<% $cgi->redirect(@redirect) %> <%init> my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser; die "access denied" unless $curuser->access_right('One-time charge'); my $error = ''; my $conf = new FS::conf; my $param = $cgi->Vars; my @description = (); for ( my $row = 0; exists($param->{"description$row"}); $row++ ) { push @description, $param->{"description$row"} if ($param->{"description$row"} =~ /\S/); } my( $cust_main, $prospect_main, $quotation ) = ( '', '', '' ); if ( $cgi->param('quotationnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { $quotation = FS::quotation->by_key($1) or die "quotationnum $1 not found"; } if ( $param->{"custnum"} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { $cust_main = FS::cust_main->by_key($1) or die "custnum $1 not found"; exists($curuser->agentnums_href->{$cust_main->agentnum}) or die "access denied"; } if ( $param->{"prospectnum"} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { $prospect_main = FS::prospect_main->by_key($1) or die "prospectnum $1 not found"; exists($curuser->agentnums_href->{$prospect_main->agentnum}) or die "access denied"; } my $message; if ( $param->{'pkgnum'} =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { #modifying an existing one-time charge $message = "One-time charge changed"; my $pkgnum = $1; die "access denied" unless $curuser->access_right('Modify one-time charge'); my $cust_pkg = FS::cust_pkg->by_key($1) or die "pkgnum $pkgnum not found"; my $part_pkg = $cust_pkg->part_pkg; die "pkgnum $pkgnum is not a one-time charge" unless $part_pkg->freq eq '0'; my ($amount, $setup_cost, $quantity); if ( $cgi->param('amount') =~ /^\s*(\d*(\.\d{1,2})*)\s*$/ ) { $amount = sprintf('%.2f', $1); } if ( $cgi->param('setup_cost') =~ /^\s*(\d*(\.\d{1,2})*)\s*$/ ) { $setup_cost = sprintf('%.2f', $1); } if ( $cgi->param('quantity') =~ /^\s*(\d*)\s*$/ ) { $quantity = $1 || 1; } my $start_date = $cgi->param('start_date') ? parse_datetime($cgi->param('start_date')) : time; $param->{'tax_override'} =~ /^\s*([,\d]*)\s*$/ or $error .= "Illegal tax override " . $param->{"tax_override"} . " "; my $override = $1; if ( $param->{'taxclass'} eq '(select)' ) { $error .= "Must select a tax class. " unless ($conf->config('tax_data_vendor') && ( $override || $param->{taxproductnum} ) ); $cgi->param('taxclass', ''); } $error = $cust_pkg->modify_charge( 'pkg' => scalar($cgi->param('pkg')), 'classnum' => scalar($cgi->param('classnum')), 'additional' => \@description, 'adjust_commission' => ($cgi->param('adjust_commission') ? 1 : 0), 'amount' => $amount, 'setup_cost' => $setup_cost, 'setuptax' => scalar($cgi->param('setuptax')), 'taxclass' => scalar($cgi->param('taxclass')), 'taxproductnum' => scalar($cgi->param('taxproductnum')), 'tax_override' => $override, 'quantity' => $quantity, 'start_date' => $start_date, 'separate_bill' => scalar($cgi->param('separate_bill')), ); } else { # the usual case: new one-time charge $message = "One-time charge added"; $param->{"amount"} =~ /^\s*(\d*(?:\.?\d{1,2}))\s*$/ or $error .= "Illegal amount " . $param->{"amount"} . " "; my $amount = $1; my $setup_cost = ''; if ( $param->{setup_cost} =~ /\S/ ) { $param->{setup_cost} =~ /^\s*(\d*(?:\.?\d{1,2}))\s*$/ or $error .= "Illegal setup_cost " . $param->{setup_cost} . " "; $setup_cost = $1; } my $quantity = 1; if ( $cgi->param('quantity') =~ /^\s*(\d+)\s*$/ ) { $quantity = $1; } $param->{'tax_override'} =~ /^\s*([,\d]*)\s*$/ or $error .= "Illegal tax override " . $param->{"tax_override"} . " "; my $override = $1; if ( $param->{'taxclass'} eq '(select)' ) { $error .= "Must select a tax class. " unless ($conf->config('tax_data_vendor') && ( $override || $param->{taxproductnum} ) ); $cgi->param('taxclass', ''); } my %charge = ( 'amount' => $amount, 'setup_cost' => $setup_cost, 'quantity' => $quantity, 'start_date' => ( scalar($cgi->param('start_date')) ? parse_datetime($cgi->param('start_date')) : '' ), 'tax_override' => $override, 'additional' => \@description, map { $_ => scalar($cgi->param($_)), } qw( bill_now invoice_terms no_auto separate_bill pkg setuptax taxclass taxproductnum classnum setup_discountnum setup_discountnum_amount setup_discountnum_percent ) ); if ( $quotation ) { $error ||= $quotation->charge( \%charge ); } else { $error ||= $cust_main->charge( \%charge ); } } my @redirect = (); if ( $error ) { $cgi->param('error', $error ); @redirect = ( $p.'quick-charge.html?'. $cgi->query_string ); } elsif ( $quotation ) { @redirect = ( -uri => $fsurl.'view/quotation.html?' . $quotation->quotationnum, -cookie => CGI::Cookie->new( -name => 'freeside_status', -value => mt('One-time charge added to quotation'), -expires => '+5m', ), ); } else { @redirect = ( -uri => $fsurl.'view/cust_main.cgi?custnum='. $cust_main->custnum. ';show=last', -cookie => CGI::Cookie->new( -name => 'freeside_status', -value => mt('One-time charge ordered'), -expires => '+5m', ), ); }