<% include( 'elements/browse.html', 'title' => 'Attachments', 'menubar' => '', 'name' => ($disabled ? 'deleted' : '') .' attachments', 'html_init' => include('/elements/init_overlib.html') . ($curuser->access_right('View deleted attachments') ? ( selflink('Show '.($disabled ? 'active' : 'deleted'), show_deleted => (1-$disabled))) : ''), 'html_form' => qq!
! , 'query' => $query, 'count_query' => $count_query, 'header' => [ selflink('#',orderby => 'attachnum'), selflink('Customer',orderby => 'custnum'), selflink('Date',orderby => '_date'), selflink('Filename',orderby => 'filename'), selflink('Size',orderby => 'length(body)'), selflink('Uploaded by',orderby => 'otaker'), selflink('Description',orderby => 'title'), '', # checkbox column ], 'fields' => [ 'attachnum', $sub_cust, $sub_date, 'filename', $sub_size, 'otaker', 'title', $sub_checkbox, ], 'links' => [ '', [ $p.'view/cust_main.cgi?', 'custnum' ], ], 'link_onclicks' => [ '', '', '', $sub_edit_link, ], #'links' => [ # '', # '', # '', # '', # '', # '', #$acct_link, # '', 'html_foot' => $sub_foot, ) %> <%init> my $curuser = $FS::CurrentUser::CurrentUser; die "access denied" if !$curuser->access_right('View attachments') or !$curuser->access_right('Browse attachments'); my $conf = new FS::Conf; my $noactions = 1; my $areboxes = 0; my $disabled = 0; if($cgi->param('show_deleted')) { if ($curuser->access_right('View deleted attachments')) { $disabled = 1; if ($curuser->access_right('Purge attachment') or $curuser->access_right('Undelete attachment')) { $noactions = 0; } } else { die "access denied"; } } else { if ($curuser->access_right('Delete attachment')) { $noactions = 0; } } my $orderby = $cgi->param('orderby') || 'custnum'; my $query = { table => 'cust_attachment', hashref => { disabled => $disabled ? { op => '>', value => 0 } : undef, }, order_by => "ORDER BY $orderby", addl_from => 'JOIN cust_main USING (custnum)', extra_sql => ' AND ' . $curuser->agentnums_sql, }; my $count_query = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cust_attachment' . ' JOIN cust_main USING (custnum)' . ' WHERE ' . $curuser->agentnums_sql . ' AND disabled ' . ( $disabled ? '> 0' : 'IS NULL' ); my $sub_cust = sub { my $c = qsearchs('cust_main', { custnum => shift->custnum } ); return $c ? encode_entities($c->name) : '(not found)'; }; my $sub_date = sub { time2str("%b %o, %Y", shift->_date); }; my $sub_size = sub { my $size = shift->size; return $size if $size < 1024; return int($size/1024).'K' if $size < 1048576; return int($size/1048576).'M'; }; my $sub_checkbox = sub { return '' if $noactions; my $attach = shift; my $attachnum = $attach->attachnum; $areboxes = 1; return qq!!; }; my $sub_edit_link = sub { my $attach = shift; my $attachnum = $attach->attachnum; my $custnum = $attach->custnum; return include('/elements/popup_link_onclick.html', action => popurl(2).'edit/cust_main_attach.cgi?'. "custnum=$custnum;attachnum=$attachnum", actionlabel => 'Edit attachment properties', width => 510, height => 315, frame => 'top', ); }; sub selflink { my $label = shift; my %new_param = @_; my $param = $cgi->Vars; my %old_param = %$param; @{$param}{keys(%new_param)} = values(%new_param); my $link = ''.$label.''; %$param = %old_param; return $link; } sub confirm { my $action = shift; my $onclick = "return(confirm('$action all selected files?'))"; return qq!onclick="$onclick"!; } my $sub_foot = sub { return '' if ($noactions or !$areboxes); my $foot = '
'; if ($disabled) { if ($curuser->access_right('Undelete attachment')) { $foot .= '
'; } if ($curuser->access_right('Purge attachment')) { $foot .= '
'; } } else { $foot .= '
'; } $foot .= ''; return $foot; };