path: root/FS/FS/
diff options
authorChristopher Burger <>2018-11-14 12:55:13 -0500
committerChristopher Burger <>2018-11-14 12:55:13 -0500
commit1d9fd3b93be720823656cd23db79ff74e2e7a829 (patch)
tree73908da75ee5b3b6489ef5664719aeaba079d888 /FS/FS/
parente0cf62af2fde538fbb13487bf0def38ab42b89c0 (diff)
RT# 74693 - Added ability to bulk edit rates with excel
Diffstat (limited to 'FS/FS/')
1 files changed, 297 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/FS/FS/ b/FS/FS/
index 5325fa562..a8aaeef77 100644
--- a/FS/FS/
+++ b/FS/FS/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use base qw( FS::Record );
use strict;
use vars qw( @EXPORT_OK $conf
- @cust_main_county %cust_main_county $countyflag ); # $cityflag );
+ @cust_main_county %cust_main_county $countyflag $DEBUG $me); # $cityflag );
use Exporter;
use FS::Record qw( qsearch qsearchs dbh );
use FS::cust_bill_pkg;
@@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ use FS::cust_tax_exempt;
use FS::cust_tax_exempt_pkg;
use FS::upgrade_journal;
+$DEBUG = 0;
+$me = '[FS::cust_main_county]';
@EXPORT_OK = qw( regionselector );
@cust_main_county = ();
@@ -713,6 +716,299 @@ sub _merge_into {
+=item process_edit_import
+use Data::Dumper;
+sub process_edit_import {
+ my $job = shift;
+ my $opt = { 'table' => 'cust_main_county',
+ 'params' => [], #required, apparantly
+ 'formats' => { 'default' => [
+ 'country',
+ 'state',
+ 'county',
+ 'city',
+ '', #tax class
+ 'taxname',
+ 'tax',
+ 'old_tax', #old tax
+ ] },
+ 'format_headers' => { 'default' => 1, },
+ 'format_types' => { 'default' => 'xls' },
+ };
+ #false laziness w/
+ #FS::Record::process_batch_import( $job, $opt, @_ );
+ my $table = $opt->{table};
+ my @pass_params = @{ $opt->{params} };
+ my %formats = %{ $opt->{formats} };
+ my $param = shift;
+ warn Dumper($param) if $DEBUG;
+ my $files = $param->{'uploaded_files'}
+ or die "No files provided.\n";
+ my (%files) = map { /^(\w+):([\.\w]+)$/ ? ($1,$2):() } split /,/, $files;
+ my $dir = '%%%FREESIDE_CACHE%%%/cache.'. $FS::UID::datasrc. '/';
+ my $file = $dir. $files{'file'};
+ my $error =
+ #false laziness w/
+ #FS::Record::batch_import( {
+ FS::cust_main_county::edit_import( {
+ #class-static
+ table => $table,
+ formats => \%formats,
+ format_types => $opt->{format_types},
+ format_headers => $opt->{format_headers},
+ format_sep_chars => $opt->{format_sep_chars},
+ format_fixedlength_formats => $opt->{format_fixedlength_formats},
+ #per-import
+ job => $job,
+ file => $file,
+ #type => $type,
+ format => $param->{format},
+ params => { map { $_ => $param->{$_} } @pass_params },
+ #?
+ default_csv => $opt->{default_csv},
+ } );
+ unlink $file;
+ die "$error\n" if $error;
+=item edit_import
+#false laziness w/ #FS::Record::batch_import, grep "edit_import" for differences
+#could be turned into callbacks or something
+use Text::CSV_XS;
+sub edit_import {
+ my $param = shift;
+ warn "$me edit_import call with params: \n". Dumper($param)
+ if $DEBUG;
+ my $table = $param->{table};
+ my $formats = $param->{formats};
+ my $job = $param->{job};
+ my $file = $param->{file};
+ my $format = $param->{'format'};
+ my $params = $param->{params} || {};
+ die "unknown format $format" unless exists $formats->{ $format };
+ my $type = $param->{'format_types'}
+ ? $param->{'format_types'}{ $format }
+ : $param->{type} || 'csv';
+ unless ( $type ) {
+ if ( $file =~ /\.(\w+)$/i ) {
+ $type = lc($1);
+ } else {
+ #or error out???
+ warn "can't parse file type from filename $file; defaulting to CSV";
+ $type = 'csv';
+ }
+ $type = 'csv'
+ if $param->{'default_csv'} && $type ne 'xls';
+ }
+ my $header = $param->{'format_headers'}
+ ? $param->{'format_headers'}{ $param->{'format'} }
+ : 0;
+ my $sep_char = $param->{'format_sep_chars'}
+ ? $param->{'format_sep_chars'}{ $param->{'format'} }
+ : ',';
+ my $fixedlength_format =
+ $param->{'format_fixedlength_formats'}
+ ? $param->{'format_fixedlength_formats'}{ $param->{'format'} }
+ : '';
+ my @fields = @{ $formats->{ $format } };
+ my $row = 0;
+ my $count;
+ my $parser;
+ my @buffer = ();
+ my @header = (); #edit_import
+ if ( $type eq 'csv' || $type eq 'fixedlength' ) {
+ if ( $type eq 'csv' ) {
+ my %attr = ();
+ $attr{sep_char} = $sep_char if $sep_char;
+ $parser = new Text::CSV_XS \%attr;
+ } elsif ( $type eq 'fixedlength' ) {
+ eval "use Parse::FixedLength;";
+ die $@ if $@;
+ $parser = new Parse::FixedLength $fixedlength_format;
+ } else {
+ die "Unknown file type $type\n";
+ }
+ @buffer = split(/\r?\n/, slurp($file) );
+ splice(@buffer, 0, ($header || 0) );
+ $count = scalar(@buffer);
+ } elsif ( $type eq 'xls' ) {
+ eval "use Spreadsheet::ParseExcel;";
+ die $@ if $@;
+ eval "use DateTime::Format::Excel;";
+ #for now, just let the error be thrown if it is used, since only CDR
+ # formats bill_west and troop use it, not other excel-parsing things
+ #die $@ if $@;
+ my $excel = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Workbook->new->Parse($file);
+ $parser = $excel->{Worksheet}[0]; #first sheet
+ $count = $parser->{MaxRow} || $parser->{MinRow};
+ $count++;
+ $row = $header || 0;
+ #edit_import - need some magic to parse the header
+ if ( $header ) {
+ my @header_row = @{ $parser->{Cells}[$0] };
+ @header = map $_->{Val}, @header_row;
+ }
+ } else {
+ die "Unknown file type $type\n";
+ }
+ #my $columns;
+ local $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{INT} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{QUIT} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{TERM} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{TSTP} = 'IGNORE';
+ local $SIG{PIPE} = 'IGNORE';
+ my $oldAutoCommit = $FS::UID::AutoCommit;
+ local $FS::UID::AutoCommit = 0;
+ my $dbh = dbh;
+ my $line;
+ my $imported = 0;
+ my( $last, $min_sec ) = ( time, 5 ); #progressbar foo
+ while (1) {
+ my @columns = ();
+ if ( $type eq 'csv' ) {
+ last unless scalar(@buffer);
+ $line = shift(@buffer);
+ $parser->parse($line) or do {
+ $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
+ return "can't parse: ". $parser->error_input();
+ };
+ @columns = $parser->fields();
+ } elsif ( $type eq 'fixedlength' ) {
+ @columns = $parser->parse($line);
+ } elsif ( $type eq 'xls' ) {
+ last if $row > ($parser->{MaxRow} || $parser->{MinRow})
+ || ! $parser->{Cells}[$row];
+ my @row = @{ $parser->{Cells}[$row] };
+ @columns = map $_->{Val}, @row;
+ #my $z = 'A';
+ #warn $z++. ": $_\n" for @columns;
+ } else {
+ die "Unknown file type $type\n";
+ }
+ #edit_import loop
+ my %hash = %$params;
+ my @later;
+ foreach my $field ( @fields ) {
+ my $value = shift @columns;
+ if ( ref($field) eq 'CODE' ) {
+ #&{$field}(\%hash, $value);
+ push @later, $field, $value;
+ } elsif ($field) { #edit_import
+ $hash{$field} = $value if defined($value) && length($value);
+ }
+ }
+ my $class = "FS::$table";
+ my $record = $class->new( \%hash );
+ while ( scalar(@later) ) {
+ my $sub = shift @later;
+ my $data = shift @later;
+ &{$sub}($record, $data); #edit_import - don't have $conf
+ }
+ #edit_import update or insert, not just insert
+ my $old = qsearchs({
+ 'table' => $table,
+ 'hashref' => { map { $_ => $record->$_() } qw(country state county city taxname) },
+ });
+ my $error;
+ if ( $old ) {
+ $record->taxnum($old->taxnum);
+ $error = $record->replace($old)
+ } else {
+ $record->insert;
+ }
+ if ( $error ) {
+ $dbh->rollback if $oldAutoCommit;
+ return "can't insert record". ( $line ? " for $line" : '' ). ": $error";
+ }
+ $row++;
+ $imported++;
+ if ( $job && time - $min_sec > $last ) { #progress bar
+ $job->update_statustext( int(100 * $imported / $count) );
+ $last = time;
+ }
+ }
+ $dbh->commit or die $dbh->errstr if $oldAutoCommit;;
+ return "Empty file!" unless $imported || $param->{empty_ok};
+ ''; #no error
sub _upgrade_data {
my $class = shift;
# assume taxes in Washington with district numbers, and null name, or