<& elements/edit.html, 'name_singular' => 'fee definition', 'table' => 'part_fee', 'labels' => { 'feepart' => 'Fee definition', 'itemdesc' => 'Description', 'comment' => 'Comment (customer-hidden)', 'classnum' => 'Package class', 'taxable' => 'This fee is taxable', 'disabled' => 'Disable this fee', 'taxclass' => 'Tax class name', 'taxproductnum' => 'Tax product', 'pay_weight' => 'Payment weight', 'credit_weight' => 'Credit weight', 'agentnum' => 'Agent', 'amount' => 'Flat fee amount', 'basis' => 'Based on', 'setuprecur' => 'Report this fee as', 'minimum' => 'Minimum fee', 'maximum' => 'Maximum fee', 'limit_credit' => 'Limit to customer credit balance', %locale_labels }, 'fields' => \@fields, 'edit_callback' => $edit_callback, 'error_callback' => $error_callback, &> <%init> my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser; my $acl_edit = $curuser->access_right('Edit fee definitions'); my $acl_edit_global = $curuser->access_right('Edit global fee definitions'); die "access denied" unless $acl_edit or $acl_edit_global; my $conf = FS::Conf->new; my @tax_fields; if ( $conf->exists('enable_taxproducts') ) { @tax_fields = ( { field => 'taxproductnum', type => 'select-taxproduct' } ); } else { @tax_fields = ( { field => 'taxable', type => 'checkbox', value => 'Y' }, ); push ( { field => 'taxclass', type => 'select-taxclass' }, ) if $conf->exists('enable_taxclasses'); } my $default_locale = $conf->config('locale') || 'en_US'; my @locales = grep {$_ ne $default_locale} $conf->config('available-locales'); # duplicates edit/part_pkg.cgi, yuck my $n = 0; my (@locale_fields, %locale_labels); foreach (@locales) { push @locale_fields, { field => 'feepartmsgnum'. $n, type => 'hidden' }, { field => 'feepartmsgnum'. $n. '_locale', type => 'hidden', value => $_ }, { field => 'feepartmsgnum'. $n. '_itemdesc', type => 'text', size => 40 }, ; $locale_labels{ 'feepartmsgnum'.$n.'_itemdesc' } = 'Description—' . FS::Locales->description($_); $n++; } $n = 0; my %layer_fields = ( 'charged' => [ 'percent' => { label => 'Fraction of invoice total', type => 'percentage', }, ], 'owed' => [ 'percent' => { label => 'Fraction of balance', type => 'percentage', }, ], 'usage' => [ 'usage' => { type => 'part_fee_usage' } ], ); my @fields = ( { field => 'itemdesc', type => 'text', size => 40, }, @locale_fields, { field => 'comment', type => 'text', size => 40, }, { field => 'agentnum', type => 'select-agent', disable_empty => !$acl_edit_global, empty_label => '(global)', }, { field => 'classnum', type => 'select-pkg_class', }, { field => 'disabled', type => 'checkbox', value => 'Y', }, { field => 'setuprecur', type => 'select', options => [ 'setup', 'recur' ], labels => { 'setup' => 'a setup fee', 'recur' => 'a recurring charge' }, }, { type => 'justtitle', value => 'Fee calculation' }, { field => 'amount', type => 'money', }, { field => 'basis', type => 'selectlayers', options => [ 'charged', 'owed', 'usage' ], labels => { 'charged' => 'amount charged', 'owed' => 'balance due', 'usage' => 'usage charges' }, layer_fields => \%layer_fields, layer_values_callback => sub { my ($cgi, $obj) = @_; { 'charged' => { percent => $obj->percent }, 'owed' => { percent => $obj->percent }, 'usage' => { usage => [ $obj->part_fee_usage ] }, } }, }, { field => 'minimum', type => 'money', }, { field => 'maximum', type => 'money', }, { field => 'limit_credit', type => 'checkbox', value => 'Y' }, { type => 'justtitle', value => 'Taxation' }, @tax_fields, ); my $edit_callback = sub { my ($cgi, $obj, $fields, $opt) = @_; my %existing_locales; if ( $obj->feepart ) { %existing_locales = map { $_->locale => $_ } $obj->part_fee_msgcat; } my $n = 0; foreach (@locales) { $obj->set('feepartmsgnum'.$n.'_locale', $_); # load the existing itemdescs if ( my $msgcat = $existing_locales{$_} ) { $obj->set('feepartmsgnum'.$n, $msgcat->feepartmsgnum); $obj->set('feepartmsgnum'.$n.'_itemdesc', $msgcat->itemdesc); } # then override that with the CGI param if there is one if ( my $itemdesc = $cgi->param('feepartmsgnum'.$n.'_itemdesc') ) { $obj->set('feepartmsgnum'.$n.'_itemdesc', $itemdesc); } $n++; } }; my $error_callback = $edit_callback;