<& elements/search.html, 'title' => 'Time worked', 'name_singular' => 'transaction', 'query' => $query, 'count_query' => $count_query, 'count_addl' => [ $format_seconds_sub, $applied_time ? $format_seconds_sub : () ], 'header' => [ 'Ticket #', 'Ticket', 'Date', 'Time', $applied_time ? 'Applied' : (), ], 'fields' => [ 'ticketid', sub { encode_entities(shift->get('subject')) }, 'created', sub { my $seconds = shift->get('transaction_time'); &{ $format_seconds_sub }( $seconds ); }, ($applied_time ? sub { my $seconds = shift->get('applied_time'); &{ $format_seconds_sub }( $seconds ); } : () ), ], 'links' => [ $link, $link, '', '', '', ], &> <%once> my $format_seconds_sub = sub { my $seconds = shift; #(($seconds < 0) ? '-' : '') . concise(duration($seconds)); (($seconds < 0) ? '-' : '' ). int(abs($seconds)/3600)."h".sprintf("%02d",(abs( $seconds)%3600)/60)."m"; }; <%init> die "access denied" unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('List rating data'); local $FS::Record::nowarn_classload = 1; #some amount of false laziness w/timeworked.html... my @select = ( 'Transactions.*', 'Tickets.Id AS ticketid', 'Tickets.Subject', 'Users.name AS otaker', ); my @select_total = ( 'COUNT(*)' ); my ($transaction_time, $applied_time); my $join = 'JOIN Tickets ON Transactions.ObjectId = Tickets.Id '. 'JOIN Users ON Transactions.Creator = Users.Id '; #. my $where = "WHERE Transactions.ObjectType = 'RT::Ticket'"; my $cfname = ''; if ( $cgi->param('cfname') =~ /^\w(\w|\s)*$/ ) { # a TimeValue-type custom field $cfname = $cgi->param('cfname'); $transaction_time = "(CASE Transactions.Type WHEN 'CustomField' THEN ( coalesce(to_number(ocfv_new.Content,'999999'),0) - coalesce(to_number(ocfv_old.Content,'999999'),0) ) ELSE ( to_number(ocfv_main.Content,'999999') ) END) * 60"; # complicated because we have to deal with the case of editing the # ticket custom field directly (OldReference/NewReference) as well as # entering a transaction with a custom field value (ObjectId) $join .= " LEFT JOIN ObjectCustomFieldValues ocfv_new ON ( ocfv_new.Id = Transactions.NewReference ) LEFT JOIN ObjectCustomFieldValues ocfv_old ON ( ocfv_old.Id = Transactions.OldReference ) LEFT JOIN ObjectCustomFieldValues ocfv_main ON ( ocfv_main.ObjectType = 'RT::Transaction' AND ocfv_main.ObjectId = Transactions.Id ) JOIN CustomFields ON ( ( CustomFields.LookupType = 'RT::Queue-RT::Ticket-RT::Transaction' AND CustomFields.Id = ocfv_main.CustomField AND ocfv_main.Id IS NOT NULL ) OR ( CustomFields.LookupType = 'RT::Queue-RT::Ticket' AND (CustomFields.Id = ocfv_new.CustomField OR ocfv_new.Id IS NULL) AND (CustomFields.Id = ocfv_old.CustomField OR ocfv_old.Id IS NULL) AND ocfv_main.Id IS NULL ) ) "; $where .= " AND CustomFields.Name = '$cfname' AND (ocfv_new.Id IS NOT NULL OR ocfv_old.Id IS NOT NULL OR ocfv_main.Id IS NOT NULL)"; } else { # the intrinsic TimeWorked/TimeTaken fields $transaction_time = "CASE Transactions.Type when 'Set' THEN (to_number(NewValue,'999999')-to_number(OldValue, '999999')) * 60 ELSE TimeTaken*60 END"; my $applied = ''; if ( $cgi->param('svcnum') =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/ ) { $where .= " AND EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM acct_rt_transaction WHERE acct_rt_transaction.transaction_id = Transactions.id AND svcnum = $1 )"; $applied = "AND svcnum = $1"; } $applied_time = "( SELECT SUM(support) from acct_rt_transaction where transaction_id = Transactions.id $applied )"; $where .= " AND ( ( Transactions.Type = 'Set' AND Transactions.Field = 'TimeWorked' AND Transactions.NewValue != Transactions.OldValue ) OR ( ( Transactions.Type='Create' OR Transactions.Type='Comment' OR Transactions.Type='Correspond' OR Transactions.Type='Touch' ) AND Transactions.TimeTaken > 0 ) ) "; } #AND transaction_time != 0 #AND $wheretimeleft push @select, "($transaction_time) AS transaction_time"; push @select_total, "SUM($transaction_time)"; if ( $applied_time ) { push @select, "($applied_time) AS applied_time"; push @select_total, "SUM($applied_time)"; } my($beginning, $ending) = FS::UI::Web::parse_beginning_ending($cgi); # TIMESTAMP is Pg-specific... ? if ( $beginning > 0 ) { $beginning = "TIMESTAMP '". time2str('%Y-%m-%d %X', $beginning). "'"; $where .= " AND Transactions.Created >= $beginning "; } if ( $ending < 4294967295 ) { $ending = "TIMESTAMP '". time2str('%Y-%m-%d %X', $ending). "'"; $where .= " AND Transactions.Created <= $ending "; } if ( $cgi->param('otaker') && $cgi->param('otaker') =~ /^([\w\.\-]+)$/ ) { $where .= " AND Users.name = '$1' "; } if ( $cgi->param('ticketid') =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/ ) { $where .= " AND Tickets.Id = $1"; } my $query = { 'select' => join(', ', @select), 'table' => 'transactions', #Pg-ism #'table' => 'Transactions', 'addl_from' => $join, 'extra_sql' => $where, 'order by' => 'ORDER BY Created', }; my $count_query = 'SELECT '.join(', ', @select_total). " FROM Transactions $join $where"; my $link = [ "${p}rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=", sub { shift->get('ticketid'); } ];