@Initial = sub { my $dbh = $RT::Handle->dbh; my $sth = $dbh->table_info( '', undef, undef, "'TABLE'"); my $found_fm_tables = {}; while ( my $table = $sth->fetchrow_hashref ) { my $name = $table->{TABLE_NAME} || $table->{table_name}; next unless $name =~ /^fm_/i; $found_fm_tables->{lc $name}++; } return unless %$found_fm_tables; unless ( $found_fm_tables->{fm_topics} && $found_fm_tables->{fm_objecttopics} ) { $RT::Logger->error("You appear to be upgrading from RTFM 2.0 - We don't support upgrading this old of an RTFM yet"); } $RT::Logger->error("We found RTFM tables in your database. Checking for content."); my $result = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT count(*) AS articlecount FROM FM_Articles", { Slice => {} } ); if ($result->[0]{articlecount} > 0) { $RT::Logger->error("You appear to have RTFM Articles. You can upgrade using the etc/upgrade/upgrade-articles script. Read more about it in docs/UPGRADING-4.0"); } };