node [rectangle, anchor=west, fill=white, xshift=0.05cm, minimum width=0.55cm, minimum height=0.55cm, inner sep=0pt] (whiteboxsix) at (whiteboxfive.east) {\grandtotalboxsix}; % White box 6
+ \node [rectangle, anchor=west, fill=white, xshift=0.05cm, minimum width=0.55cm, minimum height=0.55cm, inner sep=0pt] (whiteboxseven) at (whiteboxsix.east) {\grandtotalboxseven}; % White box 7
+ \node [rectangle, anchor=west, fill=white, xshift=0.05cm, minimum width=0.55cm, minimum height=0.55cm, inner sep=0pt] (whiteboxeight) at (whiteboxseven.east) {\grandtotalboxeight}; % White box 8
+ \node [anchor=west, xshift=-0.5pt, inner sep=0pt] (centsperiod) at (whiteboxeight.south east) {.}; % Cents period
+ \node [rectangle, anchor=west, fill=white, xshift=0.05cm, minimum width=0.55cm, minimum height=0.55cm, inner sep=0pt] (whiteboxnine) at (whiteboxeight.east) {\grandtotalboxnine}; % White box 9
+ \node [rectangle, anchor=west, fill=white, xshift=0.05cm, minimum width=0.55cm, minimum height=0.55cm, inner sep=0pt] (whiteboxten) at (whiteboxnine.east) {\grandtotalboxten}; % White box 10
+ \draw [fill=white, draw=white] ($(whiteboxtwo.south east)+(0.02cm, 0cm)$) -- ($(whiteboxtwo.south east)-(0.03cm, 0.1cm)$) -- ($(whiteboxtwo.south east)+(0.07cm, -0.1cm)$) -- cycle; % Triangle 1
+ \draw [fill=white, draw=white] ($(whiteboxfive.south east)+(0.02cm, 0cm)$) -- ($(whiteboxfive.south east)-(0.03cm, 0.1cm)$) -- ($(whiteboxfive.south east)+(0.07cm, -0.1cm)$) -- cycle; % Triangle 2