<% include("/elements/header.html", $title, menubar(@menubar)) %> Click on a configuration value to change it.

% unless ( $page_agent ) { % % if ( $cgi->param('showagent') ) { % $cgi->param('showagent', 0); ( hide agent overrides ) % $cgi->param('showagent', 1); % } else { % $cgi->param('showagent', 1); ( show agent overrides ) % $cgi->param('showagent', 0); % } % % } % if ( @locales ) { ( % if ( $locale ) { % $cgi->delete('locale'); global settings | % } invoice language options:
<& /elements/select.html, 'field' => 'locale', 'options' => [ '', grep { $_ ne 'en_US'} @locales ], 'labels' => { map { my %info = FS::Locales->locale_info($_); $_ => "$info{name} ($info{country})" } grep { $_ ne 'en_US' } @locales }, 'curr_value' => $locale, 'id' => 'select-locale', 'onchange' => 'changeLocale' &> ) % $cgi->param('locale', $locale); % }

<% include('/elements/init_overlib.html') %> % if ($FS::UID::use_confcompat) { CONFIGURATION NOT STORED IN DATABASE -- USING COMPATIBILITY MODE

%} % foreach my $section (@sections) { % foreach my $nav_section (@sections) { % % if ( $section eq $nav_section ) { [<% ucfirst($nav_section || 'unclassified') %>] % } else { [<% ucfirst($nav_section || 'unclassified') %>] % } % % }
% foreach my $i (@{ $section_items{$section} }) { % my @types = ref($i->type) ? @{$i->type} : ($i->type); %# my( $width, $height ) = ( 522, 336 ); % my( $width, $height ) = ( 600, 336 ); % if ( grep $_ eq 'textarea', @types ) { % #800x600 % $width = 763; % $height = 408; % #1024x768 % #$width = % #$height = % } % % my @agents = (); % my @add_agents = (); % if ( $page_agent ) { % @agents = ( $page_agent ); % } else { % @agents = ( '' ); % if ( $i->per_agent ) { % foreach my $agent (@all_agents) { % if ( defined($conf->conf( $i->key, $agent->agentnum, 1 ) ) ) { % push @agents, $agent; % } else { % push @add_agents, $agent; % } % } % } % } % % foreach my $agent ( @agents ) { % my $agentnum = $agent ? $agent->agentnum : ''; % % next if $section eq 'deprecated' && ! $conf->exists($i->key, $agentnum); % % my $label = $i->key; % $label = '['. $agent->agent. "] $label" % if $agent && $cgi->param('showagent'); % % #indentation :/ % my $action = 'config.cgi?key=' . $i->key . % ";agentnum=$agentnum" . ($locale ? ";locale=$locale" : ''); % } # foreach my $agentnum % if ( @add_agents ) { % } #if @add_agents % } # foreach my $i
<% ucfirst($section || 'unclassified') %> % if ( $curuser->option('show_confitem_counts') ) { (<% scalar( @{ $section_items{$section} } ) %> items) % }
<% include('/elements/popup_link.html', 'action' => $action, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height, 'actionlabel' => 'Enter configuration value', 'label' => "$label", 'aname' => $i->key, #agentnum # if $cgi->param('showagent')? ) %>: <% $i->description %> % if ( $agent && $cgi->param('showagent') ) { % my $confnum = $conf->conf( $i->key, $agent->agentnum, 1 )->confnum; (delete agent override) % } elsif ( $i->base_key % || ( $deleteable{$i->key} && $conf->exists($i->key) ) ) { % my $confnum = % $agent % ? $conf->conf( $i->key, $agent->agentnum, 1 )->confnum % : $conf->conf( $i->key )->confnum; % my $showagent = $cgi->param('showagent') ? '_showagent' : ''; (delete configuration item) % } % my $n = 0; % foreach my $type (@types) { % if ( $type eq '' ) { % } elsif ( $type eq 'image' ) { % my $args = 'key=' . $i->key . ";agentnum=$agentnum;locale=$locale"; % } elsif ( $type eq 'binary' ) { % my $args = 'key=' . $i->key . ";agentnum=$agentnum;locale=$locale"; % } elsif ( $type eq 'textarea' % || $type eq 'editlist' % || $type eq 'selectmultiple' % ) % { % } elsif ( $type eq 'checkbox' ) { % } elsif ( $type eq 'select' && $i->select_hash ) { % % my %hash; % if ( ref($i->select_hash) eq 'ARRAY' ) { % tie %hash, 'Tie::IxHash', '' => '', @{ $i->select_hash }; % } else { % tie %hash, 'Tie::IxHash', '' => '', %{ $i->select_hash }; % } % } elsif ( $type eq 'text' || $type eq 'select' ) { % } elsif ( $type eq 'select-sub' ) { % } elsif ( $type =~ /^select-(part_svc|part_pkg|pkg_class|agent)$/ ) { % % my $table = $1; % my $namecol = $namecol{$table}; % my $pkey = dbdef->table($table)->primary_key; % % my @keys = $conf->config($i->key, $agentnum); % } else { % } % $n++; % }
no type
<% $conf->exists($i->key, $agentnum) ? '' : 'empty' %>
<% $conf->exists($i->key, $agentnum) ? 'download' : '' %>
<% $conf->exists($i->key, $agentnum) ? 'download' : 'empty' %>
<% encode_entities(join("\n",
     map { length($_) > 88 ? substr($_,0,88).'...' : $_ }
         $conf->config($i->key, $agentnum)
   ) )
YES' : 'ff0000">NO' %>
<% $conf->exists($i->key, $agentnum) ? $hash{ $conf->config($i->key, $agentnum) } : '' %>
<% $conf->exists($i->key, $agentnum) ? $conf->config($i->key, $agentnum) : '' %>
% if ( $i->multiple ) { <% join('
', map { $_ . ": " . &{ $i->option_sub }($_) } $conf->config($i->key,$agentnum) ) %> % } else { <% $conf->config($i->key, $agentnum) %>: <% &{ $i->option_sub }( $conf->config($i->key, $agentnum) ) %> % }
<% join( '
', map { my $key = $_; my $record = qsearchs($table, { $pkey => $key }); $record ? "$key: ".$record->$namecol() : $key; } @keys ) %>
unknown type <% $type %>
Add <% $i->key %> override for <% include('/elements/select-agent.html', 'agents' => \@add_agents, 'empty_label' => 'Select agent', 'onchange' => "agent_changed", 'id' => 'agent_'. $i->key, ) %> agent % my $agent_el = "document.getElementById('agent_". $i->key. "')"; $width, 'height' => $height, 'actionlabel' => 'Enter configuration value', ) %>" >

% } # foreach my $nav_section <%once> #false laziness w/config-process.cgi my %namecol = ( 'part_svc' => 'svc', 'part_pkg' => 'pkg', 'pkg_class' => 'classname', 'agent' => 'agent', ); <%init> my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser; die "access denied" unless $curuser->access_right('Configuration'); my $page_agent = ''; my $title; my @menubar = (); if ($cgi->param('agentnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/) { my $page_agentnum = $1; $page_agent = qsearchs('agent', { 'agentnum' => $page_agentnum } ); die "Agent $page_agentnum not found!" unless $page_agent; push @menubar, 'View all agents' => $p.'browse/agent.cgi'; } my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $conf_global = $conf; my @locales = $conf_global->config('available-locales'); # if this is set, we are in locale mode, so limit the displayed items # to those with per_locale. my $locale; my $locale_desc; if ( $cgi->param('locale') =~ /^\w+_\w+$/ ) { $locale = $cgi->param('locale'); # and set the context on $conf $conf = new FS::Conf { 'locale' => $locale, 'localeonly' => 1 }; my %locale_info = FS::Locales->locale_info($locale); $locale_desc = "$locale_info{name} ($locale_info{country})"; $title = 'Invoice Configuration'; #for now it is only invoicing $title .= ' for '.$page_agent->agent if $page_agent; $title .= ', '.$locale_desc; } elsif ($page_agent) { $title = 'Agent Configuration for '. $page_agent->agent; $title .= ", $locale_desc" if $locale; } else { $title = 'Global Configuration'; } my @config_items = grep { !defined($locale) or $_->per_locale } grep { $page_agent ? $_->per_agent : 1 } grep { $page_agent ? 1 : !$_->agentonly } $conf->config_items; my @deleteable = qw( invoice_latexreturnaddress invoice_htmlreturnaddress ); my %deleteable = map { $_ => 1 } @deleteable; my @sections = (qw( required billing taxation invoicing notification UI API self-service ticketing network_monitoring username password session shell BIND telephony ), '', 'deprecated' ); my %section_items = (); foreach my $section (@sections) { $section_items{$section} = [ grep $_->section eq $section, @config_items ]; } @sections = grep scalar( @{ $section_items{$_} } ), @sections; my @all_agents = (); if ( $cgi->param('showagent') ) { @all_agents = qsearch('agent', { 'disabled' => '' } ); }