<% include( 'elements/search.html', 'title' => $title, 'name' => 'call detail records', 'query' => { 'table' => 'cdr', 'hashref' => $hashref, 'extra_sql' => $qsearch, 'order_by' => 'ORDER BY calldate', }, 'count_query' => $count_query, 'header' => [ '', # checkbox column @header, ], 'fields' => [ sub { return '' unless $edit_data; $areboxes = 1; my $cdr = shift; my $acctid = $cdr->acctid; qq!!; }, @fields, #XXX fill in some pretty-print #processing, etc. ], 'html_form' => qq!
!, #false laziness w/queue.html 'html_foot' => sub { if ( $areboxes ) { '
'. ''. qq!
!. qq!
!. ''; } else { ''; } }, ) %> <%init> die "access denied" unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('List rating data'); my $edit_data = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Edit rating data'); my $areboxes = 0; my $title = 'Call Detail Records'; my $hashref = {}; #process params for CDR search, populate $hashref... # and fixup $count_query my @search = (); ### # freesidestatus ### if ( $cgi->param('freesidestatus') eq 'NULL' ) { my $title = "Unprocessed $title"; $hashref->{'freesidestatus'} = ''; # Record.pm will take care of it push @search, "( freesidestatus IS NULL OR freesidestatus = '' )"; } elsif ( $cgi->param('freesidestatus') =~ /^([\w ]+)$/ ) { my $title = "Processed $title"; $hashref->{'freesidestatus'} = $1; push @search, "freesidestatus = '$1'"; } ### # dates ### my $str2time_sql = str2time_sql; my($beginning, $ending) = FS::UI::Web::parse_beginning_ending($cgi); push @search, "$str2time_sql calldate) >= $beginning ", "$str2time_sql calldate) <= $ending"; ### # duration / billsec ### push @search, FS::UI::Web::parse_lt_gt($cgi, 'duration'); push @search, FS::UI::Web::parse_lt_gt($cgi, 'billsec'); ### # src/dest/charged_party ### my @qsearch = @search; if ( $cgi->param('src') =~ /^\s*([\d\-\+\ ]+)\s*$/ ) { ( my $src = $1 ) =~ s/\D//g; $hashref->{'src'} = $src; push @search, "src = '$src'"; } if ( $cgi->param('dst') =~ /^\s*([\d\-\+ ]+)\s*$/ ) { ( my $dst = $1 ) =~ s/\D//g; $hashref->{'dst'} = $dst; push @search, "dst = '$dst'"; } if ( $cgi->param('charged_party') =~ /^\s*([\d\-\+\ ]+)\s*$/ ) { ( my $charged_party = $1 ) =~ s/\D//g; #$hashref->{'charged_party'} = $charged_party; #push @search, "charged_party = '$charged_party'"; #XXX countrycode push @search, " ( charged_party = '$charged_party' OR charged_party = '1$charged_party' ) "; push @qsearch, " ( charged_party = '$charged_party' OR charged_party = '1$charged_party' ) "; } ### # cdrbatch ### if ( $cgi->param('cdrbatch') ne '__ALL__' ) { if ( $cgi->param('cdrbatch') eq '' ) { my $search = "( cdrbatch IS NULL OR cdrbatch = '' )"; push @qsearch, $search; push @search, $search; } else { $hashref->{cdrbatch} = $cgi->param('cdrbatch'); push @search, 'cdrbatch = '. dbh->quote($cgi->param('cdrbatch')); } } ### # finish it up ### my $search = join(' AND ', @search); $search = "WHERE $search" if $search; my $count_query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cdr $search"; my $qsearch = join(' AND ', @qsearch); $qsearch = ( scalar(keys %$hashref) ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ' ) . $qsearch if $qsearch; ### # display fields ### #XXX fill in some (more) nice names my %header = ( 'calldate' => 'Call Date', 'clid' => 'Caller ID', 'charged_party' => 'Charged party', 'src' => 'Source', 'dst' => 'Destination', 'dcontext' => 'Destination Context', 'channel' => 'Channel', 'dstchannel' => 'Destination Channel', 'freesidestatus' => 'Freeside status', ); my @first = qw( acctid calldate clid charged_party src dst dcontext ); my %first = map { $_=>1 } @first; my @fields = ( @first, grep !$first{$_}, fields('cdr') ); my @header = map { if ( exists($header{$_}) ) { $header{$_}; } else { my $header = $_; $header =~ s/\_/ /g; ucfirst($header); } } @fields;