<& /elements/header.html, mt($title, @title_arg) &>
% unless ( $custnum ) { <& /elements/tr-title.html, value => mt('Customer search options') &> <& /elements/tr-select-agent.html, 'curr_value' => scalar( $cgi->param('agentnum') ), 'disable_empty' => 0, 'onchange' => 'agent_changed(this)', &> <& /elements/tr-select-cust_main-status.html, 'label' => 'Customer status', 'field' => 'cust_status', &> <& /elements/tr-select-sales.html, 'label' => 'Customer sales person', 'element_name' => 'cust_main_salesnum', 'id' => 'cust_main_salesnum', 'curr_value' => scalar($cgi->param('cust_main_salesnum')), 'pre_options' => [ '' => 'all', 0 => '(none)', ], 'disable_empty' => 1, &>

% } <& /elements/tr-title.html, value => mt('Package search options') &> <& /elements/tr-select-sales.html, 'label' => 'Package sales person', 'curr_value' => scalar($cgi->param('salesnum')), 'pre_options' => [ '' => 'all', 0 => '(none)', ], 'disable_empty' => 1, &> <& /elements/tr-select-cust_pkg-status.html, 'label' => 'Package status', 'onchange' => 'status_changed(this);', &> <& /elements/tr-select-pkg_class.html, 'pre_options' => [ '0' => 'all' ], 'empty_label' => '(empty class)', &> % if ( scalar( qsearch( 'part_pkg_report_option', { 'disabled' => '' } ) ) ) { <& /elements/tr-select-table.html, 'label' => 'Report classes', 'table' => 'part_pkg_report_option', 'name_col' => 'name', 'hashref' => { 'disabled' => '' }, 'element_name' => 'report_option', 'multiple' => 'multiple', &> % } <& /elements/tr-checkbox.html, 'label' => 'Custom packages', 'field' => 'custom', 'value' => 1, 'onchange' => 'custom_changed(this);', &> <& /elements/tr-selectmultiple-part_pkg.html &> <& /elements/tr-title.html, value => mt('Location search options') &> % my @location_options = qw(cust nocust census nocensus); % if ( $conf->exists('enable_taxproducts') ) { % push @location_options, 'geocode', 'nogeocode'; % } <& /elements/tr-checkbox-multiple.html, 'label' => 'Where package location:', 'field' => 'loc', 'options' => \@location_options, 'labels' => { 'cust' => "is the customer's default location", 'nocust' => "is not the customer's default location", 'census' => "has a census tract", 'nocensus' => "does not have a census tract", 'nogeocode'=> 'has an implicit tax location', 'geocode' => 'has a hardcoded tax location', }, 'value' => { map { $_ => 1 } @location_options }, &> <& /elements/tr-title.html, value => mt('Display options') &> <& /elements/tr-select-cust-fields.html &>
% my $noinit = 0; % foreach my $field (@date_fields) { % foreach (qw(beginning ending)) { % $noinit = 1; % } % } #foreach $field
From date (m/d/y) To date (m/d/y)
<% $label{$field} %> <& /elements/input-date-field.html, { 'name' => $field.'_'.$_, 'value' => '', 'noinit' => $noinit, 'format' => '%m/%d/%Y', } &>

<% include('/elements/footer.html') %> <%init> die "access denied" unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('List packages'); my $title = 'Package Report'; #false laziness w/report_cust_bill.html my @title_arg = (); my $custnum = ''; if ( $cgi->param('custnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { $custnum = $1; my $cust_main = qsearchs({ 'table' => 'cust_main', 'hashref' => { 'custnum' => $custnum }, 'extra_sql' => ' AND '. $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql, }) or die "unknown custnum $custnum"; $title .= ': [_1]'; push @title_arg, $cust_main->name; } <%once> tie my %label, 'Tie::IxHash', 'setup' => 'Setup', 'last_bill' => 'Last bill', 'bill' => 'Next bill', 'adjourn' => 'Adjourns', 'susp' => 'Suspended', 'dundate' => 'Suspension delayed until', 'expire' => 'Expires', 'contract_end' => 'Contract ends', 'change_date' => 'Changed from other package', 'cancel' => 'Cancelled', ; my @date_fields = keys %label; #false laziness w/cust_pkg.cgi my %disable = ( 'all' => {}, 'not yet billed' => { 'setup'=>1, 'last_bill'=>1, 'bill'=>1, 'adjourn'=>1, 'susp'=>1, 'expire'=>1, 'cancel'=>1, }, 'one-time charge' => { 'last_bill'=>1, 'bill'=>1, 'adjourn'=>1, 'susp'=>1, 'expire'=>1, 'cancel'=>1, 'contract_end'=>1, 'dundate'=>1, }, 'active' => { 'susp'=>1, 'cancel'=>1 }, 'suspended' => { 'cancel'=>1, 'dundate'=>1, }, 'cancelled' => {}, '' => {}, ); #hmm? my %checkbox = ( 'setup' => 0, 'last_bill' => 0, 'bill' => 0, 'susp' => 1, 'dundate' => 1, 'expire' => 1, 'cancel' => 1, ); my $conf = FS::Conf->new;