<% include("/elements/header.html", PL($inventory_class->classname)) %> Import a file containing <% PL($inventory_class->classname) %>, one per line.

<% include( '/elements/form-file_upload.html', 'name' => 'InventoryItemImportForm', 'action' => 'process/inventory_item-import.html', 'num_files' => 1, #'fields' => [ 'format', 'itembatch', 'classnum', ], 'fields' => [ 'format', 'classnum', ], 'message' => 'Inventory import successful', #XXX redirect via $itembatch? or just back to class browse? #'url' => $p."search/phone_avail.html?availbatch=$availbatch", 'url' => $p."search/inventory_item.html?classnum=$classnum;avail=1", ) %> <% &ntable("#cccccc", 2) %> %# <% include( '/elements/file-upload.html', 'field' => 'file', 'label' => 'Filename', ) %>
Upload file can be a text file or Excel spreadsheet. If an Excel spreadsheet, should have an .XLS extension.

<% include('/elements/footer.html') %> <%init> die "access denied" unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Import'); $cgi->param('classnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ or errorpage("illegal classnum"); my $classnum = $1; my $inventory_class = qsearchs('inventory_class', { 'classnum' => $classnum } ); #my $conf = new FS::Conf; #my $itembatch = # time2str('webimport-%Y/%m/%d-%T'. "-$$-". rand() * 2**32, time);