<%doc> Example: include('/elements/init_overlib.html') include( '/elements/popup_link.html', { #hashref or a list, either way is fine #required 'action' => 'content.html', # uri for content of popup 'label' => 'click me', # text of tag #strongly recommended 'actionlabel' => 'You clicked', # popup title #opt 'width' => 540, 'height' => 336, 'color' => '#ff0000', 'closetext' => 'Go Away', # the value '' removes the link 'title' => 'Hover Text', #uncommon opt 'aname' => "target", # link NAME= value, useful for #targets 'target' => '_parent', 'style' => 'css-attribute:value', 'html_label' => '', # overrides label } ) % if ($params->{'action'} && $label) { {'title'} ? 'TITLE="' . $params->{'title'}. '"' : '' |n %> <% $params->{'aname'} ? 'NAME="'. $params->{'aname'}. '"' : '' |n %> <% $params->{'target'} ? 'TARGET="'. $params->{'target'}. '"' : '' |n %> <% $params->{'style'} ? 'STYLE="'. $params->{'style'}. '"' : '' |n %> ><% $label %>\ % } <%init> my $params; if (ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') { #$params = { %$params, %{ $_[0] } }; $params = shift; } else { #$params = { %$params, @_ }; $params = { @_ }; } my $label = $params->{'label'}; $label =~ s/ / /g; $label = $params->{'html_label'} || $label; my $onclick = include('/elements/popup_link_onclick.html', $params);