Staffing Sheet

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{ form(); }

{ warnings(); }

Time Door 1 Door 2 Door 3 Door 4
8:30 { inputbox("Door-1-A"); } { inputbox("Door-2-A"); } { inputbox("Door-3-A"); }  
10:00 { inputbox("Door-1-B"); } { inputbox("Door-2-B"); } { inputbox("Door-3-B"); } { inputbox("Door-4-B"); }
11:30 { inputbox("Door-1-C"); } { inputbox("Door-2-C"); } { inputbox("Door-3-C"); } { inputbox("Door-4-C"); }
1:00 { inputbox("Door-1-D"); } { inputbox("Door-2-D"); } { inputbox("Door-3-D"); }  
2:30 { inputbox("Door-1-E"); } { inputbox("Door-2-E"); } { inputbox("Door-3-E"); }
4:00 cleanup

Don't forget to include your e-mail address in the form!

show results in printable format


Copyright ©2000 Adam Gould
Copyright ©2000 Michal Migurski
Copyright ©2000 and 2001 Ivan Kohler
All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License.

Above is an example of the Online Staffing Sheet in action. Names can be modified by typing in the fields. Hitting "Submit" automatically updates the storage directory.


All relevant files are included in the staff-0.4.tar.gz archive. (released Jun 24 2003, fixes bug with very large staff sheets)

You also need the Text::Template, MailTools and TimeDate perl modules. (CPAN will query, download and build perl modules automatically.)


Configuring the staffing sheet is easy.

Front-end changes can be made to the table.html file, which stores the layout of the staffing sheet and is used to generate the database file. The table.html file uses some non-standard tags:

Other than these tags, anything goes. You can (and probably should) include tables, various types of text formatting, and anything else not covered by the above restrictions. If you need to use the \{ or \} characters (the curly braces), you must preceed them with a \ (backslash). See the Text::Template documentation for details on the substitution language.

Back-end configuration involves editing a few lines in the shift.cgi file. The $template_file variable must be set to the full path and name of the front-end table.html file. The $data_directory must be set to the full path and name of a directory where the data will be stored. If you want to enable the optional mail-notification feature (will send email to anyone who has their shift replaced if they included an email address), set the $mail_smtpserver variable to the name of an SMTP server which will relay your messages, set the $mail_from variable to the address you wish to appear in the From:, Sender: and Reply-To: headers, set the $mail_subject variable to the subject you wish to appear in the Subject: header, set the @mail_cc variable to any addresses you wish Cc:'ed, and set the $mail_footer variable to a message which will appear at the bottom of all warning messages.

# user-servicable parts

$template_file = '/home/ivan/staffsheet/table.html';
$data_directory = '/home/ivan/staffsheet/data';
$mail_smtpserver = 'localhost'; # set blank to disable
$mail_from = '';
$mail_subject = 'Your shift has been replaced';
@mail_cc = (
$mail_footer = <<END;

Sorry, I don't have any more information.  The person who installed the 
staff sheet didn't customize this message.


# end of user-servicable parts


To use the files, install shift.cgi in a public web directory as a CGI program. (probably by placing it in a cgi-bin directory or using AddHandler). Permissions for all files must be set correctly. To make the shift.cgi excecutable, set its permissions to 755 (rwxr-xr-x):

chmod 755 shift.cgi

To create the the data directory:
mkdir /path/to/data_dir

The data directory needs to be writable by the user executing the CGI. It's probably best to simply make the data directory owned by the user as which shift.cgi runs (probably the user as which the web server answers requests, unless you are using suEXEC), and set its permissions to 755:
chown httpd /path/to/data_dir
chmod 755 /path/to/data_dir

