<% include('elements/search.html', 'title' => 'Batch payment details', 'name' => 'batch details', 'query' => $sql_query, 'count_query' => $count_query, 'html_init' => $pay_batch ? $html_init : '', 'header' => [ '#', 'Inv #', 'Customer', 'Customer', 'Card Name', 'Card', 'Exp', 'Amount', 'Status', ], 'fields' => [ sub { shift->[0]; }, sub { shift->[1]; }, sub { shift->[2]; }, sub { my $cpb = shift; $cpb->[3] . ', ' . $cpb->[4]; }, sub { shift->[5]; }, sub { my $cardnum = shift->[6]; 'x'x(length($cardnum)-4). substr($cardnum,(length($cardnum)-4)); }, sub { shift->[7] =~ /^\d{2}(\d{2})[\/\-](\d+)[\/\-]\d+$/; my( $mon, $year ) = ( $2, $1 ); $mon = "0$mon" if length($mon) == 1; "$mon/$year"; }, sub { shift->[8]; }, sub { shift->[9]; }, ], 'align' => 'lllllllrl', 'links' => [ ['', sub{'#';}], ["${p}view/cust_bill.cgi?", sub{shift->[1];},], ["${p}view/cust_main.cgi?", sub{shift->[2];},], ["${p}view/cust_main.cgi?", sub{shift->[2];},], ], ) %> <%init> my $conf = new FS::Conf; die "access denied" unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Financial reports') || $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Process batches') || ( $cgi->param('custnum') && ( $conf->exists('batch-enable') || $conf->config('batch-enable_payby') ) #&& $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('View customer batched payments') ); my( $count_query, $sql_query ); my $hashref = {}; my @search = (); my $orderby = 'paybatchnum'; my( $pay_batch, $batchnum ) = ( '', ''); if ( $cgi->param('batchnum') && $cgi->param('batchnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { push @search, "batchnum = $1"; $pay_batch = qsearchs('pay_batch', { 'batchnum' => $1 } ); die "Batch $1 not found!" unless $pay_batch; $batchnum = $pay_batch->batchnum; } if ( $cgi->param('custnum') && $cgi->param('custnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { push @search, "custnum = $1"; } if ( $cgi->param('status') && $cgi->param('status') =~ /^(\w)$/ ) { push @search, "pay_batch.status = '$1'"; } if ( $cgi->param('payby') ) { $cgi->param('payby') =~ /^(CARD|CHEK)$/ or die "illegal payby " . $cgi->param('payby'); push @search, "cust_pay_batch.payby = '$1'"; } if ( not $cgi->param('dcln') ) { push @search, "cpb.status IS DISTINCT FROM 'Approved'"; } my ($beginning, $ending) = FS::UI::Web::parse_beginning_ending($cgi); unless ($pay_batch){ push @search, "pay_batch.upload >= $beginning" if ($beginning); push @search, "pay_batch.upload <= $ending" if ($ending < 4294967295);#2^32-1 $orderby = "pay_batch.download,paybatchnum"; } push @search, $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agentnums_sql; my $search = ' WHERE ' . join(' AND ', @search); $count_query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_pay_batch AS cpb ' . 'LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum ) ' . 'LEFT JOIN pay_batch USING ( batchnum )' . $search; #grr $sql_query = "SELECT paybatchnum,invnum,custnum,cpb.last,cpb.first," . "cpb.payname,cpb.payinfo,cpb.exp,amount,cpb.status " . "FROM cust_pay_batch AS cpb " . 'LEFT JOIN cust_main USING ( custnum ) ' . 'LEFT JOIN pay_batch USING ( batchnum ) ' . "$search ORDER BY $orderby"; my $html_init = ''; if ( $pay_batch ) { my $fixed = $conf->config('batch-fixed_format-'. $pay_batch->payby); if ( $pay_batch->status eq 'O' || ( $pay_batch->status eq 'I' && $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Reprocess batches') ) || ( $pay_batch->status eq 'R' && $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Redownload resolved batches') ) ) { $html_init .= qq!!; if ( $fixed ) { $html_init .= qq!!; } else { $html_init .= qq!Download batch in format !. qq!!; } $html_init .= qq!

!; } if ( $pay_batch->status eq 'I' || ( $pay_batch->status eq 'R' && $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Reprocess batches') ) ) { $html_init .= ''. include('/elements/form-file_upload.html', 'name' => 'FileUpload', 'action' => "$p/misc/upload-batch.cgi", 'num_files' => 1, 'fields' => [ 'batchnum', 'format' ], 'message' => 'Batch results uploaded.', ) . 'Upload results
'. include('/elements/file-upload.html', 'field' => 'file', 'label' => 'Filename', 'no_table'=> 1 ). '
' ; if ( $fixed ) { $html_init .= qq!!; } else { # should pull this from %import_info $html_init .= qq!Format !. qq!
!; } $html_init .= qq!!; $html_init .= '
'; if ( $conf->exists('batch-manual_approval') and $pay_batch->status eq 'I') { $html_init .= qq!! } } $html_init .= '
'; } if ($pay_batch) { my $sth = dbh->prepare($count_query) or die dbh->errstr. "doing $count_query"; $sth->execute or die "Error executing \"$count_query\": ". $sth->errstr; my $cards = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0]; my $st = "SELECT SUM(amount) from cust_pay_batch WHERE batchnum=". $batchnum; $sth = dbh->prepare($st) or die dbh->errstr. "doing $st"; $sth->execute or die "Error executing \"$st\": ". $sth->errstr; my $total = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0]; $html_init .= "$cards credit card payments batched
\$" . sprintf("%.2f", $total) ." total in batch
"; }