$self{texts} = { 'AP' => '應付帳款', 'AR' => '應收帳款', 'Account' => '科目', 'Account Number' => '科目編號', 'Account Number missing!' => '漏填科目編號!', 'Account Type' => '科目類別', 'Account Type missing!' => '漏填科目類別!', 'Account deleted!' => 'Account deleted!', 'Account saved!' => 'Account saved!', 'Add Account' => '新增科目', 'Add GIFI' => '新增 GIFI', 'Address' => '地址', 'Asset' => '資產', 'Audit Control' => '稽核控制', 'Backup sent to' => '備份寄送到', 'Books are open' => '帳簿已開啟', 'Business Number' => '統一編號', 'COGS' => '貨銷成本', 'Cannot delete account!' => 'Cannot delete account!', 'Cannot delete default account!' => 'Cannot delete default account!', 'Cannot save account!' => 'Cannot save account!', 'Cannot save preferences!' => 'Cannot save preferences!', 'Character Set' => '字元集', 'Chart of Accounts' => '會計科目表', 'Close Books up to' => '關閉到此為止的帳簿', 'Company' => '公司名稱', 'Continue' => '繼續', 'Copy to COA' => '複製到 COA', 'Credit' => '貸方', 'Date Format' => '日期格式', 'Debit' => '借方', 'Delete' => '刪除', 'Delete Account' => '刪除科目', 'Description' => '說明', 'Dropdown Limit' => 'Dropdown Limit', 'E-mail' => '電子郵件', 'Edit' => 'Edit', 'Edit Account' => '編輯科目', 'Edit GIFI' => '編輯 GIFI', 'Edit Preferences for' => '設定使用者', 'Edit Template' => '編輯模版', 'Enforce transaction reversal for all dates' => '強制所有日期的交易回復', 'Enter up to 3 letters separated by a colon (i.e CAD:USD:EUR) for your native and foreign currencies' => '請鍵入以冒號分隔的英文字母, 每項不超過三個字 (如 CAD:USD:EUR), 作為您的本國及外國貨幣', 'Equity' => '股權', 'Expense' => '費用', 'Expense Account' => '費用科目', 'Expense/Asset' => '費用/資產', 'Fax' => '傳真', 'Foreign Exchange Gain' => '外匯收益', 'Foreign Exchange Loss' => '外匯損失', 'GIFI' => 'GIFI', 'GIFI deleted!' => 'GIFI deleted!', 'GIFI missing!' => '未指明 GIFI!', 'GIFI saved!' => 'GIFI saved!', 'Heading' => '表頭', 'Include in drop-down menus' => '包含在下拉式選單中', 'Include this account on the customer/vendor forms to flag customer/vendor as taxable?' => '要將這個客戶/廠商加入應加稅清單?', 'Income' => '收益', 'Income Account' => '損益科目', 'Inventory' => '庫存', 'Inventory Account' => '存貨科目', 'Is this a summary account to record' => '此為總結科目嗎?', 'Language' => '語系', 'Last Invoice Number' => '上一筆發票編號', 'Last Numbers & Default Accounts' => '上一筆編號及預設科目', 'Last Purchase Order Number' => '前次採購單號', 'Last Sales Order Number' => '前次銷', 'Liability' => '負債', 'Link' => '連結', 'Name' => '名稱', 'No' => '否', 'No email address for' => '未指明電子郵件位置', 'Number' => '編號', 'Number Format' => '數字格式', 'Parts Inventory' => '庫存原料', 'Password' => '密碼', 'Payables' => '應付科目', 'Payment' => '付款方式', 'Phone' => '電話號碼', 'Preferences saved!' => '個人設定已儲存!', 'Rate' => '稅率', 'Receivables' => '應收科目', 'Sales' => '業務', 'Save' => '儲存', 'Service Items' => '服務項目', 'Ship via' => 'Ship via', 'Signature' => '簽名', 'Stylesheet' => '樣式表', 'Tax' => '稅金', 'Tax Accounts' => '稅金科目', 'Template saved!' => 'Template saved!', 'Transaction reversal enforced for all dates' => '強制回復所有日期的交易', 'Transaction reversal enforced up to' => '強制回復交易直到', 'Transactions exist; cannot delete account!' => '尚有交易存在; 無法刪除帳戶!', 'Weight Unit' => '重量單位', 'Year End' => '會計年度', 'Yes' => '是', 'does not exist' => '不存在', }; $self{subs} = { 'add' => 'add', 'add_gifi' => 'add_gifi', 'audit_control' => 'audit_control', 'backup' => 'backup', 'config' => 'config', 'continue' => 'continue', 'copy_to_coa' => 'copy_to_coa', 'delete' => 'delete', 'delete_account' => 'delete_account', 'delete_gifi' => 'delete_gifi', 'display_form' => 'display_form', 'display_stylesheet' => 'display_stylesheet', 'doclose' => 'doclose', 'edit' => 'edit', 'edit_gifi' => 'edit_gifi', 'edit_template' => 'edit_template', 'form_footer' => 'form_footer', 'form_header' => 'form_header', 'gifi_footer' => 'gifi_footer', 'gifi_header' => 'gifi_header', 'list' => 'list', 'list_gifi' => 'list_gifi', 'save' => 'save', 'save_account' => 'save_account', 'save_gifi' => 'save_gifi', 'save_preferences' => 'save_preferences', 'save_template' => 'save_template', '新德科目' => 'add_account', '繼續' => 'continue', '複製到_coa' => 'copy_to_coa', '呀除' => 'delete', 'edit' => 'edit', '編輯科目' => 'edit_account', '儲存' => 'save', }; 1;