/* GraphViz graph representing the state diagram of the RQL parser. */ /* XXX: It's not up to date anymore, we should delete it or update. */ digraph G { PAREN -> PAREN; PAREN -> KEYWORD; PAREN -> AGGREG; AGGREG -> KEYWORD; AGGREG -> PAREN; KEYWORD -> OP; OP -> VALUE; VALUE -> PAREN; VALUE -> AGGREG; /* Blue lines represent added complexity of q[IN (x,y,z)] support. The only place that the "blue tree" can be entered is at IN, and exited at PAREN. */ KEYWORD -> IN [color=blue]; IN -> PAREN [color=blue]; PAREN -> VALUE [color=blue]; VALUE -> COMMA [color=blue]; COMMA -> VALUE [color=blue]; VALUE -> PAREN [color=blue]; }