<& elements/search.html, 'title' => $title, 'name' => 'states', 'query' => $query, 'count_query' => $count_query, 'count_addl' => $count_addl, 'header' => [ 'State', # if we add more group fields, change this 'Count', 'Phone numbers' ], 'fields' => [ 'state', 'num_svcnums', $detail_sub ], 'html_init' => include('.head', $time), &> <%def .head> % my $time = shift;
url %> METHOD="GET"> Active phone services as of <& /elements/input-date-field.html, { 'name' => 'date', 'value' => $time, 'format' => FS::Conf->new->config('date_format') || '%m/%d/%Y' } &>

<%init> # svc_phone-specific for now; may change later my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser; die "access denied" unless $curuser->access_right('Services: Phone numbers'); my $title = 'Phone services by state'; my $time = time; if ( $cgi->param('date') ) { $time = parse_datetime($cgi->param('date')); $title .= time2str(' (%b %o, %Y)', $time); } my @tables = qw(svc_phone cust_svc cust_pkg cust_location cust_main); my @pkeys = qw(svcnum svcnum pkgnum locationnum custnum); my @h_tables = map "h_$_", @tables; my $addl_from = ''; my @where; for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@tables); $i++) { my $last_table = $h_tables[$i-1]; my $pkey = $pkeys[$i]; my $table = $tables[$i]; my $h_table = $h_tables[$i]; # alias the preceding table, and join to a subquery that finds the most # recent change to $table.$pkey before $time my $alias = $h_table; my $inside = ''; if ( $i > 0 ) { $alias = "t$i"; $inside = " AS $alias"; } $inside .= " JOIN (SELECT $pkey AS num, MAX(history_date) AS history_date FROM $h_table WHERE history_date <= $time AND history_action IN ('insert', 'replace_new') GROUP BY $pkey ) AS mostrecent_$table ON ($alias.$pkey = mostrecent_$table.num AND $alias.history_date = mostrecent_$table.history_date AND $alias.history_action IN ('insert', 'replace_new') ) LEFT JOIN (SELECT $pkey AS num, MAX(history_date) AS history_date, 1 AS deleted FROM $h_table WHERE history_date <= $time AND history_action = 'delete' GROUP BY $pkey ) AS deleted_$table ON (mostrecent_$table.num = deleted_$table.num AND mostrecent_$table.history_date < deleted_$table.history_date ) "; # join to the preceding table if there is one, and filter out # deleted records if ( $i > 0 ) { $addl_from .= " LEFT JOIN ( $h_table $inside ) AS $h_table ON ($h_table.$pkey = $last_table.$pkey)"; push @where, "$h_table.deleted IS NULL"; } else { $addl_from .= $inside; push @where, "deleted_$table.deleted IS NULL"; } } # so that we know which services are still active $addl_from .= " LEFT JOIN svc_phone ON (h_svc_phone.svcnum = svc_phone.svcnum AND h_svc_phone.phonenum = svc_phone.phonenum)"; #warn "\n\nJOIN EXPRESSION:\n$addl_from\n\n"; push @where, $curuser->agentnums_sql( 'table' => 'h_cust_main', 'null_right' => 'View/link unlinked services' ); my $where = " WHERE ".join(' AND ', map "($_)", @where); my $group_field = 'h_cust_location.state'; my @select = ( "$group_field AS state", 'count(DISTINCT h_svc_phone.svcnum) AS num_svcnums', # don't DISTINCT these (it reorders them) "array_to_string(array_agg(h_svc_phone.phonenum), ',') AS all_phonenums", "array_to_string(array_agg(h_svc_phone.svcnum), ',') AS all_svcnums", "array_to_string(array_agg(svc_phone.svcnum), ',') AS active_svcnums", ); my $query = { 'select' => join(',', @select), 'table' => 'h_svc_phone', 'addl_from' => $addl_from, 'extra_sql' => " $where GROUP BY $group_field", }; # DISTINCT on these because of cross-producting effects when a cust_pkg # record (usually) was replaced more than once within one second. my $count_query = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT $group_field), COUNT(DISTINCT h_svc_phone.svcnum) ". "FROM h_svc_phone $addl_from $where"; my $count_addl = [ '%d phone services' ]; my $detail_sub = sub { my $rec = shift; warn Dumper $rec; my @svcnums = split(',', $rec->all_svcnums); my @phonenums = split(',', $rec->all_phonenums); # identifies services that still exist with the same svcnum+phonenum my %active = map { $_ => 1 } split(',', $rec->active_svcnums); # make a single column of phonenums my @return; my %seen; while (my $svcnum = shift @svcnums) { my $phonenum = shift @phonenums; next if $seen{$svcnum}; $seen{$svcnum} = 1; my $link = $active{$svcnum} ? $p.'view/svc_phone.cgi?'.$svcnum : ''; push @return, [ { data => $phonenum, link => $link, data_style => ($active{$svcnum} ? '' : 'i') } ]; } \@return; };