% if ( $error ) { % $cgi->param('error', $error); <% $cgi->redirect(popurl(1). "pref.html?". $cgi->query_string ) %> % } else { <% include('/elements/header.html', 'Preferences updated') %> <% include('/elements/footer.html') %> % } <%init> my $error = ''; my $access_user = ''; if ( grep { $cgi->param($_) !~ /^\s*$/ } qw(_password new_password new_password2) ) { $access_user = qsearchs( 'access_user', { 'username' => getotaker, '_password' => $cgi->param('_password'), } ); $error = 'Current password incorrect; password not changed' unless $access_user; $error ||= "New passwords don't match" unless $cgi->param('new_password') eq $cgi->param('new_password2'); $error ||= "No new password entered" unless length($cgi->param('new_password')); $access_user->_password($cgi->param('new_password')) unless $error; } else { $access_user = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser; } #well, if you got your password change wrong, you don't get anything else #changed right now. but it should be sticky on the form unless ( $error ) { # if ($access_user) { my %param = $access_user->options; #XXX autogen my @paramlist = qw( menu_position default_customer_view email_address vonage-fromnumber vonage-username vonage-password show_pkgnum show_db_profile save_db_profile height width availHeight availWidth colorDepth ); foreach (@paramlist) { scalar($cgi->param($_)) =~ /^[,.\-\@\w]*$/ && next; $error ||= "Illegal value for parameter $_"; last; } foreach (@paramlist) { $param{$_} = scalar($cgi->param($_)); } $error ||= $access_user->replace( \%param ); }