<& /elements/header.html, { title => 'Sales Report', head => ' ', } &>
<% include('/elements/tr-select-from_to.html' ) %> <& /elements/tr-select-agent.html, 'field' => 'agentnum', 'label' => 'Agent ', 'disable_empty' => 0, 'pre_options' => [ 'all' => 'all (aggregate)' ], 'empty_label' => 'all (breakdown)', 'onchange' => 'agent_changed', &> <& /elements/tr-select-cust_class.html, 'field' => 'cust_classnum', 'label' => 'Customer class', 'multiple' => 1, &> <& /elements/tr-select-part_referral.html, 'field' => 'refnum', 'label' => 'Advertising source ', 'disable_empty' => 0, 'pre_options' => [ 'all' => 'all (aggregate)' ], 'empty_label' => 'all (breakdown)', 'onchange' => 'enable_agent_totals' &> % foreach ( qw(Setup Usage) ) { <& /elements/tr-select.html, 'label' => "$_ fees", 'field' => 'use_'.lc($_), 'options' => [ 0, 1, 2 ], 'labels' => { 0 => 'Combine', 1 => 'Separate', 2 => 'Do not show' }, 'onchange'=> 'enable_agent_totals', &> % } <& /elements/tr-select.html, 'label' => 'Discounts', 'field' => 'use_discount', 'options' => [ 2, 1 ], # 3.x only: make 2 the default 'labels' => { 1 => 'Separate', 2 => 'Do not show' }, &> <& /elements/tr-select.html, 'label' => 'Taxes', 'field' => 'use_taxes', 'options' => [ 1, 2 ], 'labels' => { 1 => 'Separate', 2 => 'Do not show' }, &>
<% mt('Search options') |h %>
Show projected data for future months
<% emt('Package class') %>
<% emt('Report class') %>
<& /elements/select-pkg_class.html, 'field' => 'classnum', 'multiple' => 1, 'all_selected' => 1, 'pre_options' => [ #'all' => 'all (aggregate)', # '' => 'all (breakdown)', '0' => '(empty class)' ], 'disable_empty' => 1, 'onchange' => 'enable_agent_totals', &>
<% emt('Aggregate') %>
<% emt('Breakdown') %>
<% mt('Display options') |h %>
Colors % my @names = (); % % #no particular long-term attachment to this, just trying to replicate % # historical behavior so people's graphs don't change color suddenly in 3.x % my $hue = 0; % my $hue_increment = 125; % my $anum = 0; % foreach my $agent ( @agents ) { ID="agent<%$anum%>-colors" > % $anum++; % $hue += $hue_increment; % }
ID="agent<%$anum%>-label" > <% $agent->agent |h %> % my $col_scheme = Color::Scheme->new % ->from_hue($hue) #->from_hex($agent->color) % ->scheme('analogic') % ; % % my $cnum = 0; % my @colors = ($col_scheme->colors)[ 0,4,8,1,5,9 ];#again some some random historical shite % for (@colors) { % my $name = "agent$anum-color$cnum"; % push @names, $name; % $cnum++; % }
Show per-agent subtotals
Separate sub-packages from parents
Average per customer package
Distribute recurring fees over billing period

<% include('/elements/footer.html') %> <%init> die "access denied" unless $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->access_right('Financial reports'); my @agents = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->agents;