# architecture.pod: The Torrus internals # Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Stanislav Sinyagin # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # $Id: architecture.pod,v 1.1 2010-12-27 00:04:37 ivan Exp $ # Stanislav Sinyagin # # =head1 Torrus Framework Architecture =head2 Configuration Processing The XML configuration is compiled into the database representation by operator's manual request. The compiled version of configuration is not a one-to-one representation of the XML version. All aliases and templates are expanded. The backwards restoration of XML from the database is available with the snapshot utility. Aliases are the way to represent the data in a more convenient format. An alias can point to a subtree or a leaf, and it works similarly as a symbolic link in a filesystem. A template defines a piece of configuration which can be used in multiple places. Templates can be nested. The configuration can consist of several XML files. They will be processed in the specified order. Each new file is treated as an additive information to the existing tree. The XML configuration compiler validates all the mandatory parameters. =head2 Database Architecture All runtime data is stored in B database environment (http://www.sleepycat.com). The compiled version of the configuration XML is stored in the B and B. These databases have similar structure, and B keeps all datasource-related information. C and C stand for the productive instance number, and have values of 0 or 1. Current productive instance numbers are stored in B database. For each datasource tree, the database files are resided in Ftree_nameE> directory. The runtime modules access the configuration via C objects. Each datasource subtree or leaf is identified by a I. A token is a short alphanumeric string, generated internally. Two types of tokens are recognized: single tokens and token sets. Single token starts with letter I. The rest is made with decimal digts. Token set name starts with letter I. The rest is an arbitrary sequence of word characters. The special token I is reserved for tokensets list. Also tokenset parameters are inherited from this token's parameters. View and monitor names must be unique, and must start with a lower case letter. B is a I database, with keys of form Ctree_nameE> or Ctree_nameE>, and 0 or 1 as values. Also the compiler adds an entry Ctree_nameE> during the compilation time, in order to avoid two compiler processes running at the same time on the same tree. B is a I database, with the keys and values defined as follows: =over 4 =item * tp:EpathE -- EtokenE Gives the token correspondig to the given element name. =item * pt:EtokenE -- EpathE Gives the path name by the given token. =item * c:EtokenE -- EctokenE,... For given subtree, contains the list of child tokens separated by comma. =item * p:EtokenE -- EptokenE For given subtree or leaf, contains the parent token. =item * P:EtokenE:EpnameE -- EvalueE Contains the parameter value for specified leaf or subtree. Each leaf or subtree inherits parameters from its parent. Thus, we must climb up the tree in order to get the parameter's value if not defined locally. =item * Pl:EtokenE -- EpnameE,... Contains the list of parameter names for specified leaf or subtree. =item * a:EtokenE -- EtokenE If this subtree or leaf is an alias, specifies the reference to the real node. =item * ar:EtokenE -- EtokenE,... Specifies all alias subtrees or leaves pointing to this token. =item * d:EnameE -- EvalueE Definition value for the given name =item * D: -- EnameE,EnameE,... List of all known definitions =item * n:EtokenE -- EtypeE Defines a node type. Type is a number with the following values: 0 for subtree, 1 for leaf, 2 for alias. =back B is a I database, with the keys and values defined as follows: =over 4 =item * ConfigurationReady -- 1:0 When nonzero, the configuration is ready for usage. Otherwise, the configuration status is undefined. =item * P:EnameE:EpnameE -- EvalueE Contains the parameter value for specified view, monitor or action. =item * Pl:EnameE -- EpnameE,... Contains the list of parameter names for specified view, monitor, or action. =item * V: -- EvnameE,... Specifies comma-separated list of all views defined. =item * v:EtokenE -- EvnameE,... Specifies comma-separated list of view names for the path given. The first view in the list is interpreted as default. =item * M: -- EmnameE,... Specifies comma-separated list of all monitor names defined =item * A: -- EanameE,... Comma-separated list of actions defined =back B is a I database for storing the datasource parameter properties, such as expandable, list parameters, searchable, etc.: =over 4 =item * EpnameE:EpropertyE -- EvalueE =back B is a I database with alias paths as keys and target tokens as values. It is used for quick alias expansion. B is a I database containing the token sets. The keys and values are as follows: =over 4 =item * S: -- EtokensetE,... Keeps the list of all known token sets. =item * s:EtokensetE -- EtokenE,... For given tokenset, keeps its contents. =item * o:EtokensetE:EtokenE -- EoriginE Defines the origin of the member. Currently two types of origin are known: C and C =back B is a I database containing the cached node parameter values. The keys and values are as follows: =over 4 =item * EnameE:EpnameE -- EstatusEEvalueE Keeps the status and the value for a given token and parameter. Status is a one-byte prefix, with values C for undefined parameter, and C for a parameter with value. =back B is a I database that stores the mapping between NodeID values and tokens. Database keys are NodeID strings, and values are tokens. One NodeID corresponds to maximum one token. B is a I database which contains the informaton about active processes which read the configuration. The configuration compiler waits until all readers finish using the current configuration database. Process IDs are used as keys, and the values contain timestamps. B is a I database containing various kinds of timestamps. The timestamp name is the key, and the number of seconds since epoch is the value. B keeps the status information about the graphs ready to display. Last known timestamp of the configuration is compared with the actual one. When the actual timestamp differs from known, the renderer cache is cleaned up. This is a I database, with the following keys and values: =over 4 =item * EtokenE:EvnameE -- Et_renderE:Et_expiresE:EfilenameE:Emime_typeE For the leaf/subtree and view name given, specifies two timestamps: the moment of last rendering and expiration time. The filename is automatically generated unique name in the spool directory. The contents type is determined by the MIME type. =back B is a I database used in order to avoid the unneccessary configuration tree walk. The keys are the leaf tokens, and the values are comma-separated monitor names. At each monitor invocation, the confguration timestamp is compared against the last known, and the cache database is rebuilt if needed. B is a I database that keeps alarm status information from previous runs of Monitor, with the keys and values as follows: =over 4 =item * EmnameE:EpathE -- Et_setE:Et_expiresE:EstatusE: Et_last_changeE Key consists of the monitor name and leaf path. In the value, B is the time when the alarm was raised. If two subsequent runs of Monitor raise the same alarm, B does not change. B is the timestamp that shows when it's still important to keep the entry after the alarm is cleared. B is 1 if the alarm is active, and 0 otherwise. B is the timestamp of last status change. When B is 1, the record is kept regardless of timestamps. When B is 0, and the current time is more than B, the record is not reliable and may be deleted by Monitor. =back B is a I database used in order to avoid the unneccessary configuration tree walk. X is the collector instance number, and Y is the datasource configuration instance number. Keys and values are as follows: =over 4 =item * EtokenE -- EperiodE:EoffsetE For each leaf token, period and time offset values are stored. =back B is a I database which stores the runtime statistics of Scheduler tasks. Each key is of structure BtasknameE:EperiodE:EoffsetE:EvariableE>, and the value is a number representing the current value of the variable. Depending on variable purpose, the number is floating point or integer. B is a I database containing user details, passwords, and group membership: =over 4 =item * ua:EuidE:EattrE -- EvalueE User attributes, such as C (Common name) or C, are stored here. For each user, there is a record consisting of the attribute C, with the value equal to the user identifier. =item * uA:EuidE -- EattrE, ... Comma-separated list of attribute names for the given user. =item * gm:EuidE -- EgroupE, ... For each user ID, stores the comma-separated list of groups it belongs to. =item * ga:EgroupE:EattrE -- EvalueE Group attributes, such as group description. =item * gA:EgroupE -- EattrE, ... Comma-separated list of attribute names for the given group. =item * G: -- EgroupE, ... List of all groups =back B is a I database containing group privileges information: =over 4 =item * u:EgroupE:EobjectE:EprivilegeE -- 1 The entry exists if and only if the group members have this privilege over the object given. Most common privilege is C, where the object is the tree name. =back B is a I database containing properties for each Service ID (exported collector information, usually stored in an SQL database): =over 4 =item * a: EserviceidE,... Lists all known service IDs =item * t:EtreeE -- EserviceidE,... Lists service IDs exported by a given datasource tree. =item * p:EserviceidE:EparamE -- EvalueE Parameter value for a given service ID. Mandatory parameters are: C, C, C. Optional: C. =item * P:EserviceidE -- EparamE, ... List of parameter names for a service ID. =back B is a I database with DB_DUP and DB_DUPSORT flags. It contains the search strings for the given tree: =over 4 =item * EkeywordE -- EpathE[:EparamE] For a given keyword, refer to a path of a node that contains this word. If the node name matches the keyword, the I element is omitted. Otherwise it refers to the parameter that matches the keyword. =back B is a I database with DB_DUP and DB_DUPSORT flags. It contains the search strings for all trees: =over 4 =item * EkeywordE -- EtreeE:EpathE[:EparamE] For a given keyword, refer to a path of a node that contains this word. If the node name matches the keyword, the I element is omitted. Otherwise it refers to the parameter that matches the keyword. =back B is a I database containing SNMP collector failures information for a given collector instance for a tree. =over 4 =item * c:EcounterE -- ENE A counter with a name. Known names: I, I. =item * h:EhosthashE -- EfailureE:EtimestampE SNMP host failure information. Hosthash is a concatenation of hostname, UDP port, and SNMP community, separated by "|". Known failures: I, I. Timestamp is a UNIX time of the event. =item * m:EhosthashE -- EpathE:EtimestampE MIB failures (I, I, and I) for a given host, with the tree path of their occurence and the UNIX timestamp. =item * M:EhosthashE -- ENE Count of MIB failures per SNMP host. =back =head2 Modular Structure The Torrus framework consists of several functional modules: =over 4 =item * Configuration management Once the configuration XML files get changed, the configuration compiler should be run manually. This guarantees that the actual framework configuration is changed only when the files are ready. The configuration management module provides access methods for enumeration and enquery of the configuratin objects. =item * Data Collector module Collector program runs as a separate process for each datasource tree. Upon startup, it first runs all registered collectors. After that, the collectors are grouped depending on period and time offset, and launched periodically at the moments defined by formula: time + period - (time mod period) + timeoffset The datasources are grouped by collector type. For SNMP collector type, the datasources are grouped by host. SNMP requests are sent in non-blocking mode (see Net::SNMP Perl module manual). For each SNMP host, system uptime is verified. For RRD datasource types "COUNTER", if the device reload is detected, the corresponding RRD file is updated with "undefined" value at the calculated moment of reload. =item * Data threshold monitoring This module performs the monitoring tasks periodically, based on each monitored leaf schedule. It checks the conditions for each leaf having a monitor. In case of the alarm, it executes the action instructions synchronously. =item * Rendering module Upon a request, this module generates the graph and HTML files for the requested view and its subviews. It first checks availability of cached objects and avoids unneeded regeneration. It must be possible to force the renderer to flush the cache. =item * Web interface module Web interface module passes the Renderer output to an HTTP client. =back =head1 Author Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Stanislav Sinyagin ssinyagin@yahoo.com