[% PROCESS 'html-incblocks.txt' %] [% thepath=path(token) %] [% INCLUDE htmlstart title=xmlnorm(nodeParam(token,'comment')) printpath=1 %] [% INCLUDE legend %] [% IF matches(thepath,'Interface_Counters/$'); freesideComponent('/elements/init_overlib.html'); nms = load_nms(); router = nodeName(parent(token)); serviceids = get_serviceids(nms,router); END; IF matches(thepath,'Interface_Counters/.*?/$'); nms = load_nms(); router = nodeName(parent(parent(token))); serviceids = get_serviceids(nms,router); # HACK! this doesn't do what you think it does... popup_link('nms-add_iface.html',router,uri_escape(nodeName(token)),nms,serviceids); END; IF matches(thepath,'Routers/$'); freesideComponent('/elements/init_overlib.html'); popup_link('nms-add_router.html'); END; %]

Directories you can jump to:

[% hasLeaves = 0; hasSubtrees = 0; childCounter = 0; evenRow = 0; FOREACH child = sortTokens(children(token)); hidden = 0; IF nodeParam(child,'hidden') == 'yes'; hidden = 1; END; comment = nodeParam(child,'comment',1); IF not hidden or variables.SHOWHIDDEN; childCounter = childCounter + 1; evenRow = childCounter % 2 == 0; IF isLeaf(child); hasLeaves = hasLeaves + 1; ELSE; IF isAlias(child); thisIsAlias = 1; urlTitle=' TITLE="Symbolic link to ' _ path(isAlias(child)) _'"'; IF isLeaf(isAlias(child)); hasLeaves = hasLeaves + 1; END; ELSE; hasSubtrees = 1; urlTitle = ''; END; END; %]
[% thisIsAlias ? '':''; hidden ? '':'' %] [% nodeName(child) %] [% hidden ? '':''; thisIsAlias ? '':''; %] [% IF matches(thepath,'Interface_Counters/$') %] [% popup_link('nms-add_iface.html',router,uri_escape(nodeName(child)),nms,serviceids) %] [% END %] [% IF comment %] [% hidden ? '':'' %] [% xmlnorm(comment) %] [% hidden ? '':'' %] [% END %]
[% END %] [% END %]
[% IF hasLeaves > 1; INCLUDE shortcut url=url(token, 'expanded-dir-html') text="Expand leaves" title="Show all leaf graphs in one page"; END; IF hasSubtrees and nodeParam(token,'show-recursive',1) == 'yes'; INCLUDE shortcut url=url(token, 'recursive-dir-html') text="Recursive view" title="Show all subtrees and leaves in one page"; END; INCLUDE overviewShortcuts %]
[% INCLUDE bottomline %] [% INCLUDE htmlend %]