<% #my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); my ($curmon,$curyear) = (localtime(time))[4,5]; #find first month my $syear = $cgi->param('syear') || 1899+$curyear; my $smonth = $cgi->param('smonth') || $curmon+1; #find last month my $eyear = $cgi->param('eyear') || 1900+$curyear; my $emonth = $cgi->param('emonth') || $curmon+1; %> Graphing monetary values over time
Accounts receivable (invoices - applied credits)
Just Invoices
Accounts receivable, with deferred revenue (invoices - applied credits, with charges for annual/semi-annual/quarterly/etc. services deferred over applicable time period) (there has got to be a shorter description for this)
Cashflow (payments - refunds)

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