<%= include("/elements/header.html",'Batch Customer Import') %>
Import a CSV file containing customer records.

Extended file format is CSV, with the following field order: agent_custid, refnum[1], last, first, address1, address2, city, state, zip, country, daytime, night, ship_last, ship_first, ship_address1, ship_address2, ship_city, ship_state, ship_zip, ship_country, payinfo, paycvv, paydate, invoicing_list, pkgpart, username, _password

[1] This field has special treatment upon import: If a string is passed instead of an integer, the string is searched for and if necessary auto-created in the target table.

<%= &ntable("#cccccc") %> <%= include('/elements/tr-select-agent.html', '', #$agentnum, 'label' => "Agent", 'empty_label' => 'Select agent', ) %> Format CSV filename <% #include('/elements/tr-select-part_referral.html') %>

<%= include('/elements/footer.html') %>