<& elements/search.html, 'title' => 'Zip code Search Results', 'name' => 'zip codes', 'query' => $sql_query, 'count_query' => $count_sql, 'header' => [ 'Zip code', 'Customers', ], 'fields' => [ 0, 1 ], 'links' => [ '', $link ], &> <%init> die "access denied" unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('List zip codes'); # XXX link to customers my @where = (); # select status if ( $cgi->param('status') =~ /^(prospect|uncancel|active|susp|cancel)$/ ) { my $method = $1.'_sql'; push @where, FS::cust_main->$method(); } # select agent # XXX this needs to be virtualized by agent too (like lots of stuff) my $agentnum = ''; if ( $cgi->param('agentnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { $agentnum = $1; push @where, "cust_main.agentnum = $agentnum"; } # select svcdb if ( $cgi->param('svcdb') =~ /^(\w+)$/ ) { my $svcdb = $1; push @where, "EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM $svcdb LEFT JOIN cust_svc USING ( svcnum ) LEFT JOIN cust_pkg USING ( pkgnum ) WHERE cust_pkg.custnum = cust_main.custnum )"; } my $where = scalar(@where) ? 'WHERE '. join(' AND ', @where) : ''; # bill zip vs ship zip sub fieldorempty { my $field = shift; "CASE WHEN $field IS NULL THEN '' ELSE $field END"; } sub strip_plus4 { my $field = shift; "CASE WHEN $field is NULL THEN '' ELSE CASE WHEN $field LIKE '_____-____' THEN SUBSTRING($field FROM 1 FOR 5) ELSE $field END END"; } $cgi->param('column') =~ /^(bill|ship)$/; my $location = $1 || 'bill'; $location .= '_locationnum'; my $zip; if ( $cgi->param('ignore_plus4') ) { $zip = strip_plus4('cust_location.zip'); } else { $zip = fieldorempty('cust_location.zip'); } # construct the queries and send 'em off my $join = "JOIN cust_location ON (cust_main.$location = cust_location.locationnum)"; my $sql_query = "SELECT $zip AS zipcode, COUNT(*) AS num_cust FROM cust_main $join $where GROUP BY zipcode ORDER BY num_cust DESC, $zip ASC "; my $count_sql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT cust_location.zip) FROM cust_main $join $where"; my $link = [ $p.'search/cust_main.html?zip=', sub { $_[0]->[0] } ];