<& elements/svc_Common.html, 'title' => 'Broadband Search Results', 'name' => 'broadband services', 'html_init' => $html_init, 'query' => $sql_query, 'count_query' => $sql_query->{'count_query'}, 'redirect' => [ popurl(2). "view/svc_broadband.cgi?", 'svcnum' ], 'header' => [ '#', 'Service', 'Router', @tower_header, 'IP Address', @header_pkg, emt('Pkg. Status'), FS::UI::Web::cust_header($cgi->param('cust_fields')), ], 'fields' => [ 'svcnum', 'svc', sub { my $router = shift->router; $router ? $router->routername : ''; }, @tower_fields, 'ip_addr', @fields_pkg, sub { $cust_pkg_cache{$_[0]->svcnum} ||= $_[0]->cust_svc->cust_pkg; return '' unless $cust_pkg_cache{$_[0]->svcnum}; $cust_pkg_cache{$_[0]->svcnum}->ucfirst_status }, \&FS::UI::Web::cust_fields, ], 'links' => [ $link, $link, '', #$link_router, (map '', @tower_fields), $link, # ip_addr @blank_pkg, '', # pkg status ( map { $_ ne 'Cust. Status' ? $link_cust : '' } FS::UI::Web::cust_header($cgi->param('cust_fields')) ), ], 'align' => 'rll'.('r' x @tower_fields). 'r'. # ip_addr $align_pkg. 'r'. # pkg status FS::UI::Web::cust_aligns(), 'color' => [ '', '', '', (map '', @tower_fields), '', # ip_addr @blank_pkg, sub { $cust_pkg_cache{$_[0]->svcnum} ||= $_[0]->cust_svc->cust_pkg; return '' unless $cust_pkg_cache{$_[0]->svcnum}; my $c = FS::cust_pkg::statuscolors; $c->{$cust_pkg_cache{$_[0]->svcnum}->status }; }, # pkg status FS::UI::Web::cust_colors(), ], 'style' => [ '', '', '', (map '', @tower_fields), '', # ip_addr @blank_pkg, 'b', # pkg status FS::UI::Web::cust_styles(), ], &> <%init> die "access denied" unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('List services'); my %cust_pkg_cache; my $conf = new FS::Conf; my %search_hash; if ( $cgi->param('magic') eq 'unlinked' ) { %search_hash = ( 'unlinked' => 1 ); } else { foreach (qw( custnum agentnum svcpart cust_fields )) { $search_hash{$_} = $cgi->param($_) if $cgi->param($_); } foreach (qw(pkgpart routernum towernum sectornum)) { $search_hash{$_} = [ $cgi->param($_) ] if $cgi->param($_); } if ( defined($cgi->param('cancelled')) ) { $search_hash{'cancelled'} = $cgi->param('cancelled') ? 1 : 0; } } if ( $cgi->param('sortby') =~ /^(\w+)$/ ) { $search_hash{'order_by'} = "ORDER BY $1"; } my $sql_query = FS::svc_broadband->search(\%search_hash); my @tower_header; my @tower_fields; if ( FS::tower_sector->count > 0 ) { push @tower_header, 'Tower/Sector'; push @tower_fields, sub { $_[0]->tower_sector ? $_[0]->tower_sector->description : '' }; } my %routerbyblock = (); foreach my $router (qsearch('router', {})) { foreach ($router->addr_block) { $routerbyblock{$_->blocknum} = $router; } } my $link = [ $p.'view/svc_broadband.cgi?', 'svcnum' ]; #XXX get the router link working #my $link_router = sub { # my $routernum = $routerbyblock{shift->blocknum}->routernum; # [ $p.'view/router.cgi?'.$routernum, 'routernum' ]; #}; my $link_cust = [ $p.'view/cust_main.cgi?', 'custnum' ]; my $html_init = include('/elements/email-link.html', 'search_hash' => \%search_hash, 'table' => 'svc_broadband' ); $html_init .= ' | ' . '' . emt('View a map of these services') . ''; my (@header_pkg,@fields_pkg,@blank_pkg); my $align_pkg = ''; #false laziness with search/svc_acct.cgi $cgi->param('cust_pkg_fields') =~ /^([\w\,]*)$/ or die "bad cust_pkg_fields"; my @pkg_fields = split(',', $1); foreach my $pkg_field ( @pkg_fields ) { ( my $header = ucfirst($pkg_field) ) =~ s/_/ /; #:/ push @header_pkg, $header; #not the most efficient to do it every field, but this is of niche use. so far push @fields_pkg, sub { my $svc_x = shift; my $cust_pkg = $svc_x->cust_svc->cust_pkg or return ''; my $value; if ($pkg_field eq 'package') { $value = $cust_pkg->part_pkg->pkg; } else { $value = $cust_pkg->get($pkg_field);#closures help alot $value ? time2str('%b %d %Y', $value ) : ''; } }; push @blank_pkg, ''; $align_pkg .= 'c'; }