<%init> # currently, browse/tower just shows all towers, so do the same here my @towers = qsearch({ table => 'tower' }); http_header('Content-Type' => 'text/csv'); http_header('Content-Disposition' => 'attachment;filename=towers.csv'); if ( $cgi->param('format') eq 'tc' ) { # towercoverage.com format: not a true CSV, no quoting (so no way to include # commas in any field, so we strip them) # lat/long are signed decimals, northeast positive # height is in meters # Description/Group are not necessary # sector/antenna information (orientation, beamwidth, gain, frequency, # etc.) is in what TC calls a "Coverage", which can't be edited this way. my $text = "SiteName,Latitude,Longitude,Description,Group,Height\n"; foreach my $tower (@towers) { next if ( !$tower->latitude or !$tower->longitude ); my $name = $tower->towername; my $height = ( ($tower->altitude || 0 ) + ($tower->height || 0) ) / 3.28; $name =~ s(,)( )g; $text .= join(',', $name, $tower->latitude, $tower->longitude, '', '', $height, ) . "\n"; } $m->print($text); } else { die('unknown format '.$cgi->param('format')); }