<%args> $Search => undef $Object => undef $HiddenField => undef <&| /Widgets/TitleBox, title => $title &> % if ($FeedText) {


% } else { This feed will show tickets with due date find with query:
"<%$Search->SubValue('Query')%>". % } % if ($ICalURL) {

Your can paste this url in your calendar : <%$link%>

% } else {

% } <%init> my $title; my $ICalURL; my $Id; my $FeedText; my $link; if ($Object) { $title = loc('Feed for "') . ($Search->Description || loc('Unnamed search')) . '" search'; $HiddenField = "SavedSearch-" . $Search->Id; $ICalURL = $Search->FirstAttribute('ICalURL'); $Id = $session{CurrentUser}->Id . "@" . $Search->Id; $title .= " (disabled)" unless $ICalURL; } else { $title = loc('Feed for default calendar'); $HiddenField = "Private"; $ICalURL = $session{CurrentUser}->UserObj->FirstAttribute('ICalURL'); $Id = $session{CurrentUser}->Id; $FeedText = "This feed will show yours and Nobody's tasks with due date."; } $link = $RT::WebURL . "NoAuth/Calendar/" . $Id . "/" . $ICalURL->Content if $ICalURL;