% my $r = qq!* !;
<% mt('Billing information') |h %> <% &ntable("#cccccc") %> % my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser; % ### % # complimentry flag % ### % if ( $curuser->access_right('Complimentary customer') ) { complimentary eq "Y" ? 'CHECKED' : '' %>>Complimentary customer % } else { % } % ### % # tax exemptions % ### % my @exempt_groups = grep /\S/, $conf->config('tax-cust_exempt-groups'); % if ( $conf->exists('cust_class-tax_exempt') % || $conf->exists('tax-cust_exempt-groups-require_individual_nums') % || $conf->config('tax-cust_exempt-groups-num_req') =~ /\w/ % || ! $curuser->access_right('Edit customer tax exemptions') % ) % { % } else { tax eq "Y" ? 'CHECKED' : '' %>> Tax Exempt<% @exempt_groups ? ' (all taxes)' : '' %> % } % if ( $curuser->access_right('Edit customer tax exemptions') ) { % foreach my $exempt_group ( @exempt_groups ) { % my $cust_main_exemption = $cust_main->tax_exemption($exempt_group); % #escape $exempt_group for NAME etc. % my $checked = ($cust_main_exemption || $cgi->param("tax_$exempt_group"));    onChange="tax_changed(this)"> Tax Exempt (<% $exempt_group %> taxes) - Exemption number exempt_number : '' ) |h %>" <% $checked ? '' : 'DISABLED' %>> % } % } % ### % # postal invoices % ### % unless ( $conf->exists('emailinvoiceonly') ) { > <% mt('Postal mail invoices') |h %> % } % ### % # email invoices % ### invoice_noemail eq 'Y' ) ? '' : 'CHECKED' %>> <% mt('Email invoices') |h %> % unless ( $conf->exists('cust-email-high-visibility')) { <% $conf->exists('cust_main-require_invoicing_list_email', $agentnum) ? $r : '' %>Email address(es) message_noemail eq 'Y' ) ? 'CHECKED' : '' %>> <% emt('Do not send notices') %> % } % ### % # prorate_day % ### % if ( $conf->exists('cust_main-select-prorate_day') ) { <% mt('Prorate day (1-28)') |h %> % } else { % } % ### % # billday % ### <% mt('Charge card/e-check on this day of the month') |h %> % sub billday_options { % my $curr_value = shift; % my $ret = ''; % for my $billday ( 1 .. 28 ) { % my $sel = ''; % $sel = "SELECTED='SELECTED'" if $curr_value == $billday; % $ret .= ""; % } % $ret; % } % ### % # invoice_terms % ### <% mt('Invoice terms') |h %> <& /elements/select-terms.html, 'curr_value' => $cust_main->invoice_terms, 'agentnum' => $cust_main->agentnum, &> % ### % # credit_limit % ### <% mt('Credit limit') |h %> credit_limit) ? '' : ' DISABLED' %> > % my $default_credit_limit = $conf->config('default_credit_limit'); credit_limit) ? '' : ' CHECKED'%> > <% $default_credit_limit ? "Default ($money_char". sprintf("%.2f", $default_credit_limit). ")" : mt('Unlimited') |h %> % ### % # CDR flags / options % ### % if ( $conf->exists('voip-cust_cdr_spools') ) { spool_cdr eq "Y" ? 'CHECKED' : '' %>> <% mt('Spool CDRs') |h %> % } else { % } % if ( $conf->exists('voip-cust_cdr_squelch') ) { squelch_cdr eq "Y" ? 'CHECKED' : '' %>> <% mt($conf->exists('voip-cdr_email') ? 'Omit CDRs from printed invoices' : 'Omit CDRs from invoices') |h %> % } else { % } % if ( $conf->exists('voip-cust_email_csv_cdr') ) { email_csv_cdr eq "Y" ? 'CHECKED' : '' %>> <% mt('Attach CDRs as CSV to emailed invoices') |h %> % } else { % } % if ( $conf->exists('voip-cust_accountcode_cdr') ) { accountcode_cdr eq "Y" ? 'CHECKED' : '' %> > <% mt('Breakdown CDRs by accountcode') |h %> % } else { % } % if ( $show_term || $cust_main->cdr_termination_percentage ) { <% mt('CDR termination settlement') |h %> % % } else { % } % ### % # Invoicing currency % ### %my @currencies = $conf->config('currencies'); %if ( scalar(@currencies) ) { % unshift @currencies, ''; #default % my %currency_labels = map { $_ => "$_: ". code2currency($_) } @currencies; % $currency_labels{''} = % 'Default: '. code2currency( $conf->config('currency') || 'USD' ); <& /elements/tr-select.html, 'label' => emt('Invoicing currency'), 'field' => 'currency', 'options' => \@currencies, 'labels' => \%currency_labels, 'curr_value' => $cust_main->currency, &> % } % ### % # Invoicing locale % ### %my @available_locales = $conf->config('available-locales'); %if ( scalar(@available_locales) ) { % push @available_locales, '' % unless $cust_main->locale && $conf->exists('cust_main-require_locale'); % my %locale_labels = map { % my %ll; % my %info = FS::Locales->locale_info($_); % $ll{$_} = $info{name} . " (" . $info{country} . ")"; % %ll; % } FS::Locales->locales; % % my $label = ( $conf->exists('cust_main-require_locale') ? $r : '' ). % emt('Invoicing locale'); <& /elements/tr-select.html, 'label' => $label, 'field' => 'locale', 'options' => \@available_locales, 'labels' => \%locale_labels, 'curr_value' => $cust_main->locale, &> % }
<% mt('Payment information') |h %> <& cust_payby.html, 'cust_main'=>$cust_main, &> <%init> my( $cust_main, %options ) = @_; my @invoicing_list = @{ $options{'invoicing_list'} }; my $payinfo = $options{'payinfo'}; my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $money_char = $conf->config('money_char') || '$'; my $show_term = ''; if ( $cust_main->custnum ) { #false laziness w/view/cust_main/billing.html my $term_sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_pkg LEFT JOIN part_pkg USING ( pkgpart ) WHERE custnum = ? AND plan = 'cdr_termination' LIMIT 1"; my $term_sth = dbh->prepare($term_sql) or die dbh->errstr; $term_sth->execute($cust_main->custnum) or die $term_sth->errstr; $show_term = $term_sth->fetchrow_arrayref->[0]; } my $agentnum = $cust_main->agentnum if $cust_main->custnum;