$self{texts} = { 'Account' => 'óÞÅÔ', 'Add Purchase Order' => 'îÏ×ÙÊ ÚÁËÁÚ ÐÏÓÔÁ×ÝÉËÁ', 'Add Sales Invoice' => 'Add Sales Invoice', 'Add Sales Order' => 'îÏ×ÙÊ ÚÁËÁÚ ËÌÉÅÎÔÁ', 'Address' => 'áÄÒÅÓ', 'Amount' => 'óÕÍÍÁ', 'Apr' => 'áÐÒ', 'April' => 'áÐÒÅÌØ', 'Are you sure you want to delete Invoice Number' => '÷Ù Õ×ÅÒÅÎÙ, ÞÔÏ ÈÏÔÉÔÅ ÕÄÁÌÉÔØ ÄÁÎÎÙÊ ÓÞÅÔ?', 'Attachment' => '÷ÌÏÖÅÎÉÅ', 'Aug' => 'á×Ç', 'August' => 'á×ÇÕÓÔ', 'Bcc' => 'Bcc', 'Bin' => 'Bin', 'Cannot delete invoice!' => 'Cannot delete invoice!', 'Cannot post invoice for a closed period!' => 'Nie mo¿na zksiêgowaæ faktury pozamkniêciu okresu', 'Cannot post invoice!' => 'Cannot post invoice!', 'Cannot post payment for a closed period!' => 'Nie mo¿na zaksiêgowaæ p³atno¶ci po zamkniêciu okresu!', 'Cc' => 'Cc', 'Confirm!' => 'ðÏÄÔ×ÅÒÄÉÔØ!', 'Contact' => 'ëÏÎÔÁËÔÎÏÅ ÌÉÃÏ', 'Continue' => 'ðÒÏÄÏÌÖÉÔØ', 'Copies' => 'ëÏÐÉÊ', 'Credit Limit' => 'ìÉÍÉÔ ËÒÅÄÉÔÁ', 'Currency' => '÷ÁÌÀÔÁ', 'Customer' => 'ëÌÉÅÎÔ', 'Customer missing!' => 'Customer missing!', 'Customer not on file!' => 'Customer not on file!', 'Date' => 'äÁÔÁ', 'Date Due' => 'ïÐÌÁÔÉÔØ ÄÏ', 'Dec' => 'äÅË', 'December' => 'äÅËÁÂÒØ', 'Delete' => 'õÄÁÌÉÔØ', 'Delivery Date' => 'Delivery Date', 'Description' => 'ïÐÉÓÁÎÉÅ', 'E-mail' => 'E-mail', 'E-mail address missing!' => 'îÅ ÕËÁÚÁÎ ÁÄÒÅÓ E-mail!', 'Edit Sales Invoice' => 'Edit Sales Invoice', 'Exch' => 'Kurs', 'Exchangerate' => 'Kurs Wymiany', 'Exchangerate for payment missing!' => 'Brakuje kursu wymiany dla p³atno¶ci!', 'Exchangerate missing!' => 'Brakuje kursu wymiany', 'Extended' => 'Extended', 'Fax' => 'Fax', 'Feb' => 'Luty', 'February' => 'Luty', 'In-line' => 'W³±czony', 'Invoice' => 'óÞÅÔ-ÆÁËÔÕÒÁ', 'Invoice Date' => 'äÁÔÁ ×ÙÓÔÁ×ÌÅÎÉÑ', 'Invoice Date missing!' => 'îÅ ÕËÁÚÁÎÁ ÄÁÔÁ ×ÙÓÔÁ×ÌÅÎÉÑ ÓÞÅÔÁ-ÆÁËÔÕÒÙ', 'Invoice Number' => 'îÏÍÅÒ ÓÞÅÔÁ-ÆÁËÔÕÒÙ', 'Invoice Number missing!' => 'îÅ ÕËÁÚÁÎ ÎÏÍÅÒ ÓÞÅÔÁ-ÆÁËÔÕÒÙ', 'Invoice deleted!' => 'Invoice deleted!', 'Invoice posted!' => 'Invoice posted!', 'Item not on file!' => 'Produkt nie jest w zbiorze!', 'Jan' => 'ñÎ×', 'January' => 'ñÎ×ÁÒØ', 'Jul' => 'éÀÌ', 'July' => 'éÀÌØ', 'Jun' => 'éÀÎ', 'June' => 'éÀÎØ', 'Mar' => 'Marzec', 'March' => 'Marzec', 'May' => 'Maj', 'May ' => 'Maj', 'Message' => 'Wiadomo¶æ', 'Name' => 'Nazwa', 'No.' => 'No.', 'Notes' => 'Noty', 'Nov' => 'Listopad', 'November' => 'Listopad', 'Number' => 'Numer Katalogu', 'Number missing in Row' => 'Brak Numeru w Rzêdzie', 'Oct' => 'Pa¿dziernik', 'October' => 'Pa¿dziernik', 'Order' => 'Zamówienie', 'Order Date missing!' => 'Brak Daty Zamówienia', 'Order Number' => 'Numer Zamówienia', 'Order Number missing!' => 'Brak Numeru Zamówienia', 'PDF' => 'PDF', 'Packing List' => 'Wykaz Dostawy', 'Packing List Date missing!' => 'Brak Daty Wykazu Dostawy', 'Packing List Number missing!' => 'Brak Numeru Wykazu Dostawy', 'Part' => 'Produkt', 'Payment date missing!' => 'Brak Daty P³atno¶ci', 'Payments' => 'Rozliczenia P³atno¶ci', 'Phone' => 'Tel.', 'Post' => 'Post', 'Post as new' => 'Post as new', 'Postscript' => 'Postscript', 'Price' => 'Cena Netto', 'Print' => 'Print', 'Printer' => 'Drukarka', 'Project' => 'Project', 'Project not on file!' => 'Project not on file!', 'Purchase Order' => 'Zamówienie Zakupu', 'Qty' => 'Ilo¶æ', 'Recd' => 'Recd', 'Record in' => 'ïÔÎÅÓÔÉ ÎÁ ÓÞÅÔ', 'Remaining' => 'Pozosta³e', 'Required by' => 'Termin Dostawy', 'Sales Order' => 'Zamówienie Klienta', 'Screen' => 'Ekran', 'Select from one of the items below' => 'Wybie¿ jeden z poni¿szych artyku³ów', 'Select from one of the names below' => 'Select from one of the names below', 'Select from one of the projects below' => 'Select from one of the projects below', 'Select postscript or PDF!' => 'Select postscript or PDF!', 'Sep' => 'óÅÎ', 'September' => 'óÅÎÔÑÂÒØ', 'Service' => 'õÓÌÕÇÁ', 'Ship' => 'Ship', 'Ship to' => 'Ship to', 'Ship via' => 'Ship via', 'Source' => '¯ród³o', 'Subject' => 'ôÅÍÁ', 'Subtotal' => 'éÔÏÇÏ ÐÏ ÒÁÚÄÅÌÕ', 'Tax Included' => 'Podatek Wliczony', 'To' => 'do', 'Total' => 'Warto¶æ Brutto', 'Unit' => 'Jednostka', 'Update' => 'Update', 'Vendor not on file!' => 'Vendor not on file!', 'What type of item is this?' => 'Co to za rodzaj artyku³u', 'Yes' => 'Tak', 'ea' => 'szt', 'emailed to' => 'email do', 'sent to printer' => 'wys³ano do drukarki', }; $self{subs} = { 'add' => 'add', 'add_transaction' => 'add_transaction', 'ap_transaction' => 'ap_transaction', 'ar_transaction' => 'ar_transaction', 'check_form' => 'check_form', 'check_name' => 'check_name', 'check_project' => 'check_project', 'continue' => 'continue', 'customer_details' => 'customer_details', 'delete' => 'delete', 'display_form' => 'display_form', 'display_row' => 'display_row', 'e_mail' => 'e_mail', 'edit' => 'edit', 'form_footer' => 'form_footer', 'form_header' => 'form_header', 'gl_transaction' => 'gl_transaction', 'invoice_links' => 'invoice_links', 'invoicetotal' => 'invoicetotal', 'item_selected' => 'item_selected', 'name_selected' => 'name_selected', 'new_item' => 'new_item', 'order' => 'order', 'post' => 'post', 'post_as_new' => 'post_as_new', 'prepare_invoice' => 'prepare_invoice', 'print' => 'print', 'print_form' => 'print_form', 'print_options' => 'print_options', 'project_selected' => 'project_selected', 'purchase_invoice' => 'purchase_invoice', 'sales_invoice' => 'sales_invoice', 'select_item' => 'select_item', 'select_name' => 'select_name', 'select_project' => 'select_project', 'send_email' => 'send_email', 'ship_to' => 'ship_to', 'update' => 'update', 'validate_items' => 'validate_items', 'vendor_details' => 'vendor_details', 'yes' => 'yes', 'ðÒÏÄÏÌÖÉÔØ' => 'continue', 'õÄÁÌÉÔØ' => 'delete', 'e_mail' => 'e_mail', 'zamówienie' => 'order', 'post' => 'post', 'post_as_new' => 'post_as_new', 'print' => 'print', 'ship_to' => 'ship_to', 'update' => 'update', 'tak' => 'yes', }; 1;