#!/usr/bin/perl -w # BEGIN BPS TAGGED BLOCK {{{ # # COPYRIGHT: # # This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Best Practical Solutions, LLC # # # (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices) # # # LICENSE: # # This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of # the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have # been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed # from www.gnu.org. # # This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at # http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html. # # # CONTRIBUTION SUBMISSION POLICY: # # (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted # to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of # the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if # you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the # community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.) # # By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or # derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with # Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that # you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant # Best Practical Solutions, LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, # royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative # works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute # those contributions and any derivatives thereof. # # END BPS TAGGED BLOCK }}} # Portions Copyright 2002 Autrijus Tang use strict; use File::Find; use File::Copy; use Regexp::Common; use Carp; use vars qw($DEBUG $FILECAT); $DEBUG = 1; @ARGV = unless @ARGV; $FILECAT = {}; # extract all strings and stuff them into $FILECAT File::Find::find( { wanted => \&extract_strings_from_code, follow => 1 }, '.' ); # ensure proper escaping and [_1] => %1 transformation foreach my $str ( sort keys %{$FILECAT} ) { my $entry = $FILECAT->{$str}; my $oldstr = $str; $str =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $str =~ s/\"/\\"/g; $str =~ s/((?{$oldstr}; $FILECAT->{$str} = $entry; } # update all language dictionaries foreach my $dict (@ARGV) { $dict = "lib/RT/I18N/$dict.po" unless -f $dict or $dict =~ m!/!; my $lang = $dict; $lang =~ s|.*/||; $lang =~ s|\.po$||; update($lang, $dict); } # {{{ pull strings out of the code. sub extract_strings_from_code { my $file = $_; local $/; return if ( -d $_ ); return if ( $File::Find::dir =~ 'lib/blib|lib/t/autogen|var|m4|local' ); return if ( /\.po$|\.bak$|~|,D|,B$|extract-message-catalog$/ ); return if ( /^[\.#]/ ); return if ( -f "$_.in" ); print "Looking at $File::Find::name\n"; my $filename = $File::Find::name; $filename =~ s'^\./''; $filename =~ s'\.in$''; unless (open _, $file) { print "Cannot open $file for reading ($!), skipping.\n"; return; } $_ = <_>; # Mason filter: <&|/l>... my $line = 1; while (m!\G.*?<&\|/l(.*?)&>(.*?)!sg) { my ( $vars, $str ) = ( $1, $2 ); $line += ( () = ( $& =~ /\n/g ) ); # cryptocontext! $str =~ s/\\'/\'/g; #print "STR IS $str\n"; push @{ $FILECAT->{$str} }, [ $filename, $line, $vars ]; } # Localization function: loc(...) $line = 1; pos($_) = 0; while (m/\G.*?\bloc$RE{balanced}{-parens=>'()'}{-keep}/sg) { my $match = $1; $line += ( () = ( $& =~ /\n/g ) ); # cryptocontext! my ( $vars, $str ); if ( $match =~ /\(\s*($RE{delimited}{-delim=>q{'"}}{-keep})(.*?)\s*\)$/s ) { $str = substr( $1, 1, -1 ); # $str comes before $vars now $vars = $9; } else { next; } $vars =~ s/[\n\r]//g; $str =~ s/\\'/\'/g; push @{ $FILECAT->{$str} }, [ $filename, $line, $vars ]; } # Comment-based mark: "..." # loc $line = 1; pos($_) = 0; while (m/\G.*?($RE{delimited}{-delim=>q{'"}}{-keep})[\}\)\],]*\s*\#\s*loc\s*$/smg) { my $str = substr($1, 1, -1); $line += ( () = ( $& =~ /\n/g ) ); # cryptocontext! $str =~ s/\\'/\'/g; push @{ $FILECAT->{$str} }, [ $filename, $line, '' ]; } # Comment-based pair mark: "..." => "..." # loc_pair $line = 1; pos($_) = 0; while (m/\G.*?(\w+)\s*=>\s*($RE{delimited}{-delim=>q{'"}}{-keep})[\}\)\],]*\s*\#\s*loc_pair\s*$/smg) { my $key = $1; my $val = substr($2, 1, -1); $line += ( () = ( $& =~ /\n/g ) ); # cryptocontext! $key =~ s/\\'/\'/g; $val =~ s/\\'/\'/g; push @{ $FILECAT->{$key} }, [ $filename, $line, '' ]; push @{ $FILECAT->{$val} }, [ $filename, $line, '' ]; } close (_); } # }}} extract from strings sub update { my $lang = shift; my $file = shift; my ( %Lexicon, %Header); my $out = ''; unless (!-e $file or -w $file) { warn "Can't write to $lang, skipping...\n"; return; } print "Updating $lang...\n"; my @lines; @lines = () if open (LEXICON, $file); @lines = grep { !/^(#(:|\.)\s*|$)/ } @lines; while (@lines) { my $msghdr = ""; $msghdr .= shift @lines while ( $lines[0] && $lines[0] !~ /^msgid/ ); my $msgid = ""; $msgid .= shift @lines while ( $lines[0] && $lines[0] =~ /^(msgid|")/ ); my $msgstr = ""; $msgstr .= shift @lines while ( $lines[0] && $lines[0] =~ /^(msgstr|")/ ); last unless $msgid; chomp $msgid; chomp $msgstr; $msgid =~ s/^msgid "(.*)"\s*?$/$1/ms or warn "$msgid in $file"; $msgstr =~ s/^msgstr "(.*)"\s*?$/$1/ms or warn "$msgstr in $file"; $Lexicon{$msgid} = $msgstr; $Header{$msgid} = $msghdr; } my $is_english = ( $lang =~ /^en(?:[^A-Za-z]|$)/ ); foreach my $str ( sort keys %{$FILECAT} ) { $Lexicon{$str} ||= '';; } foreach ( sort keys %Lexicon ) { my $f = join ( ' ', sort map $_->[0].":".$_->[1], @{ $FILECAT->{$_} } ); my $nospace = $_; $nospace =~ s/ +$//; if ( !$Lexicon{$_} and $Lexicon{$nospace} ) { $Lexicon{$_} = $Lexicon{$nospace} . ( ' ' x ( length($_) - length($nospace) ) ); } next if !length( $Lexicon{$_} ) and $is_english; my %seen; $out .= $Header{$_} if exists $Header{$_}; next if (!$f && $_ && !$Lexicon{$_}); if ( $f && $f !~ /^\s+$/ ) { $out .= "#: $f\n"; } elsif ($_) { $out .= "#: NOT FOUND IN SOURCE\n"; } foreach my $entry ( grep { $_->[2] } @{ $FILECAT->{$_} } ) { my ( $file, $line, $var ) = @{$entry}; $var =~ s/^\s*,\s*//; $var =~ s/\s*$//; $out .= "#. ($var)\n" unless $seen{$var}++; } $out .= "msgid \"$_\"\nmsgstr \"$Lexicon{$_}\"\n\n"; } open PO, ">$file" or die $!; print PO $out; close PO; return 1; } sub escape { my $text = shift; $text =~ s/\b_(\d+)/%$1/; return $text; } __END__ # Local variables: # c-indentation-style: bsd # c-basic-offset: 4 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: # vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4: