<%doc> Example: include( '/elements/checkboxes-table-name.html', ### # required ### 'link_table' => 'table_name', 'name_col' => 'name_column', #or 'name_callback' => sub { }, 'names_list' => [ 'value', 'other value', [ 'complex value' => { 'desc' => "Add'l description", 'note' => ' *', } ], ], ### # recommended (required?) ### 'source_obj' => $obj, #or? #'source_table' => 'table_name', #'sourcenum' => '4', #current value of primary key in source_table # # (none is okay, just pass it if you have it) ### # optional ### 'num_col' => 'col_name' #if column name is different in link_table than #source_table 'link_static' => { 'column' => 'value' }, ) % my $num=0; % foreach my $item ( @{ $opt{'names_list'} } ) { % % my $name = ref($item) ? $item->[0] : $item; % ( my $display = $name ) =~ s/ / /g; % $display .= $item->[1]{note} if ref($item) && $item->[1]{note}; % my $desc = ref($item) && $item->[1]{desc} ? $item->[1]{desc} : ''; % % my $checked; % if ( $cgi->param('error') ) { % % $checked = $cgi->param($opt{'link_table'}. ".$name" ) % ? 'CHECKED' % : ''; % % } else { % % $checked = % qsearchs( $opt{'link_table'}, { % $source_pkey => $sourcenum, % $opt{'name_col'} => $name, % %$link_static, % } ) % ? 'CHECKED' % : '' % % } % }
( select all | unselect all | toggle all )
" <% $checked %> ID="<%$prefix.$num++%>" VALUE="ON"> <% $display %> % if ( $desc ) {
<% $desc %> % }
<%init> my( %opt ) = @_; my @pset = ( 'a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9' ); my $prefix = $opt{prefix} || join('', map $pset[ int(rand $#pset) ], (0..20) ); my( $source_pkey, $sourcenum, $source_obj ); if ( $opt{'source_obj'} ) { $source_obj = $opt{'source_obj'}; #$source_table = $source_obj->dbdef_table->table; $source_pkey = $source_obj->dbdef_table->primary_key; $sourcenum = $source_obj->$source_pkey(); } else { #$source_obj? $source_pkey = $opt{'source_table'} ? dbdef->table($opt{'source_table'})->primary_key : ''; $sourcenum = $opt{'sourcenum'}; } $source_pkey = $opt{'num_col'} || $source_pkey; my $link_static = $opt{'link_static'} || {};