<& elements/browse.html, 'title' => 'Package Definitions - FCC Options', 'menubar' => \@menubar, 'html_init' => $html_init, 'html_form' => $html_form, 'name' => 'package definitions', 'disableable' => 1, 'disabled_statuspos' => 4, 'agent_virt' => 1, 'agent_null_right' => $edit_global, 'agent_pos' => 3, 'query' => { 'select' => $select, 'table' => 'part_pkg', 'addl_from' => $addl_from, 'hashref' => \%hash, 'extra_sql' => $extra_sql, 'order_by' => "ORDER BY $orderby" }, 'count_query' => $count_query, 'header' => \@header, 'fields' => \@fields, 'links' => \@links, 'align' => $align, 'link_field' => 'pkgpart', 'html_foot' => $html_foot, &> <%init> my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser; my $edit = 'Edit FCC report configuration'; my $edit_global = 'Edit FCC report configuration for all agents'; my $acl_edit = $curuser->access_right($edit); my $acl_edit_global = $curuser->access_right($edit_global); die "access denied" unless $acl_edit || $acl_edit_global; if ( $cgi->param('redirect') ) { my $session = $cgi->param('redirect'); my $pref = $curuser->option("redirect$session"); die "unknown redirect session $session\n" unless length($pref); $cgi = new CGI($pref); $cgi->param('redirect', $session); } my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $orderby = 'pkgpart'; my %hash = (); my $extra_count = ''; my @where = (); # only ever show recurring packages here $hash{'freq'} = { op=>'!=', value=>'0' }; $extra_count = " freq != '0' "; # filter by classnum my $classnum = ''; if ( $cgi->param('classnum') =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) { $classnum = $1; push @where, $classnum ? "classnum = $classnum" : "classnum IS NULL"; } $cgi->delete('classnum'); # filter by agent permissions push @where, FS::part_pkg->curuser_pkgs_sql unless $acl_edit_global; my $extra_sql = scalar(@where) ? ( scalar(keys %hash) ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ' ). join( 'AND ', @where) : ''; # pull option values into the select my @optionnames = ( qw( media is_consumer is_broadband technology broadband_upstream broadband_downstream is_phone phone_wholesale phone_vges phone_circuits phone_lines phone_longdistance phone_localloop is_voip voip_lastmile voip_sessions ) ); my $select = join(',', 'part_pkg.*', '(SELECT classname FROM pkg_class WHERE pkg_class.classnum = part_pkg.classnum) AS classname', # grr, disableable... @optionnames ); my $addl_from = FS::Report::FCC_477::join_optionnames(@optionnames); my $link = [ $p.'edit/part_pkg.cgi?', 'pkgpart' ]; my @header = ( '#', 'Package', 'Comment' ); my @fields = ( 'pkgpart', 'pkg', 'comment' ,); my $align = 'rll'; my @links = ( $link, $link, '', ); unless ( length($classnum) ) { push @header, 'Class'; push @fields, 'classname'; $align .= 'l'; } # still include the report_option classes, to help with migration # but not other plan options my %report_optionname_name = map { 'report_option_'.$_->num, $_->name } qsearch('part_pkg_report_option', { disabled => '' }); push @header, 'Report classes'; push @fields, sub { my $part_pkg = shift; my %options = $part_pkg->options; # gather any options that are really report options, # convert them to their user-friendly names, # and sort them (I think?) my @report_options = sort { $a cmp $b } map { $report_optionname_name{$_} } grep { $options{$_} and exists($report_optionname_name{$_}) } keys %options; my @rows; foreach (@report_options) { push @rows, [ { 'data' => $_, 'align' => 'center', 'colspan' => 2 } ]; } # foreach @report_options \@rows; }; $align .= 'cr'; # -------- # now the FCC option part # -------- my @pkgparts; push @header, 'FCC report parameters'; push @fields, sub { my $part_pkg = shift; my %hash = $part_pkg->fcc_options; include('/elements/input-fcc_options.html', id => 'pkgpart'.$part_pkg->pkgpart, curr_value => encode_json(\%hash), html_only => 1 ); }; $align .= 'l'; my $count_extra_sql = $extra_sql; $count_extra_sql =~ s/^\s*AND /WHERE /i; $extra_count = ( $count_extra_sql ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ' ). $extra_count if $extra_count; my $count_query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM part_pkg $count_extra_sql $extra_count"; # in case of error redirect if ( $cgi->param('redirect') ) { push @header, ''; push @fields, sub { my $part_pkg = shift; my $pkgpart = $part_pkg->pkgpart; '' . $cgi->param("error$pkgpart") || '' . '' }; $align .= 'l'; } my $html_init = include('/elements/init_overlib.html') . include('/elements/input-fcc_options.html', js_only => 1) . include('.style'); my $html_form = qq!
( show class: !. include('/elements/select-pkg_class.html', #'curr_value' => $classnum, 'value' => $classnum, #insist on 0 :/ 'onchange' => 'filter_change()', 'pre_options' => [ '-1' => 'all', '0' => '(none)', ], 'disable_empty' => 1, ). ' )

' . qq!!; # restore this only after creating $html_form $cgi->param('classnum', $classnum) if length($classnum); my $html_foot = qq!
!; my @menubar = ( 'Package definitions' => $p.'browse/part_pkg.cgi' ); <%def .style>