<& /elements/header.html &> % foreach my $section ( keys %status ) { <% mt($section) |h %> % foreach my $item ( @{ $status{$section} } ) { % }
<% $item->{title} %> <% $item->{value} %>

% } <& /elements/footer.html &> <%init> my $os; -e '/usr/bin/lsb_release' and run( ['lsb_release', '-d'], '>',\$os ); if ( ! $@ && $os =~ /^\s*Description:\s*(.+)$/ ) { $os = $1; } elsif ( my $deb_version = slurp('/etc/debian_version') ) { $os = "Debian $deb_version"; } ( my $perl_ver = $^V ) =~ s/^v//; my $db = driver_name; $db = 'PostgreSQL' if $db =~ /^Pg/; $db = 'MySQL/MariaDB' if $db =~ /^mysql/; my $db_ver = FS::Record->scalar_sql('SELECT VERSION()'); if ( $db eq 'PostgreSQL' && $db_ver =~ /^\s*PostgreSQL\s+([\w\.]+)\s+on\s+/ ) { $db_ver = $1; } my $db_size = 'Unknown'; if ( $db eq 'PostgreSQL' ) { $db_size = FS::Record->scalar_sql(qq( SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size(datname)) FROM pg_catalog.pg_database WHERE datname = 'freeside' )); } tie my %status, 'Tie::IxHash', 'Basics' => [ { 'title' => 'Freeside version', 'value' => $FS::VERSION, }, { 'title' => 'Operating System', 'value' => $os, }, { 'title' => 'Perl version', 'value' => $perl_ver, }, { 'title' => 'Database engine', 'value' => $db, }, { 'title' => 'Database version', 'value' => $db_ver, }, { 'title' => 'Database size', 'value' => $db_size, }, ], 'Required Daemons' => [ { 'title' => 'Queue daemon', 'value' => _is_running('queued') ? 'Running' : 'Not running', }, ], 'Optional Daemons' => [ { 'title' => 'Self-service server(s)', 'value' => '(Not checked)', #XXX multiple pid files, per machine etc }, { 'title' => 'Self-service XML-RPC server', 'value' => _is_running('selfservice-xmlrpcd') ? 'Running' : 'Not running', }, { 'title' => 'Back office XML-RPC server', 'value' => _is_running('xmlrpcd') ? 'Running' : 'Not running', }, { 'title' => 'RADIUS accounting import daemon', 'value' => _is_running('sqlradius-radacctd') ? 'Running' : 'Not running', }, { 'title' => 'Prepaid daemon', 'value' => _is_running('prepaidd') ? 'Running' : 'Not running', }, { 'title' => 'CDR Rewrite daemon', 'value' => _is_running('cdrrewrited') ? 'Running' : 'Not running', }, { 'title' => 'CDR Prepaid daemon', 'value' => _is_running('cdrd') ? 'Running' : 'Not running', }, { 'title' => 'CDR Real-time rating daemon', 'value' => _is_running('cdrrated') ? 'Running' : 'Not running', }, #{ 'title' => 'Network monitoring port combiner', #? # 'value' => _is_running('torrus-srvderive') ? 'Running' : 'Not running', #}, ], ; if ( $db eq 'PostgreSQL' ) { my $enabled = FS::Record->scalar_sql('SHOW wal_level') eq 'hot_standby' && FS::Record->scalar_sql('SHOW archive_mode') eq 'on'; my $slave = FS::Record->scalar_sql('SHOW archive_command') =~ / postgres\@([\w\.\-]+): / ? $1 : ''; $status{'Replication'} = [ { 'title' => 'Status', #? 'value' => $enabled ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled', }, ]; if ( $enabled ) { push @{ $status{'Replication'} }, { 'title' => 'Slave', 'value' => $slave || '(Missing, or unparseable archive_command)', }, ; if ( $slave ) { #how far behind is it? will be easier once we're off 9.1 # http://www.keithf4.com/monitoring_streaming_slave_lag/ # except pg_stat_replication still doesn't fill in the columns we need as # non-Pg user :/ push @{ $status{'Replication'} }, { 'title' => 'Slave', 'value' => $slave || '(Missing, or unparseable archive_command)', }, ; } } } else { $status{'Replication'} = [ { 'title' => 'Enabled', 'value' => "(Not yet checked on $db)", }, ]; } if ( _is_running('cdrd') ) { my $delay = FS::Record->scalar_sql(' SELECT AVG(end_date-insert_date) FROM queue_stat GROUP BY statnum ORDER BY statnum DESC LIMIT 100 '); if ( $delay ) { my $h = int($delay/3600); my $m = int( ($delay%3600) / 60 ); my $s = $delay%60; $delay = ( $h ? $h. 'h' : '' ). ( $h||$m ? $m. 'm' : ''). $s. 's'; } my $pr_delay = FS::Record->scalar_sql(' SELECT AVG(end_date-start_date) FROM queue_stat GROUP BY statnum ORDER BY statnum DESC LIMIT 100 '); if ( $pr_delay ) { my $h = int($delay/3600); my $m = int( ($delay%3600) / 60 ); my $s = $delay%60; $pr_delay = ( $h ? $h. 'h' : '' ). ( $h||$m ? $m. 'm' : ''). $s. 's'; } my $dayago = time2str('%Y-%m-%d %X', time - 86400); my $cdrs = FS::Record->scalar_sql(qq{ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cdr WHERE ( freesidestatus IS NULL OR freesidestatus = '' ) AND calldate > '$dayago' }); $status{'CDR Processing'} = [ { 'title' => 'Current processing delay', 'value' => $delay, }, { 'title' => 'Average billing time', 'value' => $pr_delay, }, { 'title' => 'Unprocessed CDRs (last 24 hours)', 'value' => $cdrs, }, ]; } sub _is_running { my $thing = shift; my $pid_path = '/var/run'; #XXX hardcoded path my $pidfile = -e "$pid_path/freeside/$thing.pid" ? "$pid_path/freeside/$thing.pid" : -e "$pid_path/freeside-$thing.pid" ? "$pid_path/freeside-$thing.pid" : return 0; -e $pidfile and kill 0, slurp($pidfile) }