<% mt('Create new ticket') |h %> <% mt('in queue') |h %> %# fetch list of queues in which the user can create tickets % my %queues = FS::TicketSystem->queues('', 'CreateTicket'); % if( $conf->exists('ticket_system-force_default_queueid') ) { <% $queues{$new_param{'Queue'}} %> % } % else { % }

(<% mt("View $openlabel tickets for this customer") |h %>) (<% mt('View resolved tickets for this customer') |h %>)

<& /elements/table-grid.html &> % my $bgcolor1 = '#eeeeee'; % my $bgcolor2 = '#ffffff'; % my $bgcolor = ''; <% mt('#') |h %> <% mt('Subject') |h %> <% mt('Status') |h %> <% mt('Queue') |h %> <% mt('Owner') |h %> <% mt('Due') |h %> <% mt('Estimated Time') |h %> <% mt('Priority') |h %> % if ( $ss_priority ) { <% mt('Customer Priority') |h %> % } % foreach my $ticket ( @tickets ) { % my $href = FS::TicketSystem->href_ticket($ticket->{id}); % if ( $bgcolor eq $bgcolor1 ) { % $bgcolor = $bgcolor2; % } else { % $bgcolor = $bgcolor1; % } ><% $ticket->{id} %> ><% $ticket->{subject} %> <% $ticket->{status} %> <% $ticket->{queue} %> <% $ticket->{owner} %> <% $date_formatter->($ticket->{due}) %> <% $ticket->{timeestimated} %> <% $ticket->{content} ? $ticket->{content}.' ('.$ticket->{priority}.')' : $ticket->{priority} %> % if ( $ss_priority ) { <% $ticket->{"CF.{$ss_priority}"} %> % } % } <%init> use Date::Format 'time2str'; use Date::Parse 'str2time'; my( $conf ) = new FS::Conf; my( $cust_main ) = @_; my( @tickets ) = $cust_main->tickets; my $open_link = FS::TicketSystem->href_customer_tickets($cust_main->custnum); my $openlabel = join('/', FS::TicketSystem->statuses ); my $res_link = FS::TicketSystem->href_customer_tickets( $cust_main->custnum, { 'statuses' => [ 'resolved' ] } ); my( $new_base, %new_param ) = FS::TicketSystem->href_params_new_ticket( $cust_main ); my $new_link = FS::TicketSystem->href_new_ticket( $cust_main ); my $ss_priority = FS::TicketSystem->selfservice_priority; my $format = $conf->config('date_format') || '%Y-%m-%d'; my $date_formatter = sub { my $time = str2time($_[0], 'GMT'); # exclude times within 24 hours of zero ($time > 86400) ? time2str($format, $time) : ''; };