<% my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $maxrecords = $conf->config('maxsearchrecordsperpage'); #my $cache; #my $monsterjoin = <param('offset') || 0; $limit .= " OFFSET $offset" if $offset; my $total; my(@cust_main, $sortby, $orderby); if ( $cgi->param('browse') ) { my $query = $cgi->param('browse'); if ( $query eq 'custnum' ) { $sortby=\*custnum_sort; $orderby = 'ORDER BY custnum'; } elsif ( $query eq 'last' ) { $sortby=\*last_sort; $orderby = 'ORDER BY last'; } elsif ( $query eq 'company' ) { $sortby=\*company_sort; $orderby = 'ORDER BY company'; } else { die "unknown browse field $query"; } my $ncancelled = ''; if ( $cgi->param('showcancelledcustomers') eq '0' #see if it was set by me || ( $conf->exists('hidecancelledcustomers') && ! $cgi->param('showcancelledcustomers') ) ) { #grep { $_->ncancelled_pkgs || ! $_->all_pkgs } #needed for MySQL??? OR cust_pkg.cancel = \"\" $ncancelled = " WHERE 0 < ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_pkg WHERE cust_pkg.custnum = cust_main.custnum AND ( cust_pkg.cancel IS NULL OR cust_pkg.cancel = 0 ) ) OR 0 = ( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_pkg WHERE cust_pkg.custnum = cust_main.custnum ) "; } my $statement = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_main $ncancelled"; my $sth = dbh->prepare($statement) or die dbh->errstr. " doing $statement"; $sth->execute or die "Error executing \"$statement\": ". $sth->errstr; $total = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0]; my @just_cust_main = qsearch('cust_main',{}, '', "$ncancelled $orderby $limit" ); @cust_main = @just_cust_main; # foreach my $cust_main ( @just_cust_main ) { # # my @one_cust_main; # $FS::Record::DEBUG=1; # ( $cache, @one_cust_main ) = jsearch( # "$monsterjoin", # { 'custnum' => $cust_main->custnum }, # '', # '', # 'cust_main', # 'custnum', # ); # push @cust_main, @one_cust_main; # } } else { @cust_main=(); $sortby = \*last_sort; push @cust_main, @{&cardsearch} if $cgi->param('card_on') && $cgi->param('card'); push @cust_main, @{&lastsearch} if $cgi->param('last_on') && $cgi->param('last_text'); push @cust_main, @{&companysearch} if $cgi->param('company_on') && $cgi->param('company_text'); push @cust_main, @{&referralsearch} if $cgi->param('referral_custnum'); if ( $cgi->param('company_on') && $cgi->param('company_text') ) { $sortby = \*company_sort; push @cust_main, @{&companysearch}; } @cust_main = grep { $_->ncancelled_pkgs || ! $_->all_pkgs } @cust_main if $cgi->param('showcancelledcustomers') eq '0' #see if it was set by me || ( $conf->exists('hidecancelledcustomers') && ! $cgi->param('showcancelledcustomers') ); } my %all_pkgs; if ( $conf->exists('hidecancelledpackages' ) ) { %all_pkgs = map { $_->custnum => [ $_->ncancelled_pkgs ] } @cust_main; } else { %all_pkgs = map { $_->custnum => [ $_->all_pkgs ] } @cust_main; } #%all_pkgs = (); if ( scalar(@cust_main) == 1 && ! $cgi->param('referral_custnum') ) { if ( $cgi->param('quickpay') eq 'yes' ) { print $cgi->redirect(popurl(2). "edit/cust_pay.cgi?quickpay=yes;custnum=". $cust_main[0]->custnum); } else { print $cgi->redirect(popurl(2). "view/cust_main.cgi?". $cust_main[0]->custnum); } exit; } elsif ( scalar(@cust_main) == 0 ) { eidiot "No matching customers found!\n"; } else { $total ||= scalar(@cust_main); print header("Customer Search Results",menubar( 'Main Menu', popurl(2) )), "$total matching customers found "; #begin pager my $pager = ''; if ( $total != scalar(@cust_main) && $maxrecords ) { unless ( $offset == 0 ) { $cgi->param('offset', $offset - $maxrecords); $pager .= 'Previous '; } my $poff; my $page; for ( $poff = 0; $poff < $total; $poff += $maxrecords ) { $page++; if ( $offset == $poff ) { $pager .= qq!$page !; } else { $cgi->param('offset', $poff); $pager .= qq!$page !; } } unless ( $offset + $maxrecords > $total ) { $cgi->param('offset', $offset + $maxrecords); $pager .= 'Next '; } } #end pager if ( $cgi->param('showcancelledcustomers') eq '0' #see if it was set by me || ( $conf->exists('hidecancelledcustomers') && ! $cgi->param('showcancelledcustomers') ) ) { $cgi->param('showcancelledcustomers', 1); $cgi->param('offset', 0); print qq!( show cancelled customers )!; } else { $cgi->param('showcancelledcustomers', 0); $cgi->param('offset', 0); print qq!( hide cancelled customers )!; } if ( $cgi->param('referral_custnum') ) { $cgi->param('referral_custnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ or eidiot "Illegal referral_custnum\n"; my $referral_custnum = $1; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', { custnum => $referral_custnum } ); print '
'. qq!!. 'referrals of $referral_custnum: ". ( $cust_main->company || $cust_main->last. ', '. $cust_main->first ). ''; print "\n",< function changed(what) { what.form.submit(); } END print ' levels deep". ''. ''; } print "

". $pager. &table(). < (bill) name company END if ( defined dbdef->table('cust_main')->column('ship_last') ) { print <(service) name company END } print <Packages Services END my(%saw,$cust_main); my $p = popurl(2); foreach $cust_main ( sort $sortby grep(!$saw{$_->custnum}++, @cust_main) ) { my($custnum,$last,$first,$company)=( $cust_main->custnum, $cust_main->getfield('last'), $cust_main->getfield('first'), $cust_main->company, ); my(@lol_cust_svc); my($rowspan)=0;#scalar( @{$all_pkgs{$custnum}} ); foreach ( @{$all_pkgs{$custnum}} ) { #my(@cust_svc) = qsearch( 'cust_svc', { 'pkgnum' => $_->pkgnum } ); my @cust_svc = $_->cust_svc; push @lol_cust_svc, \@cust_svc; $rowspan += scalar(@cust_svc) || 1; } #my($rowspan) = scalar(@{$all_pkgs{$custnum}}); my $view; if ( defined $cgi->param('quickpay') && $cgi->param('quickpay') eq 'yes' ) { $view = $p. 'edit/cust_pay.cgi?quickpay=yes;custnum='. $custnum; } else { $view = $p. 'view/cust_main.cgi?'. $custnum; } print < $custnum $last, $first $company END if ( defined dbdef->table('cust_main')->column('ship_last') ) { my($ship_last,$ship_first,$ship_company)=( $cust_main->ship_last || $cust_main->getfield('last'), $cust_main->ship_last ? $cust_main->ship_first : $cust_main->first, $cust_main->ship_last ? $cust_main->ship_company : $cust_main->company, ); print <$ship_last, $ship_first $ship_company END } my($n1)=''; foreach ( @{$all_pkgs{$custnum}} ) { my $pkgnum = $_->pkgnum; # my $part_pkg = qsearchs( 'part_pkg', { pkgpart => $_->pkgpart } ); my $part_pkg = $_->part_pkg; my $pkg = $part_pkg->pkg; my $comment = $part_pkg->comment; my $pkgview = $p. 'view/cust_pkg.cgi?'. $pkgnum; my @cust_svc = @{shift @lol_cust_svc}; #my(@cust_svc) = qsearch( 'cust_svc', { 'pkgnum' => $_->pkgnum } ); my $rowspan = scalar(@cust_svc) || 1; print $n1, qq!$pkg - $comment!; my($n2)=''; foreach my $cust_svc ( @cust_svc ) { my($label, $value, $svcdb) = $cust_svc->label; my($svcnum) = $cust_svc->svcnum; my($sview) = $p.'view'; print $n2,qq!$label!, qq!$value!; $n2=""; } #print qq!\n!; $n1=""; } print ""; } print "$pager"; } #undef $cache; #does this help? # sub last_sort { $a->getfield('last') cmp $b->getfield('last'); } sub company_sort { return -1 if $a->company && ! $b->company; return 1 if ! $a->company && $b->company; $a->getfield('company') cmp $b->getfield('company'); } sub custnum_sort { $a->getfield('custnum') <=> $b->getfield('custnum'); } sub cardsearch { my($card)=$cgi->param('card'); $card =~ s/\D//g; $card =~ /^(\d{13,16})$/ or eidiot "Illegal card number\n"; my($payinfo)=$1; [ qsearch('cust_main',{'payinfo'=>$payinfo, 'payby'=>'CARD'}) ]; } sub referralsearch { $cgi->param('referral_custnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ or eidiot "Illegal referral_custnum"; my $cust_main = qsearchs('cust_main', { 'custnum' => $1 } ) or eidiot "Customer $1 not found"; my $depth; if ( $cgi->param('referral_depth') ) { $cgi->param('referral_depth') =~ /^(\d+)$/ or eidiot "Illegal referral_depth"; $depth = $1; } else { $depth = 1; } [ $cust_main->referral_cust_main($depth) ]; } sub lastsearch { my(%last_type); my @cust_main; foreach ( $cgi->param('last_type') ) { $last_type{$_}++; } $cgi->param('last_text') =~ /^([\w \,\.\-\']*)$/ or eidiot "Illegal last name"; my($last)=$1; # if ( $last_type{'Exact'} # && ! $last_type{'Fuzzy'} # # && ! $last_type{'Sound-alike'} # ) { push @cust_main, qsearch('cust_main',{'last'=>$last}); push @cust_main, qsearch('cust_main',{'ship_last'=>$last}) if defined dbdef->table('cust_main')->column('ship_last'); # } else { if ( $last_type{'Fuzzy'} ) { &FS::cust_main::check_and_rebuild_fuzzyfiles; my $all_last = &FS::cust_main::all_last; my %last; if ($last_type{'Fuzzy'}) { foreach ( amatch($last, [ qw(i) ], @$all_last) ) { $last{$_}++; } } #if ($last_type{'Sound-alike'}) { #} foreach ( keys %last ) { push @cust_main, qsearch('cust_main',{'last'=>$_}); push @cust_main, qsearch('cust_main',{'ship_last'=>$_}) if defined dbdef->table('cust_main')->column('ship_last'); } } \@cust_main; } sub companysearch { my(%company_type); my @cust_main; foreach ( $cgi->param('company_type') ) { $company_type{$_}++ }; $cgi->param('company_text') =~ /^([\w \,\.\-\']*)$/ or eidiot "Illegal company"; my($company)=$1; # if ( $company_type{'Exact'} # && ! $company_type{'Fuzzy'} # # && ! $company_type{'Sound-alike'} # ) { push @cust_main, qsearch('cust_main',{'company'=>$company}); push @cust_main, qsearch('cust_main',{'ship_company'=>$company}) if defined dbdef->table('cust_main')->column('ship_last'); # } else { if ( $company_type{'Fuzzy'} ) { &FS::cust_main::check_and_rebuild_fuzzyfiles; my $all_company = &FS::cust_main::all_company; my %company; if ($company_type{'Fuzzy'}) { foreach ( amatch($company, [ qw(i) ], @$all_company ) ) { $company{$_}++; } } #if ($company_type{'Sound-alike'}) { #} foreach ( keys %company ) { push @cust_main, qsearch('cust_main',{'company'=>$_}); push @cust_main, qsearch('cust_main',{'ship_company'=>$_}) if defined dbdef->table('cust_main')->column('ship_last'); } } \@cust_main; } %>