<% include( 'elements/cust_main_dayranges.html', 'title' => 'Accounts Receivable Aging Summary', 'range_sub' => \&balance, 'payment_links' => 1, ) %> <%init> die "access denied" unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Receivables report') or $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Financial reports'); <%once> #Example: # # my $balance = balance( # $start, $end, # 'no_as' => 1, #set to true when using in a WHERE clause (supress AS clause) # #or 0 / omit when using in a SELECT clause as a column # # ("AS balance_$start_$end") # 'sum' => 1, #set to true to get a SUM() of the values, for totals # # #obsolete? options for totals (passed to cust_main::balance_date_sql) # 'total' => 1, #set to true to remove all customer comparison clauses # 'join' => $join, #JOIN clause # 'where' => \@where, #WHERE clause hashref (elements "AND"ed together) # ) sub balance { my($start, $end, $offset) = @_; #, %opt ? #handle start and end ranges (86400 = 24h * 60m * 60s) my $str2time = str2time_sql; my $closing = str2time_sql_closing; # $end == 0 means "+infinity", while $start == 0 really means 0 # so we should always include a start condition $start = "( $str2time now() $closing - ". ($start + $offset) * 86400 . ' )'; # but only include an end condition if $end != 0 $end = $end ? "( $str2time now() $closing - ". ($end + $offset) * 86400 . ' )' : ''; #$opt{'unapplied_date'} = 1; FS::cust_main->balance_date_sql( $start, $end, 'unapplied_date'=>1,); }