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We're hiring!

Software developer

Position: Software developer
Salary Range: DOE
Employment Terms: contract/1099 (contract-to-hire?), telecommute, full time or mostly so
Short Job/Task Description: We're looking for some sharp developers who have a passion for working on open-source and experience with modern Perl/SQL webapps.
Location: United States (Social Security or Tax ID #)
Buzzwords: Programming, open-source, telecommute
More information: See our jobs.perl.org ad.
To apply: Code examples are required (CPAN ID, github URL, or other code examples). Email ivan-programmingjob at freeside.biz

Director of support

Position:Director of support
Salary Range: DOE
Employment Terms: contract/1099 or W-2, telecommute, full time
Short Job/Task Description: We're looking for someone to head up our support department. Job duties include Linux sysadmin/devops, hiring and supervising support engineers, account management, specification and feature design, release engineering, writing documentation.
Location: United States (Social Security or Tax ID #)
Buzzwords: Sysadmin, devoips, support, open-source, telecommute
To apply: Email ivan-supportjob at freeside.biz

Sysadmin / Devops / Account Manager / Technical support

Position: Sysadmin / Devops / Account Manager / Technical support
Salary Range: DOE
Employment Terms: W-2 or 1099, telecommute, full time
Short Job/Task Description: Handle customer support by email, phone and IM. Triage support requests, answer calls, write documentation. Coordinate and roll out upgrades. Linux/*nix system administration in support of the application. Work with customers and programmers on feature specifications. Give feedback about the application to developers based on customer support trends. Be proactive and figure out new ways in which you can help our customers and your busy co-workers at a small, open-source company.
Location: United States (SS# or Tax ID, etc.)
Buzzwords: Sysadmin, devops, support, open-source, telecommute
To apply: email ivan-supportjob at freeside.biz

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