#!/usr/bin/perl -w $template_file = "/home/ivan/radio.haze.st/template.html"; use CGI; use HTML::Table; use Text::Template; %type2color = ( 'upcoming' => '999966', 'live' => 'ffffcc', 'rebroadcast' => 'ffcc99', ); %shows = ( 'high_jinx' => { 'name' => 'High Jinx', 'day' => 'sunday', 'start' => '19', 'len' => '3', 'type' => 'upcoming', 'startdate' => 'May 6th', }, 'high_jinx_rebroadcast' => { 'name' => 'High Jinx', 'day' => 'monday', 'start' => '13', 'len' => '3', 'type' => 'upcoming', 'startdate' => 'May 7th', }, 'dub_monday' => { 'name' => 'Dub Monday', 'day' => 'monday', 'start' => '19.5', 'len' => '2', 'url' => 'http://www.voyager.org/sets', 'type' => 'live', }, 'dub_monday_rebroadcast' => { 'name' => 'Dub Monday', 'day' => 'tuesday', 'start' => '13', 'len' => '2', 'url' => 'http://www.voyager.org/sets', 'type' => 'rebroadcast', }, 'organized_chaos' => { #'name' => 'Organized
Chaos', 'name' => 'Organized Chaos', 'day' => 'wednesday', 'start' => '20', 'len' => '3', 'url' => 'http://www.angelfire.com/rant/burf/oc.html', 'type' => 'live', }, 'organized_chaos_rebroadcast' => { #'name' => 'Organized
Chaos', 'name' => 'Organized Chaos', 'day' => 'thursday', 'start' => '13', 'len' => '3', 'url' => 'http://www.angelfire.com/rant/burf/oc.html', 'type' => 'rebroadcast', }, 'echo_communication_system' => { #'name' => 'Echo
System', #'name' => 'Echo Communication System', 'name' => 'Echo Communication System', 'day' => 'thursday', 'start' => '20', 'len' => '3', 'url' => 'http://www.theoverworld.com/echo/', 'type' => 'live', }, 'echo_communication_system__rebroadcast' => { #'name' => 'Echo
System', #'name' => 'Echo Communication System', 'name' => 'Echo Communication System', 'day' => 'friday', 'start' => '13', 'len' => '3', 'url' => 'http://www.theoverworld.com/echo/', 'type' => 'rebroadcast', }, ); @times = qw( midnight 1am 2am 3am 4am 5am 6am 7am 8am 9am 10am 11am noon 1pm 2pm 3pm 4pm 5pm 6pm 7pm 8pm 9pm 10pm 11pm ); $increment = 0.5; $showstart = 12; $cgi = new CGI; if ( $cgi->param('showstart') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { die unless $1 < 24; $showstart = $1; } @showtimes = @times[$showstart..23]; $template = new Text::Template ( TYPE => 'FILE', SOURCE => $template_file ) or die "Can't create template for $template_file: $Text::Template::ERROR"; my $text = $template->fill_in() or die "Can't fill in template for $template_file: $Text::Template::ERROR"; print $cgi->header, $text; # subroutines for the template sub table { my $rows = 1 + scalar(@showtimes)*(1/$increment); #$rows += 10; my $table = new HTML::Table($rows+20,8+2); # $table->setBorder(0); $table->setCellSpacing('0'); $table->setCellPadding('1'); my $daycol=2; foreach my $day ( map "${_}day", qw( Sun Mon Tues Wednes Thurs Fri Satur ) ) { $table->setCell(1, $daycol, "${day}" ); $table->setCellAlign(1, $daycol, 'CENTER'); my @dayshows = sort { $shows{$a}{'start'} <=> $shows{$b}{'start'} } grep { lc($shows{$_}{day}) eq lc($day) } keys %shows; my $pshowrow = 2; foreach my $show ( @dayshows ) { my $text = "$shows{$show}{name}"; $text = qq($text) if exists $shows{$show}{url}; if ( $shows{$show}{type} eq 'upcoming' ) { $text .= qq(
starts $shows{$show}{startdate}); #$text .= '
starts May Xth'; } if ( $shows{$show}{type} eq 'live' ) { $text .= "
LIVE "; } if ( $shows{$show}{type} eq 'rebroadcast' ) { #$text .= "
rebroadcast "; $text .= qq(
rebroadcast ); } if ( $shows{$show}{type} =~ /^(live|rebroadcast)$/ ) { my $start = $shows{$show}{start}; my $stext = $times[ $start ]; $stext =~ s/([0-9])([ap]m)/$1:30$2/ if $start != int($start); my $end = $shows{$show}{start} + $shows{$show}{len}; my $etext = $times[$end]; $etext =~ s/([0-9])([ap]m)/$1:30$2/ if $end != int($end); #$text .= "$stext-$etext"; $text .= qq($stext-$etext); } my $showrow = 2 + (1/$increment) * ( $shows{$show}{start} - $showstart); if ( $pshowrow < $showrow ) { #$table->setCell($pshowrow, $daycol, 'OFF THE AIR'. "($showrow/$pshowrow) ".($showrow-$pshowrow)); $table->setCell($pshowrow, $daycol, 'OFF THE AIR'); $table->setCellAlign($pshowrow, $daycol, 'CENTER'); $table->setCellRowSpan( $pshowrow, $daycol, $showrow-$pshowrow ); #$table->setCellRowSpan( $pshowrow, $daycol, 1 ); $table->setCellBGColor( $pshowrow, $daycol, '89201b' ); } $table->setCell($showrow, $daycol, $text ); $table->setCellAlign($showrow, $daycol, 'CENTER'); $table->setCellBGColor($showrow, $daycol, $type2color{$shows{$show}{type}}); my $span = $shows{$show}{len} * (1/$increment); $table->setCellRowSpan($showrow, $daycol, $span ); $pshowrow=$showrow+$span; } if ( $pshowrow < $rows+1 ) { #$table->setCell($pshowrow, $daycol, 'OFF THE AIR'. "($rows+1/$pshowrow) ".($rows+1-$pshowrow)); $table->setCell($pshowrow, $daycol, 'OFF THE AIR'); $table->setCellAlign($pshowrow, $daycol, 'CENTER'); $table->setCellRowSpan( $pshowrow, $daycol, $rows+1-$pshowrow ); #$table->setCellRowSpan( $pshowrow, $daycol, 2 ); $table->setCellBGColor( $pshowrow, $daycol, '89201b' ); } $daycol++; } my $timerow = 2; foreach my $time ( @showtimes ) { my $text = $time; $text = qq($text) if length($text) > 4; $table->setCell( $timerow, 1, "$text" ); $table->setCellAlign( $timerow, 1, 'CENTER' ); $table->setCellRowSpan( $timerow, 1, 1/$increment ); #$table->setCell( $timerow+1, 1, "$text:30" ); # $table->setCell( $timerow+1, 1, " " ); # $table->setCellAlign( $timerow+1, 1, 'CENTER' ); $timerow += 1/$increment; } local $^W=0; my $html = $table->getTable; $html =~ s///g; return $html; }