<%doc> Example: include('elements/report.html', #required 'title' => 'Page title', 'items' => \@items, 'data' => [ \@item1 \@item2 ... ], #these run parallel to items, and can be given as hashes 'row_labels' => \@row_labels, #required 'colors' => \@colors, #required 'bgcolors' => \@bgcolors, #optional 'graph_labels' => \@graph_labels, #defaults to row_labels 'links' => \@links, #optional 'no_graph' => \@no_graph, #optional #these run parallel to the elements of each @item 'col_labels' => \@col_labels, #required 'axis_labels' => \@axis_labels, #defaults to col_labels #optional 'nototal' => 1, 'graph_type' => 'LinesPoints', #can be 'none' for no graph 'bottom_total' => 1, 'sprintf' => '%u', #sprintf format, overrides default %.2f 'disable_money' => 1, ); About @links: Each element must be an arrayref, corresponding to an element of @items. Within the array, the first element is a URL prefix, and the rest are suffixes corresponding to data elements. These will be joined without any delimiter and linked from the elements in @data. % if ( $cgi->param('_type') =~ /^(csv)$/ ) { % % #http_header('Content-Type' => 'text/comma-separated-values' ); #IE chokes % #http_header('Content-Type' => 'text/plain' ); % http_header('Content-Type' => 'text/csv'); % http_header('Content-Disposition' => "attachment;filename=$filename.csv"); % % my $csv = new Text::CSV_XS { 'always_quote' => 1, % 'eol' => "\n", #"\015\012", #"\012" % }; % % $csv->combine('', @col_labels, $opt{'nototal'} ? () : 'Total'); % <% $csv->string %> % % my @bottom_total = (); % my $row = 0; % foreach my $i ( @items ) { % % my $col = 0; % my @row = map { sprintf($sprintf_fields->{$i} ? $sprintf_fields->{$i} : $sprintf, $_) } @{ shift(@data) }; % my $total = sum(@row); % push @row, sprintf($sprintf, $total) unless $opt{'nototal'}; % unless ($opt{'no_graph'}[$row]) { % foreach (@row) { % $bottom_total[$col++] += $_; % } % } % $csv->combine(shift(@row_labels), @row); <% $csv->string %> % % } % % if ( $opt{'bottom_total'} ) { % $csv->combine( % 'Total', % map { sprintf($sprintf, $_) } @bottom_total, % ); % <% $csv->string %> % % } % % } elsif ( $cgi->param('_type') =~ /(xls)$/ ) { % #false laziness w/ search/elements/search-xls % my $format = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser->spreadsheet_format; % $filename .= $format->{extension}; % % http_header('Content-Type' => $format->{mime_type} ); % http_header('Content-Disposition' => qq!attachment;filename="$filename"! ); % % my $output = ''; % my $XLS = new IO::Scalar \$output; % my $workbook = $format->{class}->new($XLS) % or die "Error opening .xls file: $!"; % % my $worksheet = $workbook->add_worksheet(substr($opt{'title'},0,31)); % % my($row,$col) = (0,0); % % foreach ('', @col_labels, ($opt{'nototal'} ? () : 'Total') ) { % my $header = $_; % $worksheet->write($row, $col++, $header) % } % % my @bottom_total = (); % foreach my $i ( @items ) { % $row++; % $col = 0; % my $total = 0; % $worksheet->write( $row, $col++, shift( @row_labels ) ); % foreach ( @{ shift( @data ) } ) { % $total += $_; % $bottom_total[$col-1] += $_ unless $opt{no_graph}[$row]; % $worksheet->write_number($row, $col++, sprintf($sprintf_fields->{$i} ? $sprintf_fields->{$i} : $sprintf, $_) ); % } % if ( !$opt{'nototal'} ) { % $bottom_total[$col-1] += $total unless $opt{no_graph}[$row]; % $worksheet->write_number($row, $col++, sprintf($sprintf, $total) ); % } % } % % $col = 0; % if ( $opt{'bottom_total'} ) { % $row++; % $worksheet->write($row, $col++, 'Total'); % $worksheet->write_number($row, $col++, sprintf($sprintf, $_)) foreach @bottom_total; % } % % $workbook->close();# or die "Error creating .xls file: $!"; % % http_header('Content-Length' => length($output) ); % $m->print($output); % % } elsif ( $cgi->param('_type') eq 'png' ) { % # delete any items that shouldn't be on the graph % if ( my $no_graph = $opt{'no_graph'} ) { % my $i = 0; % while (@$no_graph) { % if ( shift @$no_graph ) { % splice @data, $i, 1; % splice @{$opt{'graph_labels'}}, $i, 1; % splice @{$opt{'colors'}}, $i, 1; % $i--; # because everything is shifted down % } % $i++; % } % } % my $graph_type = 'LinesPoints'; % if ( $opt{'graph_type'} =~ /^(LinesPoints|Mountain|Bars)$/ ) { % $graph_type = $1; % } % my $class = "Chart::$graph_type"; % % my $chart = $class->new(976,384); % # the chart area itself is 900 pixels wide, and the date labels are ~60 each. % # staggered, we can fit about 28 of them. % # they're about 12 pixels high, so vertically, we can fit about 60 (allowing % # space for them to be readable). % # after that we have to start skipping labels. also remove the dots, since % # they're just a blob at that point. % my $num_labels = scalar(@{ $opt{axis_labels} }); % my %chart_opt = %{ $opt{chart_options} || {} }; % if ( $num_labels > 28 ) { % $chart_opt{x_ticks} = 'vertical'; % if ( $num_labels > 60 ) { % $chart_opt{skip_x_ticks} = int($num_labels / 60) + 1; % $chart_opt{pt_size} = 1; % } % } % my $d = 0; % $chart->set( % #'min_val' => 0, % 'legend' => 'bottom', % 'colors' => { ( % map { my $color = $_; % 'dataset'.$d++ => % [ map hex($_), unpack 'a2a2a2', $color ] % } % @{ $opt{'colors'} } % ), % 'grey_background' => 'white', % 'background' => [ 0xe8, 0xe8, 0xe8 ], #grey % }, % 'legend_labels' => $opt{'graph_labels'}, % 'brush_size' => 4, % %chart_opt, % ); % % http_header('Content-Type' => 'image/png' ); % http_header('Cache-Control' => 'no-cache' ); % % $chart->_set_colors(); % <% $chart->scalar_png([ $opt{'axis_labels'}, @data ]) %> % % } else { % # image and download links should use the cached data % # just directly reference this component % my $myself = $p.'graph/elements/report.html?session='.$session; % <% include('/elements/header.html', $opt{'title'} ) %> % unless ( $opt{'graph_type'} eq 'none' ) { " WIDTH="976" HEIGHT="384" STYLE="page-break-after:always;"> % }

% unless ( $opt{'disable_download'} ) { Download full results
as ">Excel spreadsheet
as ">CSV file

% } %

%# indexed by item, then by entry (the element indices of @{$data[$i]}). % my @cell = (); % my @styles; % my $num_entries = scalar(@col_labels); % my $num_items = scalar(@items); % $cell[0] = ['']; #top left corner % foreach my $column ( @col_labels ) { % $column =~ s/ /\/; % push @{$cell[0]}, $column; % } % if ( ! $opt{'nototal'} ) { % $num_entries++; % push @{$cell[0]}, emt('Total'); % } % # i for item, e for entry % my $i = 1; % my @bottom_total = map {0} @col_labels; % foreach my $row ( @items ) { % #make a style % my $color = shift @{ $opt{'colors'} }; % my $bgcolor = $opt{'bgcolors'} ? (shift @{ $opt{'bgcolors'} }) : 'ffffff'; % push @styles, ".i$i { text-align: right; color: #$color; background: #$bgcolor; }"; % #create the data row % my $links = shift @{$opt{'links'}} || ['']; % my $link_prefix = shift @$links; % $link_prefix = '$entry" if $link_prefix; % push @{$cell[$i]}, $entry; % $bottom_total[$e++] += $_ unless $opt{no_graph}[$i-1]; % } % $i++; % } % if ( $opt{'bottom_total'} ) { % # it's an extra item % $num_items++; % push @styles, ".i$i { text-align: right; background-color: #f5f6be; }"; % my $links = $opt{'bottom_link'} || []; % my $link_prefix = shift @$links; % $link_prefix = '$entry" if $link_prefix; % push @{$cell[$i]}, $entry; % } % } <% include('/elements/table.html', 'f8f8f8') %> % if ( $opt{'transpose'} ) { % for ( my $e = 0; $e < $num_entries + 1; $e++ ) { % for ( my $i = 0; $i < $num_items + 1; $i++ ) { "><% $cell[$i][$e] %> % } % } % % } else { #!transpose % % for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_items + 1; $i++) { % for (my $e = 0; $e < $num_entries + 1; $e++) { "><% $cell[$i][$e] %> % } % } % } <% include('/elements/footer.html') %> % } <%init> my(%opt) = @_; my $session; # load from cache if possible, to avoid recalculating if ( $cgi->param('session') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { $session = $1; %opt = %{ $m->cache->get($session) }; } else { $session = sprintf("%010d", random_id(10)); $m->cache->set($session, \%opt, '1h'); } my $sprintf = $opt{'sprintf'} || '%.2f'; my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $money_char = $opt{'disable_money'} ? '' : $conf->config('money_char'); my @items = @{ $opt{'items'} }; my $sprintf_fields = $opt{'sprintf_fields'}; foreach my $other (qw( col_labels row_labels graph_labels axis_labels colors links )) { if ( ref($opt{$other}) eq 'HASH' ) { $opt{$other} = [ map $opt{$other}{$_}, @items ]; } } my @col_labels = @{$opt{'col_labels'}}; my @row_labels = @{$opt{'row_labels'}}; my @data = @{$opt{'data'}}; $opt{'axis_labels'} ||= $opt{'col_labels'}; $opt{'graph_labels'} ||= $opt{'row_labels'}; my $filename = $cgi->url(-relative => 1); $filename =~ s/\.(cgi|html)$//;