<% # use strict; use vars qw( $cgi $p $agent_type ); use CGI; use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser); use FS::UID qw(cgisuidsetup); use FS::Record qw(qsearch qsearchs); use FS::CGI qw(header menubar popurl table); use FS::agent_type; use FS::type_pkgs; use FS::part_pkg; $cgi = new CGI; &cgisuidsetup($cgi); $p = popurl(2); print $cgi->header( @FS::CGI::header ), header("Agent Type Listing", menubar( 'Main Menu' => $p, )), "Agent types define groups of packages that you can then assign to". " particular agents.

", &table(), < Agent Type Packages END foreach $agent_type ( sort { $a->getfield('typenum') <=> $b->getfield('typenum') } qsearch('agent_type',{}) ) { my($hashref)=$agent_type->hashref; my(@type_pkgs)=qsearch('type_pkgs',{'typenum'=> $hashref->{typenum} }); my($rowspan)=scalar(@type_pkgs); $rowspan = int($rowspan/2+0.5) ; print < $hashref->{typenum} $hashref->{atype} END my($type_pkgs); my($tdcount) = -1 ; foreach $type_pkgs ( @type_pkgs ) { my($pkgpart)=$type_pkgs->getfield('pkgpart'); my($part_pkg) = qsearchs('part_pkg',{'pkgpart'=> $pkgpart }); print qq!! if ($tdcount == 0) ; $tdcount = 0 if ($tdcount == -1) ; print qq!!, $part_pkg->getfield('pkg'),""; $tdcount ++ ; if ($tdcount == 2) { print qq!\n! ; $tdcount = 0 ; } } print ""; } print <Add a new agent type END %>