[% PROCESS 'html-incblocks.txt' %] [% INCLUDE htmlstart title="Torrus Reports: " _ year contentClass="SingleColumnContent" noTopMenu=1 %]

Torrus report: [% year %], [% serviceid %]

[% INCLUDE treename %] [% FOREACH reportname = data.keys.sort; fieldshash = data.$reportname; IF reportname == 'MonthlyUsage' %] [% rowCount = 0; FOREACH mth = fieldshash.keys.sort; rowCount = rowCount + 1; IF rowCount % 2 %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% FOREACH varname = ['AVG', '95TH_PERCENTILE', 'MAX', 'UNAVAIL', 'VOLUME'] %] [% END %] [% END %]
Monthly usage
Month Average 95th
Maximum Unavailable
Volume Extrapolated
[% monthName(mth) %] [% formatValue( fieldshash.$mth.$varname ) %] [% extr.value = fieldshash.$mth.VOLUME.value * 100 / ( 100 - fieldshash.$mth.UNAVAIL.value ); extr.units = fieldshash.$mth.VOLUME.units; formatValue( extr ) %]
[% ELSE %] [% rowCount = 0; FOREACH mth = fieldshash.keys.sort; FOREACH varname = fieldshash.$mth.keys.sort; rowCount = rowCount + 1; IF rowCount % 2 %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% END; END %]
[% reportname %]
Month Field Value
[% monthName(mth) %] [% varname %] [% formatValue( fieldshash.$mth.$varname ) %]
[% END; END %]
Average: the monthly average of 5-minute samples.
95th percentile: 95% of the time, the usage is at or below this amount.
Maximum: the maximum value among 5-minute samples.
Unavailable samples: how many 5-minute samples were missed from the measurements.
Volume: for traffic usage, this is the absolut volume of data in avaiable 5-minute samples.
Extrapolated volume: for traffic usage, this is the volume of data extrapolated to the whole time range.
[% INCLUDE htmlend %]