diff options
authorJonathan Prykop <>2016-09-07 21:36:07 -0500
committerJonathan Prykop <>2016-09-07 21:39:44 -0500
commit1f0da825e29598d65c405feddbe6ef40c52df022 (patch)
parent5db5f429d60d476ac63addf844392451ef6b4e8f (diff)
RT#72157: Monthly recurring field is missing
2 files changed, 74 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/httemplate/misc/xmlhttp-cust_main-display_recurring.html b/httemplate/misc/xmlhttp-cust_main-display_recurring.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd9ed3bb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/httemplate/misc/xmlhttp-cust_main-display_recurring.html
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<% encode_json($return) %>\
+my %arg = $cgi->param('arg');
+my $custnum = delete($arg{'custnum'});
+my $error;
+my $return;
+$error = "No customer specified" unless $custnum =~ /^\d+$/;
+my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser;
+$error = "access denied"
+ unless $error or $curuser->access_right('View customer');
+my $cust_main;
+$cust_main = qsearchs( {
+ 'table' => 'cust_main',
+ 'hashref' => { 'custnum' => $custnum },
+ 'extra_sql' => ' AND '. $curuser->agentnums_sql,
+}) unless $error;
+$error = "Customer not found!" unless $error or $cust_main;
+$return = $error
+ ? { 'error' => $error }
+ : { 'display_recurring' => [ $cust_main->display_recurring ] };
diff --git a/httemplate/view/cust_main/billing.html b/httemplate/view/cust_main/billing.html
index 894b2dfc0..a94b5c15a 100644
--- a/httemplate/view/cust_main/billing.html
+++ b/httemplate/view/cust_main/billing.html
@@ -21,18 +21,51 @@
<TD><B><% $balance %></B></TD>
-% #54: just an arbitrary number i pulled out of my goober. ideally we'd like
-% # to consider e.g. a histogram of num_ncancelled_packages for the entire
-% # customer base, and compare it to a graph of the overhead for generating this
-% # information. (and optimize it better, we could get it more from SQL)
-% if ( $cust_main->num_ncancelled_pkgs < 54 ) {
-% foreach my $freq_info ($cust_main->display_recurring) {
- <TR>
- <TH ALIGN="right"><% emt( ucfirst($freq_info->{'freq_pretty'}). ' recurring' ) %></TH>
- <TD><% $money_char. sprintf('%.2f', $freq_info->{'amount'}) %></TD>
- </TR>
-% }
-% }
+<TR ID="recurring_row">
+ <TH ID="recurring_label" ALIGN="right"><% emt( 'Recurring' ) %></TH>
+ <TD ID="recurring_value"><IMG SRC="<% $fsurl %>images/wait-orange.gif"></TD>
+<& '/elements/xmlhttp.html',
+ 'url' => $fsurl.'misc/xmlhttp-cust_main-display_recurring.html',
+ 'subs' => [ 'get_display_recurring'] &>
+<&| /elements/onload.js &>
+get_display_recurring('custnum',<% $cust_main->custnum %>, function (xmlresult) {
+ var recurring = JSON.parse(xmlresult);
+ var rlabel = document.getElementById('recurring_label');
+ var rvalue = document.getElementById('recurring_value');
+ var rrow = document.getElementById('recurring_row');
+ if (recurring['error']) {
+ rvalue.innerHTML = '<SPAN STYLE="color: red">Error</SPAN>';
+ console.log('display_recurring error: ' + recurring['error']);
+ } else if (recurring['display_recurring'].length) {
+ for (var ri = 0; ri < recurring['display_recurring'].length; ri++) {
+ var robj = recurring['display_recurring'][ri];
+ var freq_pretty = robj['freq_pretty'].charAt(0).toUpperCase()+robj['freq_pretty'].slice(1)+' recurring';
+ var amount = '<% $money_char %>'+parseFloat(robj['amount']).toFixed(2);
+ if (ri + 1 < recurring['display_recurring'].length) {
+ var rr = document.createElement('TR');
+ var rl = document.createElement('TH');
+ = 'right';
+ rl.innerHTML = freq_pretty;
+ rr.appendChild(rl);
+ var rv = document.createElement('TD');
+ rv.innerHTML = amount;
+ rr.appendChild(rv);
+ rrow.parentNode.insertBefore(rr,rrow);
+ } else {
+ rlabel.innerHTML = freq_pretty;
+ rvalue.innerHTML = amount;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ rrow.parentNode.removeChild(rrow);
+ }
% if ( $conf->exists('cust_main-select-prorate_day') ) {