NEW SCRIP NOTES RT Actions: EmailOwnerAsComment Send mail to the ticket owner from the queue's comment address EmailOwnerOrAdminWatchersAsComment Send mail to the ticket owner, or if there is no owner, the ticket's admin watchers from the queue's comment addresses EmailAdminWatchersAsComment Send mail to the ticket's adminstrative watchers from the queue's comment address EmailOwner Send mail to the ticket owner from the queue's correspond address EmailOwnerOrAdminWatchers Send mail to the ticket owner, or if there is no owner, the ticket's admin watchers from the queue's correspond addresses EmailAdminWatchers Send mail to the ticket's adminstrative watchers from the queue's correspond address EmailWatchers Send mail to the ticket watchers from the queue's correspond address AutoReply Sendmail to the requestor from the queue's correspond address. RT Conditions: OnCreate OnEachTransaction OnComment OnCorrespond What is an Action? ...some piece of code that can do something whenever a transaction is done. The actions shipped with RT sends email and can handle some logic that makes sense for some instances. site-specific modules can be dropped in to perform special actions. What can an Action do? - decide whether it's applicable or not - prepare - commit - describe itself ...and if it's a subclass of SendEmail, you can also override a lot. Currently the schema.mysql contains a list of the basic subscription-related actions that will be bundled with RT. What is a Scrip?'s an entry in the database that tells that an action is to be performed with a certain template and argument. Template and argument doesn't make sense in all contexts. A scrip can be limited to transaction types; the current implementation allows a comma-separated list (though for a "cleaner" schema design, it should be a separate table for this?). It has a name and a description. What is a ScripScope? indication of what queues the different Scrips applies to. It should be easy to remove/insert ScripScope objects by the admin tools. What is a Watcher?'s a request for beeing kept updated on a ticket and/or a queue and/or whatever. It is to be used by the Actions. Watcher items can easily be enabled/disabled through the `Quiet' attribute. `Type' might indicate what emails the watcher wants to get and how to get them. The Bcc/Cc watchers should be handled by the NotifyWatchers action which is run regardless of the Scrips. What is a Template? ...A template is a text template that is to be used for outgoing email - or for different use for different actions. One template can be used by several Scrips. How does the system determinate whom to send mail to? The ScripScope table in the DB should indicate whether a Scrip is relevant for a queue or not /* TobiX thinks that this might eventually be extended to keywords, tickets, etc, and not only Queues */ ... the Scope table should indicate whether the Scrip is relevant for a given transaction type ... then the given Action should determinate whether it applies or not, and finally the Action has to find out (via the Watchers table) whom it applies to, and how to contact them ... and the Template tells how the mails that are sent out should look like.