Using Aegis for RT development 1. The main line of RT development will be under the control of the Aegis change management system, as administered by Best Practical Solutions, LLC 2. We will use aedist to generate change sets for each change checked in to the main Aegis repository. These change sets will be either distributed by a mailing list or made available via the web, or both. 3. Remote developers using Aegis will send aedist output for their changes to for review and integration. 4. The aedist output should be sent to after the change has completed its local aede, but before aerpass. 5. If the change is rejected, the developer can aedeu to reopen the change and fix whatever problems caused the review to not pass. 6. A baseline snapshot (aedist -bl) of the main Aegis repository will be generated at least daily and made available via http to provide a central location for synchronizing remote Aegis repositories. 7. Changes to the main Aegis repository will also be propagated automatically to the tracking CVS repository. Using CVS for RT development 1. CVS is accessed via anonymous cvs with the following CVSROOT: 2. Remote developers using CVS will send patches (cvs -diff output) to for integration into the main Aegis repository. This allows anonymous CVS access to be used for RT development by developers who are unable to use Aegis.