my $move_attributes = sub { my ($table, $type, $column) = @_; my $query = "UPDATE $table SET $column = (SELECT Content FROM Attributes WHERE" ." Name = ? AND ObjectType = ? AND $ = Attributes.ObjectId)"; my $res = $RT::Handle->SimpleQuery( $query, $column, $type ); unless ( $res ) { $RT::Logger->error("Failed to move $column on $type from Attributes into $table table"); return; } $query = 'DELETE FROM Attributes WHERE Name = ? AND ObjectType = ?'; $res = $RT::Handle->SimpleQuery( $query, $column, $type ); unless ( $res ) { $RT::Logger->error("Failed to delete $column on $type from Attributes"); return; } return 1; }; @Initial = ( sub { return $move_attributes->( 'Users', 'RT::User', 'AuthToken'); }, sub { return $move_attributes->( 'CustomFields', 'RT::CustomField', 'RenderType'); }, sub { my $cfs = RT::CustomFields->new($RT::SystemUser); $cfs->UnLimit; $cfs->FindAllRows; while ( my $cf = $cfs->Next ) { # Explicitly remove 'ORDER BY id asc' to emulate the # previous functionality, where Pg might return the the # rows in arbitrary order $cf->Attributes->OrderByCols(); my $attr = $cf->FirstAttribute('BasedOn'); next unless $attr; $cf->SetBasedOn($attr->Content); } $query = 'DELETE FROM Attributes WHERE Name = ? AND ObjectType = ?'; $res = $RT::Handle->SimpleQuery( $query, 'BasedOn', 'RT::CustomField' ); unless ( $res ) { $RT::Logger->error("Failed to delete BasedOn CustomFields from Attributes"); return; } return 1; }, sub { $move_attributes->( 'CustomFields', 'RT::CustomField', 'ValuesClass') or return; my $query = "UPDATE CustomFields SET ValuesClass = NULL WHERE ValuesClass = ?"; my $res = $RT::Handle->SimpleQuery( $query, 'RT::CustomFieldValues' ); unless ( $res ) { $RT::Logger->error("Failed to replace default with NULLs"); return; } return 1; }, sub { my $attr = RT->System->FirstAttribute('BrandedSubjectTag'); return 1 unless $attr; my $map = $attr->Content || {}; while ( my ($qid, $tag) = each %$map ) { my $queue = RT::Queue->new( RT->SystemUser ); $queue->Load( $qid ); unless ( $queue->id ) { $RT::Logger->warning("Couldn't load queue #$qid. Skipping..."); next; } my ($status, $msg) = $queue->SetSubjectTag($tag); unless ( $status ) { $RT::Logger->error("Couldn't set subject tag for queue #$qid: $msg"); next; } } }, );