[%# $Id: html-incblocks.txt,v 1.2 2010-12-27 08:40:19 ivan Exp $ All BLOCK statements are defined here %] [%# ########### Initialize globals ################ %] [% global.setDateDialog = 0; %] [%# ########### Print the starting HTML blahblah ################ %] [% BLOCK htmlstart; IF ! contentClass; contentClass="Content"; END %] [% freesideHeader(title, style('stylesheet')) %]
[% IF siteInfo %] [% siteInfo %] [% END %] [% IF treeName and treeInfo %] [% treeInfo %] [% END %] [% IF userAuth and uid; commonname = userAttr('cn'); IF commonname == ''; commonname = uid; END; %]
[% commonname %] Logout
[% END %]
[% timestamp %]
[% IF printpath %]
[% INCLUDE treename %]
Current path: [% splitUrls(token) %]
[% END %] [% IF not noTopMenu %]
[% INCLUDE shortcut url=topURL text="Top" title="Choose from the list of trees"%] [% theParent=parent(token); IF theParent and theParent != token; INCLUDE shortcut url=url(theParent) text="Up" title="Climb up the tree"; END %] [% INCLUDE helpshortcut %] [% IF mayDisplayAdmInfo(token); INCLUDE shortcut url=url(token,'adminfo') text="AdmInfo" title="Administrative details" newwindow=1; END %]
[% END %]
[% global.contentFinished = 0 %] [% IF global.printError %]
[% global.printError %]
[% global.printError = '' %] [% END %] [% END %] [%# ########### Print the legend ################ %] [% BLOCK legend %] [% legend = nodeParam(token, 'legend') %] [% IF legend.length > 0 %]
[% FOREACH legpairstring = legend.split(';') %] [% SET legpair = legpairstring.split(':') %]
[% xmlnorm(legpair.0) %]: [% xmlnorm(legpair.1) %]
[% END %]
[% END %] [% END %] [%# ########### Print the TZ and NOW variables ################ %] [% BLOCK variables %] [% IF variables.TZ or variables.NOW %]

[% IF variables.TZ %] Timezone: [% variables.TZ %]. [% END %] [% IF variables.NOW %] Report date: [% variables.NOW %]. [% END %]

[% END %] [% END %] [%# ########### Print the current tree name ################ %] [% BLOCK treename %]
Tree: [% treeName %]
[% END %] [%# ########### Print the shortcut ################ %] [% BLOCK shortcut %] [%text%] ] [% END %] [%# ########### Print the Help shortcut ################ %] [% BLOCK helpshortcut; IF nodeParam(token, 'help-text', 1); INCLUDE shortcut url="javascript:helpwindow()" text="Help" title="Open a help window for this page"; END; END %] [%# ########### Print the common bottomline ################ %] [% BLOCK bottomline %]
[% global.contentFinished = 1 %]
[% INCLUDE shortcut url=persistentUrl(token,view,global.bookmarkVars) text="Bookmark" title="Permanent link to this page"%] [% INCLUDE shortcut url=url('SS') text="Tokensets" title="List of non-empty tokensets"%] [% INCLUDE shortcut url=url(token,view,'MEDIA','printer','OVS',ovs) text="Printable view" title="Prepare this page for printing" newwindow=1%] [% IF mayDisplayReports(); INCLUDE shortcut url=reportsUrl text="Reports" title="Show reports page" newwindow=1; END %] [% IF global.setDateDialog; INCLUDE enterdate; END %] [% INCLUDE searchdialog %]
[% END %] [%# ########### Print the Tokensets bottomline ################ %] [% BLOCK tsetbottomline %] [% global.contentFinished = 1 %]
[% INCLUDE shortcut url=url(pathToken('/')) text="Datasources tree" title="Back to the datasources tree" %] [% INCLUDE shortcut url=url(token,view,'MEDIA','printer') text="Printable view" title="Prepare this page for printing" newwindow=1%] [% INCLUDE helpshortcut %] [% INCLUDE searchdialog %]
[% END %] [%# ########### Print the ending HTML blahblah ################ %] [% BLOCK htmlend %] [% IF ! global.contentFinished %][% END %] [% END %] [%# ######## Print the RRD graph image ####### %] [% BLOCK rrgraph %]
[% param(view, 'description') %]
[% END %] [%# ######## Print the short-term RRD graph image ####### %] [% BLOCK shortgraph %] [% hidden = 0; IF nodeParam(token,'hidden') == 'yes'; hidden = 1; END; IF not hidden or variables.SHOWHIDDEN %]
[% IF not urltoken; urltoken = token; END %] [% hidden ? '':'' %] [%IF comment%]
[%END%] [% hidden ? '
':'' %] [% shortView = nodeParam(token,'rrgraph-views').split(',').0; shortvars = []; IF nodeParam(token, 'rrd-hwpredict') == 'enabled' and param(view, 'rrd-hwpredict') != 'disabled'; global.hwpredict = 1; IF variables.NOHW; shortvars = ['NOHW', 1]; ELSE; shortvars = ['NOHW', '']; END; END %]
[% param(shortView, 'description') %]
[% END %] [% END %] [%# ######## Print the overview shortcuts ####### %] [% BLOCK overviewShortcuts %] [% IF nodeParam(token, 'has-overview-shortcuts', 1) == 'yes'; FOREACH ovs = nodeParam(token,'overview-shortcuts').split('\s*,\s*'); p1 = 'overview-shortcut-text-' _ ovs; p2 = 'overview-shortcut-title-' _ ovs; INCLUDE shortcut url=url(token, 'overview-subleaves-html', 'OVS', ovs) text=nodeParam(token, p1, 1) title=nodeParam(token, p2, 1); END; END %] [% END %] [%# ######## Set the date variable ####### %] [% BLOCK setdate %] [% IF variables.SETDATE == 1; thedate = verifyDate( variables.SETDATEV ); IF thedate.length == 0; global.printError = 'Incorrect date format'; clearVar('SETDATE'); ELSE; variables.NOW = thedate; END; ELSE; clearVar('NOW'); clearVar('SETDATE'); clearVar('SETDATEV'); END; global.setDateDialog = 1; %] [% END %] [%# ######## Print the date selection elements ####### %] [% BLOCK enterdate %]
[% IF ovs %][% END %]
[% END %] [%# ######## Print the searchform HTML ####### %] [% BLOCK searchdialog %] [% IF searchEnabled %]
[% END %] [% END %] [%# ######## Print the Global searchform HTML ####### %] [% BLOCK globalsearchdialog %] [% IF mayGlobalSearch() %]
[% END %] [% END %]