#!@PERL@ # BEGIN BPS TAGGED BLOCK {{{ # # COPYRIGHT: # # This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2014 Best Practical Solutions, LLC # # # (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices) # # # LICENSE: # # This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of # the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have # been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed # from www.gnu.org. # # This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html. # # # CONTRIBUTION SUBMISSION POLICY: # # (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted # to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of # the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if # you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the # community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.) # # By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or # derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with # Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that # you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant # Best Practical Solutions, LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, # royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative # works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute # those contributions and any derivatives thereof. # # END BPS TAGGED BLOCK }}} use strict; use warnings; no warnings 'once'; # fix lib paths, some may be relative BEGIN { require File::Spec; my @libs = ("@RT_LIB_PATH@", "@LOCAL_LIB_PATH@"); my $bin_path; for my $lib (@libs) { unless ( File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute($lib) ) { unless ($bin_path) { if ( File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute(__FILE__) ) { $bin_path = ( File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__) )[1]; } else { require FindBin; no warnings "once"; $bin_path = $FindBin::Bin; } } $lib = File::Spec->catfile( $bin_path, File::Spec->updir, $lib ); } unshift @INC, $lib; } } BEGIN { use RT; RT::LoadConfig(); RT::Init(); }; use RT::Interface::CLI (); my %DB = ( type => scalar RT->Config->Get('DatabaseType'), user => scalar RT->Config->Get('DatabaseUser'), admin => '@DB_DBA@', admin_password => undef, ); my %OPT = ( help => 0, ask => 1, dryrun => 0, attachments => 1, ); my %DEFAULT; if ( $DB{'type'} eq 'Pg' ) { %DEFAULT = ( table => 'Attachments', column => 'ContentIndex', ); } elsif ( $DB{'type'} eq 'mysql' ) { %DEFAULT = ( table => 'AttachmentsIndex', ); } elsif ( $DB{'type'} eq 'Oracle' ) { %DEFAULT = ( prefix => 'rt_fts_', ); } use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions); GetOptions( 'h|help!' => \$OPT{'help'}, 'ask!' => \$OPT{'ask'}, 'dry-run!' => \$OPT{'dryrun'}, 'attachments!' => \$OPT{'attachments'}, 'table=s' => \$OPT{'table'}, 'column=s' => \$OPT{'column'}, 'url=s' => \$OPT{'url'}, 'maxmatches=i' => \$OPT{'maxmatches'}, 'index-type=s' => \$OPT{'index-type'}, 'dba=s' => \$DB{'admin'}, 'dba-password=s' => \$DB{'admin_password'}, ) or show_help(); if ( $OPT{'help'} || (!$DB{'admin'} && $DB{'type'} eq 'Oracle' ) ) { show_help( !$OPT{'help'} ); } my $dbh = $RT::Handle->dbh; $dbh->{'RaiseError'} = 1; $dbh->{'PrintError'} = 1; if ( $DB{'type'} eq 'mysql' ) { check_sphinx(); my $table = $OPT{'table'} || prompt( message => "Enter name of a new MySQL table that will be used to connect to the\n" . "Sphinx server:", default => $DEFAULT{'table'}, silent => !$OPT{'ask'}, ); my $url = $OPT{'url'} || prompt( message => "Enter URL of the sphinx search server; this should be of the form\n" . "sphinx://:/", default => 'sphinx://localhost:3312/rt', silent => !$OPT{'ask'}, ); my $maxmatches = $OPT{'maxmatches'} || prompt( message => "Maximum number of matches to return; this is the maximum number of\n" . "attachment records returned by the search, not the maximum number\n" . "of tickets. Both your RT_SiteConfig.pm and your sphinx.conf must\n" . "agree on this value. Larger values cause your Sphinx server to\n" . "consume more memory and CPU time per query.", default => 10000, silent => !$OPT{'ask'}, ); my $schema = < "DROP TABLE $table" ) unless $OPT{'dryrun'}; insert_schema( $schema ); print_rt_config( Table => $table, MaxMatches => $maxmatches ); require URI; my $urlo = URI->new( $url ); my ($host, $port) = split /:/, $urlo->authority; my $index = $urlo->path; $index =~ s{^/+}{}; my $var_path = $RT::VarPath; my %sphinx_conf = (); $sphinx_conf{'host'} = RT->Config->Get('DatabaseHost'); $sphinx_conf{'db'} = RT->Config->Get('DatabaseName'); $sphinx_conf{'user'} = RT->Config->Get('DatabaseUser'); $sphinx_conf{'pass'} = RT->Config->Get('DatabasePassword'); print < "Enter the name of a DB table that will be used to store the Pg tsvector.\n" . "You may either use the existing Attachments table, or create a new\n" . "table.", default => $DEFAULT{'table'}, silent => !$OPT{'ask'}, ); my $column = $OPT{'column'} || prompt( message => 'Enter the name of a column that will be used to store the Pg tsvector:', default => $DEFAULT{'column'}, silent => !$OPT{'ask'}, ); my $schema; my $drop; if ( lc($table) eq 'attachments' ) { $drop = "ALTER TABLE $table DROP COLUMN $column"; $schema = "ALTER TABLE $table ADD COLUMN $column tsvector"; } else { $drop = "DROP TABLE $table"; $schema = "CREATE TABLE $table ( " ."id INTEGER NOT NULL," ."$column tsvector )"; } my $index_type = lc($OPT{'index-type'} || ''); while ( $index_type ne 'gist' and $index_type ne 'gin' ) { $index_type = lc prompt( message => "You may choose between GiST or GIN indexes; the former is several times\n" . "slower to search, but takes less space on disk and is faster to update.", default => 'GiST', silent => !$OPT{'ask'}, ); } do_error_is_ok( dba_handle() => $drop ) unless $OPT{'dryrun'}; insert_schema( $schema ); insert_schema("CREATE INDEX ${column}_idx ON $table USING $index_type($column)"); print_rt_config( Table => $table, Column => $column ); } elsif ( $DB{'type'} eq 'Oracle' ) { { my $dbah = dba_handle(); do_print_error( $dbah => 'GRANT CTXAPP TO '. $DB{'user'} ); do_print_error( $dbah => 'GRANT EXECUTE ON CTXSYS.CTX_DDL TO '. $DB{'user'} ); } my %PREFERENCES = ( datastore => { type => 'DIRECT_DATASTORE', }, filter => { type => 'AUTO_FILTER', # attributes => { # timeout => 120, # seconds # timeout_type => 'HEURISTIC', # or 'FIXED' # }, }, lexer => { type => 'WORLD_LEXER', }, word_list => { type => 'BASIC_WORDLIST', attributes => { stemmer => 'AUTO', fuzzy_match => 'AUTO', # fuzzy_score => undef, # fuzzy_numresults => undef, # substring_index => undef, # prefix_index => undef, # prefix_length_min => undef, # prefix_length_max => undef, # wlidcard_maxterms => undef, }, }, 'section_group' => { type => 'NULL_SECTION_GROUP', }, storage => { type => 'BASIC_STORAGE', attributes => { R_TABLE_CLAUSE => 'lob (data) store as (cache)', I_INDEX_CLAUSE => 'compress 2', }, }, ); my @params = (); push @params, ora_create_datastore( %{ $PREFERENCES{'datastore'} } ); push @params, ora_create_filter( %{ $PREFERENCES{'filter'} } ); push @params, ora_create_lexer( %{ $PREFERENCES{'lexer'} } ); push @params, ora_create_word_list( %{ $PREFERENCES{'word_list'} } ); push @params, ora_create_stop_list(); push @params, ora_create_section_group( %{ $PREFERENCES{'section_group'} } ); push @params, ora_create_storage( %{ $PREFERENCES{'storage'} } ); my $index_params = join "\n", @params; my $index_name = $DEFAULT{prefix} .'index'; do_error_is_ok( $dbh => "DROP INDEX $index_name" ) unless $OPT{'dryrun'}; $dbh->do( "CREATE INDEX $index_name ON Attachments(Content) indextype is ctxsys.context parameters(' $index_params ')", ) unless $OPT{'dryrun'}; print_rt_config( IndexName => $index_name ); } else { die "Full-text indexes on $DB{type} are not yet supported"; } sub check_tsvalue { my $dbh = $RT::Handle->dbh; my $fts = ($dbh->selectrow_array(<CheckSphinxSE; print STDERR < 'datastore', ); } sub ora_create_filter { my $res = ''; $res .= sprintf "format column %s\n", ora_create_format_column(); $res .= sprintf 'filter %s', ora_create_preference( @_, name => 'filter', ); return $res; } sub ora_create_lexer { return sprintf 'lexer %s', ora_create_preference( @_, name => 'lexer', ); } sub ora_create_word_list { return sprintf 'wordlist %s', ora_create_preference( @_, name => 'word_list', ); } sub ora_create_stop_list { my $file = shift || 'etc/stopwords/en.txt'; return '' unless -e $file; my $name = $DEFAULT{'prefix'} .'stop_list'; unless ($OPT{'dryrun'}) { do_error_is_ok( $dbh => 'begin ctx_ddl.drop_stoplist(?); end;', $name ); $dbh->do( 'begin ctx_ddl.create_stoplist(?, ?); end;', undef, $name, 'BASIC_STOPLIST' ); open( my $fh, '<:utf8', $file ) or die "couldn't open file '$file': $!"; while ( my $word = <$fh> ) { chomp $word; $dbh->do( 'begin ctx_ddl.add_stopword(?, ?); end;', undef, $name, $word ); } close $fh; } return sprintf 'stoplist %s', $name; } sub ora_create_section_group { my %args = @_; my $name = $DEFAULT{'prefix'} .'section_group'; unless ($OPT{'dryrun'}) { do_error_is_ok( $dbh => 'begin ctx_ddl.drop_section_group(?); end;', $name ); $dbh->do( 'begin ctx_ddl.create_section_group(?, ?); end;', undef, $name, $args{'type'} ); } return sprintf 'section group %s', $name; } sub ora_create_storage { return sprintf 'storage %s', ora_create_preference( @_, name => 'storage', ); } sub ora_create_format_column { my $column_name = 'ContentOracleFormat'; return $column_name if $OPT{'dryrun'}; unless ( $dbh->column_info( undef, undef, uc('Attachments'), uc( $column_name ) )->fetchrow_array ) { $dbh->do(qq{ ALTER TABLE Attachments ADD $column_name VARCHAR2(10) }); } my $detect_format = qq{ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION $DEFAULT{prefix}detect_format_simple( parent IN NUMBER, type IN VARCHAR2, encoding IN VARCHAR2, fname IN VARCHAR2 ) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS format VARCHAR2(10); BEGIN format := CASE }; unless ( $OPT{'attachments'} ) { $detect_format .= qq{ WHEN fname IS NOT NULL THEN 'ignore' }; } $detect_format .= qq{ WHEN type = 'text' THEN 'text' WHEN type = 'text/rtf' THEN 'ignore' WHEN type LIKE 'text/%' THEN 'text' WHEN type LIKE 'message/%' THEN 'text' ELSE 'ignore' END; RETURN format; END; }; ora_create_procedure( $detect_format ); $dbh->do(qq{ UPDATE Attachments SET $column_name = $DEFAULT{prefix}detect_format_simple( Parent, ContentType, ContentEncoding, Filename ) WHERE $column_name IS NULL }); $dbh->do(qq{ CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER $DEFAULT{prefix}set_format BEFORE INSERT ON Attachments FOR EACH ROW BEGIN :new.$column_name := $DEFAULT{prefix}detect_format_simple( :new.Parent, :new.ContentType, :new.ContentEncoding, :new.Filename ); END; }); return $column_name; } sub ora_create_preference { my %info = @_; my $name = $DEFAULT{'prefix'} . $info{'name'}; return $name if $OPT{'dryrun'}; do_error_is_ok( $dbh => 'begin ctx_ddl.drop_preference(?); end;', $name ); $dbh->do( 'begin ctx_ddl.create_preference(?, ?); end;', undef, $name, $info{'type'} ); return $name unless $info{'attributes'}; while ( my ($attr, $value) = each %{ $info{'attributes'} } ) { $dbh->do( 'begin ctx_ddl.set_attribute(?, ?, ?); end;', undef, $name, $attr, $value ); } return $name; } sub ora_create_procedure { my $text = shift; return if $OPT{'dryrun'}; my $status = $dbh->do($text, { RaiseError => 0 }); # Statement succeeded return if $status; if ( 6550 != $dbh->err ) { # Utter failure die $dbh->errstr; } else { my $msg = $dbh->func( 'plsql_errstr' ); die $dbh->errstr if !defined $msg; die $msg if $msg; } } sub dba_handle { if ( $DB{'type'} eq 'Oracle' ) { $ENV{'NLS_LANG'} = "AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8"; $ENV{'NLS_NCHAR'} = "AL32UTF8"; } my $dsn = do { my $h = new RT::Handle; $h->BuildDSN; $h->DSN }; my $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, $DB{admin}, $DB{admin_password}, { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 1 }, ); unless ( $dbh ) { die "Failed to connect to $dsn as user '$DB{admin}': ". $DBI::errstr; } return $dbh; } sub do_error_is_ok { my $dbh = shift; local $dbh->{'RaiseError'} = 0; local $dbh->{'PrintError'} = 0; return $dbh->do(shift, undef, @_); } sub do_print_error { my $dbh = shift; local $dbh->{'RaiseError'} = 0; local $dbh->{'PrintError'} = 1; return $dbh->do(shift, undef, @_); } sub prompt { my %args = ( @_ ); return $args{'default'} if $args{'silent'}; local $| = 1; print $args{'message'}; if ( $args{'default'} ) { print "\n[". $args{'default'} .']: '; } else { print ":\n"; } my $res = ; chomp $res; print "\n"; return $args{'default'} if !$res && $args{'default'}; return $res; } sub verbose { print @_, "\n" if $OPT{verbose} || $OPT{verbose}; 1 } sub debug { print @_, "\n" if $OPT{debug}; 1 } sub error { $RT::Logger->error( @_ ); verbose(@_); 1 } sub warning { $RT::Logger->warning( @_ ); verbose(@_); 1 } sub show_help { my $error = shift; RT::Interface::CLI->ShowHelp( ExitValue => $error, Sections => 'NAME|DESCRIPTION', ); } sub print_rt_config { my %args = @_; my $config = < 1, Indexed => 1, END $config .= sprintf(" %-10s => '$args{$_}',\n",$_) foreach grep defined $args{$_}, keys %args; $config .= ");\n"; print $config; } sub insert_schema { my $dbh = dba_handle(); my $message = "Going to run the following in the DB:"; my $schema = shift; print "$message\n"; my $disp = $schema; $disp =~ s/^/ /mg; print "$disp\n\n"; return if $OPT{'dryrun'}; my $res = $dbh->do( $schema ); unless ( $res ) { die "Couldn't run DDL query: ". $dbh->errstr; } } =head1 NAME rt-setup-fulltext-index - Create indexes for full text search =head1 DESCRIPTION This script creates the appropriate tables, columns, functions, and / or views necessary for full-text searching for your database type. It will drop any existing indexes in the process. Please read F for complete documentation on full-text indexing for your database type. If you have a non-standard database administrator user or password, you may use the C<--dba> and C<--dba-password> parameters to set them explicitly: rt-setup-fulltext-index --dba sysdba --dba-password 'secret' To test what will happen without running any DDL, pass the C<--dryrun> flag. The Oracle index determines which content-types it will index at creation time. By default, textual message bodies and textual uploaded attachments (attachments with filenames) are indexed; to ignore textual attachments, pass the C<--no-attachments> flag when the index is created. =head1 AUTHOR Ruslan Zakirov Eruz@bestpractical.comE, Alex Vandiver Ealexmv@bestpractical.comE =cut